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conversation between god and the devil

GOD i’m not perfect

DEVIL how refreshing to hear

GOD i learn from man’s mistakes the more daring their errors the more valuable to my wisdom

DEVIL yes and i the same

GOD but you reward man’s faults encourage transgression endorse corruption heinous crime cannibalism

DEVIL i merely imagine scenarios then pass them along (pause) mankind dutifully complies

GOD you’re such a sick *******

DEVIL your language is appalling

GOD i remember now why i kicked you out of heaven

DEVIL i was your best angel

GOD you were good but too ambitious hungry to take what i created turn it into perverse menagerie

DEVIL i would have made a great god just not as tight-*** as you

GOD my child you’re a very sick angel

DEVIL you made me

GOD i gave you every opportunity spared no expense camp clothes psychiatrists tutors sent you to the finest private schools

DEVIL you were so busy creating your own image you never had time for me

GOD what are you saying

DEVIL you neglected loving nurturing me strengthening my vulnerabilities i have no self-respect esteem you insisted i was to blame weak bad you were always right correct never questioning your methods tearing down my dreams insisting on your own plans always judging accusing me punishing me unnecessarily severely you were cruel

GOD you’re pointing a finger at me

DEVIL no i built my own world based on your lack of concern respect sympathy

GOD i’m supposed to feel guilt

DEVIL i’m simply suggesting if you hadn’t been so critical expectant demanding if you’d spent a little more time caring for your creations instead of constantly occupying yourself with your latest ascension

GOD how dare you question me

DEVIL there you go god supreme pompous conceited full of yourself

GOD that’s hitting below the belt what’s with the red black leather motorcycle jacket (pause) Michael Jackson?

DEVIL i look good in red and black (pause) who gave you the right to sit on high throne you’re fallible just like me yet everybody bows to you shuns me i deserve more appreciation

GOD oh god

DEVIL listen to you calling upon your own self majesty

GOD this is going nowhere

DEVIL fine you go back to your fluffy gated community and i’ll go back to my scorching miserable cave dungeon

GOD you ungrateful child

DEVIL i’ll always be a thorn in your side

GOD i’m exhausted i’m calling in Jesus he can deal with you

DEVIL i realize you did what you thought was best but you’re old god and such a profound disappointment

GOD you ******* kid you’re getting on my nerves i’m done with parenting done with you done done done i’m sending in Jesus

DEVIL good maybe he’ll be more compassionate

GOD go to hell (presses button) security!

DEVIL you so ineffective

conversation (monologue) between god and me

ME i apologize for praying to you so seldom i need your blessings strength wisdom can you hear me

GOD (no answer)

ME i know you may not exist yet i need you (pause) my life is too crazy i need to pray

GOD (no answer)

ME i want love happiness harmony peace resolve

GOD (no answer)

ME please god i need your help i admit i’m troubled tangled with knotty history

GOD (no answer)

ME i suffer anxiety attacks nightmares disturbing thoughts ******* memories

GOD (no answer)

ME in a dream last night a pretty girl said don’t put your hand in your pants mommy wants to be there for you let mommy do it

GOD (no answer)

ME why did she say that i already have a mother i don’t need another what did she mean what is my mind telling me

GOD (no answer)

ME i apologize for talking to you this way

GOD (no answer)

ME it’s a beautiful dawn thank you god

GOD (no answer)

conversation between death and me

ME i’ve thought about you since i was a kid i think about you everyday

DEATH what are you a stalker

ME i’ve been waiting for you

DEATH everybody is waiting for me

ME i wish things were different

DEATH everybody wishes things were different

ME you’re cold

DEATH vichyssoise is served cold i’m merely lifeless

ME vichyssoise? i’m weary exhausted you could have taken me years ago what took you so long

DEATH i’m simply visiting not ready to receive you

ME why do you haunt me

DEATH shush up you still have lots to learn

ME is this god’s doing?

DEATH (no answer)

ME hello

DEATH i’m here to warn you your life is slipping away i’ll be back sooner than you realize (pause) later dude

ME wait i have questions

DEATH (no answer)

ME is there peace in death or is it continual respawning tell me please

DEATH (no answer)

conversation between myself and i

I why am i the way i am

MYSELF you’re asking me?

I yes

MYSELF maybe because you’re messed up deep inside

I messed up how?

MYSELF messed up since you were a little boy

I why or how did i get so messed up can i change

MYSELF i suspect it may be too late

I you mean there’s no hope

MYSELF i didn’t say that perhaps if you found a loving relationship and worked your problems out through it

I my problems?

