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Daydreaming Josi Mar 2012
I was born set apart, I was made to stand out.
I will never fit in, I have no doubt.

I am a warrior who has found her war,
I fight for my generation, forever more.

I refuse to fit into the world's mold.
I will stand strong, tall, faithful and bold.

I'm not alone in this battle, I know I will win,
for His mercies are new each day that begins.

I fight for my generation, the identity its lost.
For discovering destiny comes at no cost.

I will not worry, I will not fear.
For every prayer whispered reaches His ear.

I will not conform to this world! I am Josi! I am me!
In christ alone will I find my identity.

I am beautiful, I am strong,
I know for a fact now that I am not wrong.

I am a warrior, a princess, a bride to be!
In the groom Jesus Christ, lies my **destinty
I wrote this two summers ago, when I was really struggling with who I am in Christ. I've learned over the years that God often speaks to me when I write, so I started writing and this is what I got. This has been my anthem since.
Chains. Chains. Chains.
Pursuit of truth,
Labyrinth of fear.
The cautious man runs from his dreams.
He paints his face with black and white.
He sees no clouds and always has an umbrella.

The anarchist.
The preacher.
The student.
The teacher.

All together on a grassy field.
Where we fight for production of goods that no one can afford.
Where we dance like junkies in a trance.
All together yet so apart.
Burns and scars were their only friends.
We all borrow but no one lends.

Was I blind?
What do I see?
Fear, Death, Merchandising, Proclamation, Exploitation, Education, Deliberation, ***, Love, Hate, DRUGS, DRUGS, and more Drugs…..
   For the platform never moves and the train never arrives.
******* to live, born to die.

So we’re here.
All the work got us here.
All the bloodshed and loss to preserve something.
Something… and we are here.
Wars for the rich fought by the poor.
When they own the stores.
When they own schools.
When they own our churches.
When they own the lower class.

We accept this.
To operate and assume.
To work hard enough,
To be a silver spoon.
So sell out.
Give it up.
You don’t deserve it.
We ******* hate you.
You won’t ever fit in.

So become a suit.
Earn your money.
Buy a house.
Dance, the ******* dance.
It’s what we do and we are here.
jeffrey robin Jul 2010
how much ***** can a man see

and still call himself
a man?


"jesus can walk on water
but can he walk on oil?"

"probably, but would he want to?"



i've been on Holiday so long
it looks like Work to me now


i've been a ****-head so long
i'm feeling i must be a saint


and who-so-ever would strive
to fulfill his HUMAN DESTINTY

should probably know what that is

DC raw love Dec 2014
as we grow, is our destiny over
do we become relaxed in our ways
will our life now always be the same

is it you just don't want to look behind
or never look ahead

do you ever feel that you want to be different
to change your ways to something new

it could be an adveture
of something you never knew

destiny is not the past but the future
look at your life and play a new part

the part of a new life you want
of destinty thats in your heart

Filled with mystries of your thoughts

— The End —