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There cute as a flute, Life by the day or rewinding the cassette tape.
Tha **** is an iphone?. I just wanna be home...
on the first page of the story,
stuck at an old age no more glory.
I have learned and I have yearned .
All thats left to see is what it's gonna be                         when I'm not around...
I miss that o'l playground
not much more to see no one knew to be , all my friends are dead well oh gee.
Life lined up is a mistery Live do die
....I'm just ancient history...
every thing is so new  i don't have a clue..
But I am not dumb because I'm not young !
feal up to cry but you can't lie.
this is reality and it's coming your'e way,
....with no say,
your'e last day"
so don't dispize me, or critisize me,
with my old heart I'm holding on tuff
with my last puff
I'm gone had enough.

Jeremy Lowry Aug 2019
why is there so many faces of hate, so many reasons not too but follow the ones who taught you, to, hate. we are not born this way, to live a life filled with angering decay>our first breath was made for love crying for what , so many peopl run from. yet our human path was set, we  the life as good as death. fake plastic people revolveing door in the labor and delivry room , revolving door at the cementary and morgue. We lived this life striving for what?. to be cast down and judged. I fought my whole angasnt your hate and racism. I wonder would it been like if i wasnt hated for the color of my skin. i wonder what it wuold be like if i wasnt hated for the clothes i wear, or the tattoos that tell a story. I wonder what if would be like aif iwasnt hated for being alive.Never will the wounds of your hate and the words you say, beable to removed the scarsof your way. i m fovever changed , marked tattooed internally, emtional brutality , The worl have somany people on it most have different faces, rarely do we see these their faces of love. i wonder what it would be like if i wasnt hated , but loved. A true love like from above yet able to touch . I know i thought i experiecned humans abiblty to love, but it was a dream , a lie i chose to belive . This human race with forever hurt eachother rather then love. Its sounds crazy, that  our humanity uses fear to gain wealth and popularity. for selfish end , the common man , turn thier back and say  **** a friend. what is your price i ask you to think , is your comfortable Hate really what you wan to believe .Take off your mask , unviel your face, take a good look at love in all the human race, for how stupid can you be, to hate a whole race of people, because of a lie you choseing to believe. I wonder what it would be like to live this life not being hated for the color of my skin, i have experienced thier hate, and racist ways. yet i still stand , i still fight.... i will not laydownand walk in the masses of lies,, even though my skin is white. A white man?over privledge, white boy, always has an easy life?Now thats a lie i ask you all to dispize. it would be wise for us rto open our eyes, see the lives, like mine
Kamron Sep 2018
I am the doctor of death
I am the sister of crime
I am the wind in the willows
Tis I the butcher of swine
For those for dispize me I am discreteful and for those do surprise me I am deceitful and for those who do not listen in my hands their skulls will glisten for deaths fury does not compare to mine. It creeps and chokes like a whispering vine slowly taking over till the end of time.

— The End —