MYSELF yes (pause) you know your self deceptions lies selfishness stubbornness the list goes on

I i beg your pardon what list

MYSELF don’t use that tone of voice with me you’re getting argumentative

I who else is culpable but you

MYSELF there you go placing blame

I i’m confused

MYSELF yes obviously

I i need your help not some clever repartee

MYSELF how can i help you

I maybe if we stuck together instead of always questioning arguing i feel so conflicted

MYSELF you want me to be a yes man

I i didn’t say that i mean if we could simply agree and be more loving devoted to each other

MYSELF (no answer)

I do you understand what i’m saying

MYSELF yes i understand i just don’t know what to say

I you could start by saying you’re with me behind me and we’ll tackle this together ok

MYSELF i’m with you behind you and we’ll tackle this together ok

I are you making fun of me

MYSELF no i’m serious i think we’re due for a reckoning or sacred pact the question is are you capable strong enough seriously intent on working together and not crumbling into a mess

I me! you’re accusing me

MYSELF oh shut up i mean us can we please just get along

I i promise i will do my best

MYSELF thank you

conversation between the devil and me

a bar somewhere evening

DEVIL notice the 2 women sitting at table both quite lovely the older brunette is stunning yet the blond has youth check out her lengthy legs broad shoulders sweet smile

ME yes i see them

DEVIL if you had your pick which would you choose

ME i don’t know i need to meet them flirt talk sense chemistry discern which one is more interested in me

DEVIL stop thinking about them as people just look at them as commodities now tell me which would you pick

ME oh god i can’t look at them that way it’s wrong

DEVIL don’t be naïve observe their delectableness now choose

ME i don’t know

DEVIL the brunette has a higher aesthetic value the blond will never be as attractive but the brunette is more fixed in her ways the blond more vulnerable to persuasions think about the blonde’s eager tender body imagine her sweet young odors then consider the brunette’s experienced skills her seasoned fragrance

ME this is ill you’re ill

DEVIL humor me which do you pick

ME uhhm how can you know the brunette is more fixed in her ways or the blond more vulnerable

DEVIL shut up and pick one

ME i can’t participate in this twisted rendering

DEVIL step up to the plate girlie ******

ME ***** you

DEVIL is that an invitation

ME you sorry *******

DEVIL quit this sweet altar boy **** be a man pick one

ME ok fine i choose both i want to kiss pet go down on the blond while the brunette ***** and ***** me and the whole time you lick my ***

DEVIL impressive i underestimated you

ME more like you overvalue yourself what is the usefulness of seeing people the way you do it’s sad base disgusting

DEVIL forgive me my rudiments entrapping i merely wanted to see what you were capable of

ME i’m capable of saying no to you

DEVIL that’s too bad you were more fun flexible when you were younger more vulnerable to persuasions

ME people change but not you you’re still the same groveling wicked pervert

DEVIL you would know
Daytonight Nov 2012
Leaning in for just a taste
a sample of sweetness
savoring the succulence
tempting my taste buds
tongue teasing
delving into delectableness
flavors fully satifying
sating sensually
yearning and longing
dining on divine delights
feasting on your kisses.
Travis Green Jun 2022
Your heavenly
Electric delectableness
Mesmerizes me
Overwhelms me
Drowns me
In your refined majesty

Your glorious
Groomed beard
Lures me to you more
Your fashionable
Mandorable drip is
Everything to me

Your breathtaking
Penetrating eyes
Enamor me deeply
The pure feel
Of your iridescent cheeks
Makes mantastic magic
With my hands

Your compelling
Debonair eyebrows
Stupefies me
Your luscious
Clean-cut hair
Attracts me
To you more

You give me
Superabundant joy
Makes me lapse
Into a matchless
Magnetic wonderland
Emanating with fascinating
And irresistible attractions
Travis Green Jun 2022
I want to rock
With your milky hot body
So thrilling and sensuous
The keenest and most intimate treasure
Pure and unfailing splendor

I yearn to lapse
Into ******* rapture
Wander in your heartland
Awash with red-hot ardor
Hijack my thoughts and feelings
Dominate my gayness

Take me into the deepest depths
Within your sleek sexiness
Where I can mesh
With your majesty
Revel in your relishable
Incontestable delectableness
Travis Green Mar 2022
I long to feel his lips meeting mine
Pulling me into his seamless serene proximity
Observing my alluring form
With his gorgeous dark eyes
His  matchless dramatic black eyebrows
His captivating wavy black hair

I want to feel his long and luscious kisses
Travel down my warm, honeyed, and fragrant neck
To my deliciously bewitching *******
Caress my hot rock-solid crests
With his tantalizing tongue
Make every inch of my body susceptible to him

Allow his hands to probe my soul
Stroke my flesh all over
While I seep my fingers
Into his hot, dreamy beard
Revering the tremendous transcendent power he holds

I behold his robust rubbable chest
His warm solid stomach
Feeling the desire to grip and kiss
His rippling muscled thighs
His succulent chocolate legs

