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Denxai Mcmillon Aug 2015
I remember the jaw dropping moment of you walking into creative writing for the first time.

I remember passing notes daily

I remember the first time we went downtown with our drunkard friend.

I remember sitting in the cold in front of the pond and listening to you ramble.

I remember how happy I was.

I remember how hard I tried to impress you.

I remember it all like it was yesterday.

I remember you going missing from class.

I still remember the stomach churning worry that came with it.

I remember you coming back just to leave again

I remember the years we didn't talk. They were lonely.

I remember seeing you go the first time in forever.

I remember sitting in that swing and holding back tears as I confided in you about how sad I was.

I remember the absence of you again.

I remember sitting at the bus stop talking to you before I had to work.

I remember the night you had a small get together and invited me.

I remember how hard I smiled for the first time in years.

I remember coming over and spending the night with you.

I remember the ****** tension.

I remember laying in bed and inching closer.

I remember how cold your lips were when I kissed you for the first time.

I remember rolling around in bed naked and taking candid pictures of one another.

I remember being officially unofficial.

I remember walking to and fro my house to yours.

I remember you playing guitar.

I remember vaping until we were dizzy.

I remember you getting the text from your ex

I remember losing you to your ex

I remember the devastation.

I remember still seeing you daily.

I remember how awkward it was.

I remember you telling me you wanted to be with me.

I remember then running to meet you half way.

I remember hugging you as if to pull you into my body.

I remember him losing his spot by your side.

I remember fighting.

I remember hating it.

I remember still seeing you and talking things out.

I remember kissing late into the night.

God I remember so much.

I remember going downtown with Dessi.

I remember realizing how deeply I love you.

I remember the pain of missing a night by your side, it's like a bruise on the bottom of my foot.

I remember all the days I spent keeping you company  at work.

I remember getting pulled over with you in the car.

I remember the look of dread.

I remember with no regrets.

I remember your smell from 4500 miles away.

I will remember and cherish every second we spend at one another's side.

And with all these memories behind us in such short time

I know that when I turn my head back to watch my steps I'll see all we have to look foreword to.
Durow Nov 2018
can you see the noise
feel the landscape beneath you
smell the chlorine in the dissonance
taste the blood in the harmony
hear the silence

cool and dark
pink and gold and brown
fluid solids
nostalgia for the future

i bleed rhythm
i sweat melody
i spit form
i cry syllables
i ***** soul

i see the helix
feel the landscape pressing my temple
smell the swing in the waterfall
taste the salt of despair
hear the art under the dirt


but kicking

i'm trying to tell you that i don't just hear it
i am it

liv dessi liv
Denxai Mcmillon Aug 2015
So much has happened today.
My sleep deprivation is catching up
The weather was nice,
Work was short but felt like forever
I saw you
Learned more about your mom
I walked home
I rapped the whole way back
Dessi needed advice
I provided it
I ate
I caught up with all my anime
here I sit
Here I sit.
all the while knowing **** well
I consistently missed you.

— The End —