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dMELd Oct 2013
I didn't mind stepping on
Grass, dirt, differences,
And broken promises
the whole night
If it meant I could see the faces
That have become all too unfamiliar.

It was like looking at the night sky
For the billionth time
Except the stars that you knew had their places,
No longer did.
But the sky was still beautiful

Your voice
Pierced through me the way it always has
But with words that no longer made sense,
Words that forced it's way
Through a crowd of people you called

There was no problem with that, I tell you
My heart sank to the soles of my feet
In uncertainty
You never liked that word,
You once told me that we were better off

I grasped your hand for the first time
Since the last awkward silence,
And shook it.
Except you returned it with a grip
That felt like it belonged to someone else.
You smiled a smile that wasn't yours
Your teeth shone a light more strobe than candle

You told stories of laughter
But they were no longer about our adventures of fighting dragons and saving the helpless.
They were about jumping into the lakes
Not to enjoy the water
But to show off that new tan and flaunt that new body

And I could have sworn
Amidst the chaos you presence caused
And the enthusiasm of your story telling,
I heard you introduce yourself to me again.
But it sounded like you were saying:
"this my name but this is no longer my personality"

As my heart sank, my hopes followed
Because I was certainly standing before
A person with a piercing personality
A person with the same hands and the same feet
A person who lit up the whole room
A person who was, undoubtedly, beautiful

But that person was no longer
Diab did Nov 2013
I MiSs YouR HeLl

BeFoRe YouR HeAVeN

SHouLD we MeeT At SheLL ?

NexT by bOMp sEVENn!!!
Diab did Oct 2013
I woUld LoVe to sEe
hEr, aND toGETHERr sINg
" sTANd bY mE"
  By BeN E. kINg.
Diab did Oct 2013
I am A NeeDy person,
I jUst nEeD YoU,
MAKes ME toO.

So I DecIded to wAiT.
Diab did Oct 2013
EvEr NoT KiD me
YouR "I'M FiNe" WaSnT OkAy
I CoulD EaSiLy See
ThE "I'M FiNE" TuRnInG tO EsSaY.
Diab did Oct 2013
Just a quick expressing
She was my angel and still
If i show how much her am missing
Will that missing get **** ?

— The End —