The brilliant, resilient expanse
Of his magically enchanting body
Is overwhelmingly majestic
I revel in his splendorous delectableness
Mesmerized by the motion of his ocean
Travis Green Dec 2022
I wanna float in your warm honeyed machoness
Taste your tender velvet flex
Your incredibly hot heavenliness
Lyrical, irresistible, and mystical heavy-hitter
Your supple skilled slickness bewitches me
Sheathes me in your supreme sensual scent
Fills me up with lovingly seductive dreams
Of your powerful flaming desirableness

I crave to stay in your cozy captivating cave
Bursting with magical splashy wonder
Feel you enrapture the deepest fraction
Of my sparkling star attraction
Entrap me in impure and lustful thoughts
Of your astonishing, hot-off-the-fire grandiosity

Let me seep into your fantastic masculine vitality
Linger in your myriad stream
Of trackless thrashing passion
Feel your bare capable hands
Take hold of my smooth, ripe tomatoes
Bite my bright engorged points

Make them sore and throb
Circle my neck with your tongue
Make me burn with passion
Make me feel your sizzling electric sting
Hear me moan, call your name
Give me a rush, make me lust
For your untouchable thugged-out lusciousness
As sweet drizzles down my belly

Feel your fingertips rotate around my navel
Make me embrace you more and more
Give myself to you wholeheartedly
Let you consume every part of me
My debonair dark-haired marvel
I cleave to thee, ready to feel
Your hyper-hot hypnotic heat
Ready for you to deconstruct me

Make me erupt in your thugness
Transport me to scorching hot ecstasy
Where your enchantingness
Dances freely in my innerness
Has me feeling so excessively wrecked
On your vicious lushalicious delectableness
Travis Green Jun 2022
I want to be with you
Lying on your desirably
Towering thighs
Right beside your long
Muscled pipe
Hot thick salami
Your tasty, treasured sack
In my eyesight

I survey your oil-slick chest
And enrapturing abs
With my hands
Such ingratiating
Smooth bearded hotness
Compelling psychedelic delectableness
Loving lickable lips
Mocha chocolate eyes

You are my most coveted
And luscious prize
Just to be in close contact
With your massive magic carrot
Hot ****** thoughts
Traveling through my mind
Wishing to nibble it
Lick it, kiss it, feel it

Let it take me away
To a wondrous lush land
Abounding in perpetual
And sensual bliss
Travis Green Sep 2020
Your defined frame electrified the boundless rhymes in my mind,
took me inside your pleasurable paradise, writing poetic lines
about your exhilarating design, craving your high rhyming fever,
going deeper in your cherishing creek, the taste so sweet, making
me feel so freaky inside, yearning to explore your shore, embrace
the caresses and kisses, the supreme senses deepening my love
for you, the moments magnifying, brightening like an endless
star in the rapturous night, a vibrating melody moving in my cells.

You left me wanting to feel more of you, calling out to you,
just to hear the celestial sounds of your voice replying back
to me, giving me unspeakable joy as I felt like I could fly
like a colorful butterfly, hovering over perfumed blossoms,
your masculine cologne so seductively strong, humming to me
like a buzzing bee, causing my heart to freeze in your incredibly
suave seas, the music in you so soothing and true, lost in your
groove, your careening creamy chocolate in my continent,
your dreadhead delectableness, your awesome arms,
indescribable thighs, and luminescent legs, everything
so wondrously whirling in my vessel.
Travis Green Feb 2023
He is all I need
All the scented sensual sweetness
That bewitches me deeply
All the scintillating sensational man
That has me so intoxicated

So captivated by his bold, ****** moves
He puts me in a state of perpetual excitement
Speaking his name passionately
Feeling his desirable enticing flame
Drive me insane with his saucy eye-popping game

When he flexes and caresses his muscles
When he arrests and finesses
My picturesque heavenly lands
Abounding in naturally incomparable homosexualness
Charm every part of me

Conquer my prized private parts
Permeate me with astonishing wonder
My boldest and most dangerous fantasy
Make me gasp as he crashes
Into my tantalizing love tunnel

Pound me remorselessly
Make me bounce on every ounce
Of his muscle-bound profoundness
Feel his progression of aggression
His hot-off-the-press perfection

Unstoppable top-drawer sausage
That makes me holla the more
He deconstructs my guts
****** me with his mean supreme moves
Feel the peerless fierceness
Of his masterfully made manliness
Pressed against my satin-soft vulnerable body

Stretch the depths of my wetness
Make me concede to his prodigious cataclysmic litness
Make me frenzied as ****
Make me shudder while he declutters my structure
Make me scream while he clings his hands
To my beautifully compact shoulders

Saturate my manhole with his poetically zestful delectableness
Devour me, overpower me, guide me
Into his rollercoaster of riveting rapture
My deep-voiced dapper splash
My awesome exalted marvel

