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Sympathy and Empathy.
The way an orchestra plays its symphonies

They harmonize with each other
With words woven and sewn together
A place where books are their safe haven

Condensed in pages are feelings that are tirelessly sought
A fellow writer would've captured the thought
Laura Macfarlane Feb 2014
It almost offends me
when people say
that they're able to release
their innermost thoughts
whenever they write a poem song.

Can we honestly delve
into the depths of our hearts
with a bit of ink
or typed-up words?

Do our thoughts sound the same
when they've been released
from their cave,
their home?

Can we really portray
how we're feeling inside
just by releasing contorted words
or a twisted phrase?

Our thoughts will always remain enigmatic
because maybe they're not meant to be heard
by people who can't express
how they're truly feeling inside.
Fazurah Jul 2014
I'm sorry that I do not believe enough to say i love you.

2. I'm sorry I lied when I said I love you. I never wanted to love you the way you love me.

3. You asked me about my poems and drabbles and who they were about. I'm sorry that my sappy love poems weren't about you. They never were.

4. I'm sorry I never told anyone about us. I knew how much that mattered to you but I  didn't like the attention.

5. I'm sorry for all this while that you're stuck with me. I was your source of happiness and yet I drained all ounces of happiness from you.

I'm sorry that I didn't believe in love and all I did was string you along. Maybe things would've been better. Maybe I can't love you because I don't know how to love myself.

But maybe I was wrong and I did love you
Molly Pendleton Oct 2012
I need to write something
No, no you don’t understand

I need to write
I need to prove something

(Though I do not know what it is)

That I’m talented?
That I’m alive?

That despite weeks and weeks
And months and months

Of retreating into the darkest corners of my mind
Giving you only dark, depressing drabbles

If anything
To go by

So despite being well aware
That this piece is going to be

Complete and utter ****
**** that’s hot and moist

Plugged with pine straw and grass

Beneath the glorious writers
Of HP’s feet

I need to make that sacrifice

I am here
I am *alive
Nae Aug 2020
We all have skeletons in our closets,
Spooky ghouls with hollowed out eyes and slacked jaws,
Ready to spill our secrets like ants to a picnic.

My skeleton is different,
He talks to me at night,
In the dark when I'm scared of what others would say,
He's there to comfort me, with spooky whispers of jokes,
Back chat with the monster under my bed,
Always making me laugh.
But he does all this from the closet, I'm not ready to let him out yet.

When I get home from school, I can't ignore him.
I hope nobody finds out,
But it's getting easier to speak to him now.
His hollow eyes aren't so bad, and he's beginning to look very familiar.

When the sandman arrives, he's not very pleased,
To see me still awake, talking to my skeleton, no dreams in sight.

He tells me funny stories of his times with Medusa,
Drabbles about Mary, how he talked to her through a mirror,
Before he got taken here.

He always gets quiet when he talks about here,
As he slowly slides the door of the closet closed,
Mumbling an excuse of time and school the next morning.

I concentrate less in my classes lately,
I feel bad for the skeleton in my closet.
He used to talk fondly of his time with the mummies, how he was fond of vampires and laughed with werewolves.
Now he walks slowly, quietly, sad.
He misses them, I can tell, but I just can't let him go.

What will everyone say when they find out?
His wrists look thinned, his jaw seems tighter.
He looks oh so familiar, why can't I place him?

My mum says she's worried,
that I'm eating less, looking pale.
I pay no attention, I just go to my room.
My skeleton is waiting for me.
Always waiting.

I don't really go outside much now, just stay between my sheets,
Imagining it's my coffin, my door the the world the skeleton described,
Where everyone was who they were meant to be,
Nobody cared.
I wish nobody cared here.

I try to ignore my skeleton, but it's impossible.
I can hear his bones rattling as I lay awake at night,
Imaging what it would be like in the underworld,
If I would be a ghost, a demon maybe.
I wonder if demons are as kind as my skeleton.
I hope so.

My skeleton makes me feel safe,
Feel myself.
I wish I could have my skeleton with me at school.
To make me laugh, give me confidence.
But I can't let him out.
He's my biggest secret.

My dad would say "we need to talk" and I'd panic.
What if he found my skeleton? How would he know?
Nobody was supposed to know.
He tells me I need at stop,
Start going out,
Stop skipping meals.
He says I look too thin.
He says he can see my bones.
If only he knew what he'd really see if my skin was so transparent.
He said I look like a skeleton.
And deep down I know he's right.

We all have skeletons in our closets.
Gentle creatures with sharp teeth,
Who could ruin us at any moment.
But my skeleton is different.
My skeleton is me.
And it's time I set him free.
Alistair Jul 2017
they never talk about the trees
with history so shaped by poetry,
tales of the aesthetic and also
the way in which the light bands
across the delicacy of skin along her neck,

how could they neglect the trees?
the source of which material you deface
litter with your soliloquies and your...
your scrappings of failed attempts to...
how could you not devour them?
with all your grand metaphors and
your passing, blindly romantic drabbles

the pen is mightier than the sword
so turn your weapon towards
your blank canvas battlefield
and write of the trees
revel in the symphony
note the calibre
of such leaves as they thrive
and not just fly but soar
oh, and recall the aching;
the bark can only withstand the wind
for so very long

before the unstoppable force
renders the immovable object

a hopeless nothing on the forest floor

tell me,
if you fell so completely
with not a soul around to witness you
did you ever really fall at all?

— The End —