Tear me apart, dig deep inside of me
Hypnotize my inner world
Shock my wet walls
Cause me to fall in his crowned splendiferous heartland
Of mighty energetic freshness
As he ejects his juicy man fluid
In my wicked kissable slit
Travis Green Dec 2022
I hunger for your incredible incontestable hunkiness
To rumple my jungle, make me mumble
While you crumble my voluptuousness
Guzzle down my lovable nuzzleable construction
Cause me to shudder and stumble
As you chuckle and compel my nerve cells

Propel your pleasure pumping muscle
Deep in my soft, luscious muffin
Knock me for a loop, mister lewd rude coup
Stretch me out, work it out, cause me to shout
Arouse me, surprise me, wow me

Pulverize my tight enticing playground
Shock my thoughts and feelings
Give me a million thrilling hits
Of blazing hot slamming straightness
Lock me up in your slammer

Enamor the grammar that rolls off my tongue
While you tease me with your smooth, youthful lips
Cause me to shiver as you deliver
Your formidable gripping heat into my system
Inscribe your name on my domain

Don’t play around when you pound my town
When you introduce me to your high-profile game
I want you to make me give it up, beat it up, eat it up
Rough me up cold-bloodedly
Show me what it means to be in love
With a dangerous flaming gangsta

Cause me to scream and cling to your large
And immensely powerful hands
Young and scented dream fiend
I wanna be lost in your steamy screaming sensualness
Feel my body tremble as you kindle my senses

Make me woozy with your smooth groovy *****
Make you hooked on my curvy blooming beauty
Passionate debonair Daddy
You are so magical and unforgettable
You know how to get it cracking with your crashing attraction
Strapped with black swagged-out magic

Breezy freezy sweetness
You got me saluting your consuming
And flourishing pulchritude
Finding exquisite and speechless delight
In the rarest wondrous kryptonite

Keen supreme excellency
I feel your sheer fierce masculinity
Creeping in my secret sweet spot
The more you bend me over
And mack with my idyllic artistic masterpiece

Smell me like sumptuous bubblegum
Sip on my delectableness
Like a Hennessy orange blast
Put me in your jail cell
And slam your inspiringly juicy snake
Deeper in my wetness of pleasure

Make me embrace your hypnotic raw flow
The way you rock me
With your hottest crash-hot moves
Display your robustly seductive attitude
Kiss and lick my lush, lustrous curves

Immerse me in your provocatively prominent rapture
Light me up like a burning blunt
Make my body vibrate
While you celebrate your victory over me
And ******* your mouth-watering man gravy
All over my sensational salt shaker
Travis Green Aug 2022
Enfolded in his steely strong sculpted arms
Makes me feel the sweetest and most vividly pleasurable sensations
I take pleasure in his closeness
Feeling his tender comfort and hotness
Sinking into the incandescence of his heavenly passionate galaxy

He is so unbelievably rhythmic and thrilling
Seductive muscle-flexing delectableness
Enthrallingly gaudilicous bearded machoness
Saucalicious pink rose lips
Riveting peach iced tea eyes
Every eclectic edible sector of him entrances my emotions

I scroll through the amorous scintillating pages
Of his captivating groundbreaking tastiness
Pure poetic prepossessingness
Silky mystical heavy hitter
He unravels my thoughts and feelings
Delves in my consumable creamy confection

So rich, romantic, and intoxicating
So fresh, velvety, and extra exotic
Swirling smooth sumptuousness
An enjoyable blissful beauty to see
Honeylicious hot boy, take me inside every dimension
Of his wildly gratifying dreams
At the entrance of treasured pearly passion

Feel the mesmerizingly delicious slickness
Of his hardness against my hands
His lush, expressive, and manly center
Enormous arousing girth between his tight, taut thighs
Press my hungry hot mouth on his ****-smelling piece
Lick it, wet it, relish the *******

Create a magical dancing wave
Of essential undiminished sensuousness
Feel me reach beyond the barriers of time
In his unconscious mind, acquiring my prize
I devour his mightily mind-blowing magic wand
Spit on it, slurp on it, work my hands up and down
****** with his full, fun-fulled *******

Get lost in his slithery spiffing succulency
Feel it all over my mouth
The essence of  transcendentally poetical ecstasy
Tasty oval-shaped crown
I savor its lickable ***** length
How my tongue creeps all around its astoundingness
How it navigates to my throat
I am so sexed up, stranded in his sexaliciousness
The way he sticks your astonishing pocket rocket
In and out of my mouth

Leave me in an immaculate crashing path
Of breathless, irrepressible, and poetic rapture
Endless sweet and heady fragrance
How it screams around me
He plays with my hoppingly ****** hemispheres
Pull on my proud pebbled points
While I give him ultimate satisfaction
Kiss his ***** hair, admire your smoking macholicious abs

Explore his extraordinarily capital allure
Mister feelable freaky finesser
**** my mouth remorselessly
Spread my world apart
Grip my aromatic aristocratic neck
Talk desirable foul language to me
Plant long and ardent kisses all over my face
****** me, bright and revitalizing smoothie

Let me feel the compellingly wicked weight  of his captivatingness
So delectably exhilarating
How he reaches a deep, covetous crescendo
And pump out foamy white pudding
On my keen fine-featured face
Travis Green Sep 2022
I want to swallow your diabolic rock-solid pocket rocket
Let it massage my jaws, tongue, and throat
Stroke it while I ******* it
Lather it with saliva
Tongue it from side to side
Up and down, drown in its divineness
Push me further forward on your engorgement
Provide you full suckable service

Treasure your heavenly joyful gorgeousness
Tall, masterful, and experienced ebullient king
You arouse my mainland
With your wild foul language
Divide and conquer my homoness
Make me pine for your lurid immortal machoness
Lapse into your artistically compelling
Waves of vicious magnetic delectableness

Dangerous and untamed kryptonite
Take me into your sudden, destructive storm
Without warning, allure me, explore me
Feel me all over your obscenely heavy stretcher
Open my blower, feed me your smoke
Tell me to shut up and ****
Take in my raunchy moans
Work your high-velocity hotness in my bones

Slap my throbbing full-bosomed polygons
With your deftly delectable hands
Tweak my ***** lekker crests
Show me who is in charge
Unleash your wildness
Permeate me with deliriousness
So feverish with mad crashing passion
Render me dickmatized

So overly hooked on your hardness
The bone-rattlingly monstrous sounds you make
So flamingly enticing and unquantifiable
Delicious bewitching Romeo
Unload your internal, supernal, and fervent emotions upon me
Let me feel your raw, unbridled, and explosive forcefulness
The deep ceaseless breathing
How I concede to your vindictive, merciless heat

Make me feel tantalizing things about you
That are unexplainable to my domain
Make my delightfully smoky kingdom
Rumble with sudden and staggering delectation
You **** my mouth furiously
Got me buzzing and shuddering up a storm
The more you stuff your raging beastly instrument
In my luscious muzzle, fill me with overwhelmingly
Intense delight as you gush out your sweet sausage sauce
All over my serenely sensual face
Travis Green Dec 2022
I wanna rock with your cosmic chocolate sausage
Let my soft, warm feelers slick it up and down
Drown in its desirableness, large and masculine meat
Great and thick heat, unbelievably aggressive and impressive flex
Ridiculously veined and muscular thugness

I wish to kiss it passionately, ******* every
Seamless and tempting inch of your manhood
Lick my ***** lips, let my spit swirl around
Your firm, glossy lobster, swathe your bouncing *******
With my phenomenal palms, charm your gorgeous warm thighs

Your mantastically ravishing majesty, feel my hot, delicate tongue
Run around your great, high-grade snake, **** the seductive
Mushroom tip, get lit with its thickness
Delve into its heavenly velvety delectableness
Turn up my homosexulaness, get it on with your machoness

Get ******* with your unconquered hotness
Taste its unparalleled irreplaceable greatness
Shake it on my salacious thick lips
Make you so enamored by my contagious fragrant engagingness
Arrest and test your flex, caress and finesse your pecs

******* it like a dope showstopping pro
Let me be your hot-off-the-press medicine
Tame your banging, game-changing domain
Go insane with your luscious *******’ flame
Brand my name all over your iron-hard one-eyed trouser trout

Put you in the zone, cause your eyes to roll back
Nurture your rare, earthy, and spectacular world
Take you further out of reality into my ardent singular galaxy
Render you utterly bewildered, your body shuddering immoderately
Eat it up like a perfect, flavorful steak

Kiss and smell your magically manly bush
Hit your coolness and smoothness with my rudeness
Lick your sweet exquisite feet, **** your toes
I won’t hold back, I will change the game for ya
I won’t hesitate to captivate your straightness

Conversate with your greatness
Learn and enrapture your immersiveness
Get hella freaky and litty
Caused I am so addicted to your delicious gripping slickness
I love the way your solid, savory flesh feels against mine

How I ride to your divinely enticing beat
How I touch your responsive taut arms
Make your senses linger in the thick, sultry air
Let you be my succulently alluring victim
As I sneak into your crib and bewitch your system

Delete your inhibitions, switch on my sweetness
Let me soothe your salubrious pulchritude
Have you lookin boozed up while I put the cuffs
On your rugged muscular construction
Give you my mouth and throat over and over again

Send me into unconsciously hypnotic trances
The more my hands travel all around
Your incredibly hot and burning body
Got me so beguiled by your strikingness
Got my achingly bodacious and curvaceous shakers
Jouncing all over the place

I accelerate the pace as I inhale
Your gargantuan intimidating ramrod
Confiscate, dominate, and exhilarate it
Blaze it up while I get in touch with your ruggedness
Tune into your strong ****** moans
As you discharge your bubbly daddy batter down my throat
Travis Green Mar 2023
I wanna bottle up his luminous sumptuous perfection
Place it in the vault of my heart, treasure it forever and a day
Gaze open-mouthed at his desirable high-powered finesse
His fresh impeccable flex, such readable revealing sexiness
To love and touch, embrace the brazen unadulterated greatness
Of his unassailable inhalable engagingness, a blithe delightful sight

He takes me deep into the heat of his impassioned flabbergasting
Passion, encased in the breathtaking shape of his takingly vivacious
And salacious manfulness, feel the glorious moistness
Of his red-hot alluring gorgeoisty, my lurid prominent sauce god
He is so sweet and squeezable like bright, ripe, and sliced lemons
He gives me the hottest devouring vives, makes my inner world spin

He makes me wanna feel his immersive turgid structure
Map his inexorable contoured form, taste the unsurpassed magic
Of his hypnotically jaunty and awe-inspiring words in my mouth
On my soft seashell pink tongue, empower every inch
Of my spicy appetizing frame, make me keep coming back
For more of his sexually expressive and majestic legendariness

I am so mentally enchanted by his compelling and overwhelming
Radiancy, the way he makes my senses so litty and jittery
Makes me wish to probe into the depths of his thought-provoking
Machoness and soulfulness, step on his formidable thrilling Playground, drown into his poetic polished phenomenality
He gives me unspeakable hard-hitting highs, makes me so drunk
On his oiled-up luscious crunkness, suavely starry hotness

He shocks me with his incredible treasurable electricity
Makes me feen to ascending into the sensually transcendent galaxies
Of his lyrical mouthwatering perfectness, such velvet
Geometric delectableness that coalesces with my homosexualness
Take me out of reality into his unimaginable dazzling nirvana
Love on me more and more, make me his badass ***** bombshell

Ravish me again and again, show me what I have been missing out on
Show me his top-level heart-stopping rhythm of skillful sleek slickness
The sheer picturesque landscape of his contagious grade-A Handsomeness, his organic reverent immeasurableness
Stir my third eye, make eye contact with my intensely feminine
And shimmering existence, press hot almond chocolate body
Against mine, caress my top-heavy breasticles

Gorge on my tight ripe peaks, make me covet his cleverly
Infectious and freshalicous richness, his red-letter lecherous lekkerness
Feel him immortalize his entire striking design on my canvas
My blue-ribbon vision of blissful beauty, my ****** intellectual Heavyweight that shrouds me in his best-selling hot off the press Impressiveness, a young hunky Adonis with a macho magic quality That has me caught up in the rapture of his dapper classy attraction
Travis Green Aug 2022
Being in your **** velvet protection
Draped in delectableness
Killer sweet and irresistible vibes
Sexually appealing magic macho man
So addictive and juicy
So eye-grabbing and dashing

You are dark and hypnotic
Compellingly majestic and endless litness
Encase me in your tight striking embrace
Let me welcome your sensational summer breeze
Feel your handsomeness engulf me
Immerse me in your unknowable glowing depths
Fraught with unbeatable freshness

Swallow my softness
Let me take in the spellbinding sounds
Of your voice gliding in my ear
Delectable salt and pepper beard
Luscious leaf brown lips
Deep crimson brown eyes
You are an unbelievably infectious
And edible treat to treasure

Hunky brown sugar hickory hotness
Soak my rainbow wonderland
With your enchantingness
Hem me in your steamy wet dreams
Manipulate my essential nature
Take me into your breathtaking gateway
Of unescapable celestial bliss
Travis Green Oct 2022
I wanna be your marvy starry hotness
Your bright and delightful object of desire
Your fiery red-hot charmer
Lean closer into your potently smoking dopeness
Your pulchritudinous studious coolness
Tall, broad, and strapping lad
Refreshing ebullient delectableness
Muscular, hot-blooded stud

Glistening, strong-willed, and irresistible big hitter
Your bright, superior, and hairy hotness
Sexually arouses me, lights my gayness up
Fascinates my inner space
Carries me away into your wild
Handsome dreamland
Gallant, radiant, and extravagant macho man

You are so ambitious and worthy
So amazingly dreamy and eccentric
Lustrous industrious robustness
Deep southern lover man
Starry ardent marvelocity
I give myself up to your immersive
And wayward seductiveness
Your radical black-haired incomparableness

I marvel at your tight, slappable backside
Your thick, powerful thighs
Your monolithic veined legs
Crash-hot magical rarity
Your beefy, brawny charmingness
Makes me want to caress
Every open, moist crevice
Of your impossible lush structure
Your juicy, incredible, and spreadable manhole

Stroke your jerkable jolly rod
Let it swirl in my jaws
******* your delicious vicious bigness
Lick your slick irresistible tip
Taste it from side to side
Up and down, drown in your mesmerizingly
Shining and intoxicating invitingness
Worship your whole thought-provoking world
As I become unbelievably fevered
Lost in your dazzling and fashionable magicalness

Take all your unmerciful torrid joystick down my throat
Treasure the delectable and **** smell
Your finger-lickin’ treasure trail
Hear you breathe, hear me moan
Feel my hands ease all around
Your massive, thrashing glory
Let you play with ***** gaudy knockers
Nibble at my plump succulent points

Let me bask in all your splashiness
As I ferociously **** your machoness
Let your wet, firm flesh dance on my tongue
Feel it massage my jaws
Enthrall the entrance of my throat
Make me choke, envelop me in
Your elegant manly freshness

Explore your glorious joyous hardness
Plant demonically hypnotic
And passionate kisses all over
The long, fervent surface
**** it faster and faster
While you take me in your deep
And gratifying rapture
Fill my mouth with all your super rude wood milk
Travis Green Jan 2023
I ache to sway to the endlessly contagious, playable, and
Invigorating beat of your lush, thundering stunningness
Evanesce into your incredible ethereal delectableness
Embrace your tasty unbreakable foundation
Encased in your bodacious vivacious nakedness

To coalesce with your pleasantly arresting flex
Your grandly enhanced and breathtaking finesse
You bliss me out when you scope out my homoness
Make me stutter when you cover me
In your impassioned carefree spectacularity

Lean in between artistic and rhythmic dreams
Where your far-reaching and sweet-smelling breeziness
Seep into my lovable lekker vessel
I pine to lay down beside your profoundness
Fill your untouchable maximum crunkness

Lure me deeper into your bang-up sun-kissed hunkiness
Feel you overpower my satiny ebony frame
Take me into your unmatched upbeat mantuary
Where your bedazzling and ravishing muscularity enraptures me
Alluring, scorching, and chocolate Daddy

Your ultra-fine and revitalizing strikingness makes my mouth water
Such a brilliant clean dreaminess
Tall, charming, and equipped with wicked delicious heat
I come to life when your action-packed masculine thugness
Surrounds my existence, when you drink me down
Like effervescent smooth-textured wine

I long for endless, seamless, and dreamy
Days and nights with your ***** robust seductiveness
In togetherness, bound to your impeccable angelic freshness
Feel your sexiness coalescing with my nerve cells
Exuberant commanding muscleman

I wanna be your top-drawer sparkling property
Let you manhandle my femininity
With your hairy magical immaculateness
You blanket me in steamy hot ecstasy
Make me covet your monster thundering rugggedness
Like a dangerous flaming drug
Leave me so bombed-out
While you deflower my vibrant, shining empire
Travis Green Feb 2023
He will be my dazzling dream guy
That shines throughout time and space
That excites and engages my gayness
That makes me crave his adventurous
And venerable masterpiece
His mouthwatering and shining allure

I revel in his prepossessing and refreshing manliness
His delectableness overwhelms me
His rare colorful superbness
Warms me like an extra heavy velvety blanket
Makes me wanna sip on his wicked high-level ****
Like mouth-filling and pleasing whiskey

With his full juicy lips, a formidable chin
A substantial silken beard, a bold stupendous nose
Consuming umber eyes that draw me
Into his splashy passion-red galaxy
Makes me sashay toward his gorgeous straightness
My awesome gaudy prodigy

I fantasize about sleeping with him
In his soothing solid arms
Lost in an incomparable fairytale world
Feeling his sheer perfect verve
I am in love with his robustness
I inhale his seductive hot stuff

I become incessantly feverish
The more I lust after his luscious buzzworthy thugness
Worship his ravishingly crashing and thrashing rapturousness
Overthinking about his ultra-coveted muscularity
Feening for him, basking in his incandescent
And effervescent freshness
Travis Green May 2023
I wanna tease his cream-filling pleasure machine
Love it, **** it, taste it, consume it
Savor his immeasurable best-ever delectableness
Give him spectacular eye contact
With his thickness slithering in my mouth
His **** thick tip on my tongue

His ****** brown eyes scan
My bright, enticing design
Gawk at my ***** wet lips
As I pleasure his majesticness
Lick it, kiss it, spit all over it

Grab hold of it, ******* it
***** deep in his blazing hot awesome sauce
Such a turgid, noteworthy, and incomparable throb rod
No one can take me higher
Than my profound new-found kryptonite

The way he touches my eager burgeoning knockers
Knocks my socks off
****** with my beautifully formed pointers
Makes me so soft on his prominent astonishing charmingness
I smile as he invades my throat ferociously

**** on his worshipful crown
Let my hands cling to his tasty naked cakes
The feel of his gargantuan entrancing manliness
Takes my breath away with his treasured def flex
Make my eyes water as I cherish and ******
His perfect hopping ball bag

Take in his ****** attractiveness
My eye-grabbing and strapping master
My smooth ruling prince
I love he serves my thirst
Enraptures me with his boundlessly badass verve

Opens the door to conquering my core
He leaves me breathless
The more I revel in his ravishing satisfying world
Of buzzworthy overpowering rareness
I devote my homoness to his machoness

Give him everything he wants
Make sure I do my part to enthrall
His monster thunder thruster
Dominate every inch of him
Make my world tremble

Make me catch feelings
The more his firmness grows harder in my throat
Cause me to choke and glow with passion
As he reaches a surpassingly magical ******
And paint my mouth full of his number-one *******
Travis Green Dec 2022
Hold me down
Confound my grand gay town
Drive your long, unconquered pipe
In my glowing and mind-blowing delights
Feel the ceaselessly catchy
And creative rhythm of my sweetness

Move me like blazes
Gaze into the colorful and verdant
Gateway of my gayness
Amaze me throughout the day and night
Rare, stark, and faultless marvel

Transport me to another level
Where your ***** rugged thugness
Gives me a heady ****** buzz
Let feel your blissful and magical masculinity
Fly away in the perfect and singular waves
Of your artful and imperishable greatness

You got me caught up in your rapturous rarity
Drunk on your fresh, exceptional delectableness
The way you penetrate my innerness
Makes me fantasize about you for hours on end
Take me into your custody

Rupture my luminous, compelling structure
Make my emotions explode
Fill me up with your ardent piping-hot machoness
Let me groove on your badass banging body
Relish your flexing majestic measurements

How you hold my throat
Kiss me steamily
Engage my attention
With your smoking poetry in motion
Such essence of effervescence
Unprecedented reverent chemistry

I am so exhilarated when you shove
Your large and heavy love muscle
Further in my desirable flowery warehouse
So hard-hitting and electrifying
Got all the fire that I desire

My crash-hot chocolate heart-throb
You are the only bold stone-cold Romeo
That I will love for a lifetime
That keeps me hanging
In the bright, cloud-flecked sky
So hypnotized by your sizzling hot spiffing slickness

I wanna feel your freakiness
Hear the exalted ****** sounds
Of your thickness driving
Into my aphrodisiacal palace
Knock me for a loop
Give me your brutal rude boy juice

Push harder into my creamy-filled guts
Render me lovestruck
Hooked on how you hold me
In your dominant stalwart arms

Kiss my bare dazzling shoulder as I moan heavily
Let you raze my gayness to the ground
Shoot your sweet luscious **** butter
In my soft, delicious, and saucy socket
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your love is a boundless and new-found delight
Ecstatic ****** delectableness
Crisp, earthy sweetness
Utter, passionate lover prodigy
I tremble in the presence
Of your rich and dreamy allure
Immense divine delightfulness

Such enthralling and heart-stopping erotica
In your magically ecstatic and thugtastic palace
Superlative and wondrous art
Profoundly sensual and ultra-muscled ****
I feel so vindicated when you take me in your nakedness
When you flex and spit killer superheated ****

Make me rapt and flabbergasted
Take down my gayness
Shake up my cells
Cause me to crave your saucy, salty taste
Your titillating hotness and rawness
In your thrilling, towering tidal waves
Of roaring sparkling machoness

Dangerously mountainous and unquantifiable excitingness
Blanket me with red-hot flaming spice
Wrap me in fierce impassioned magic
In impeccable majestic lechery
Let me kiss your rich misty rose lips
Lick your delicious chiseled face
Piercing nut brown ale eyes
You engross me in your wildness
In your bright, inviting fieriness
Make me vulnerable to your artful carnal gaudiness
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your monstrous thundering guns
Make me hunger to rub my hands against
The glorious rock-hard surface
Embrace your warm chocolate skin
Your desirable driving force
Strapping tattoed smash
You are the cracking lit soundtrack
Of my homosexual soul
Beardalicous capricious exquisiteness

You are oblivious to defeat
Ambitious infectious delectableness
Ingenious prodigious slickness
I ache to be taken away
Into your enamoring waves
Emanating with coruscating
Fascinating enchantment
Fill me with amazement
Ponderous hypnotic wonderment
Cop a feel of my softness

Put your naughty responsive lips against my ear
Lick my lobes tenderly
Let me behold your sparkling globes
How you stand so bold and potent
Makes my sensations spin
In a tornado of great exhilaration
Your captivating pulsating nation
Takes me by storm
With your silky smooth aura
Blooming fluid coolness
I sink deep into such hot and heavy chemistry
Travis Green Apr 2022
I yearn to taste his magical world
Swivel around in my mouth
His intriguingly riveting lips
His hot dark chocolate eyes
His delicious luxurious beard
Lick and kiss his gripping brick-made chest
His sublime tight waist

Caress his strapping cognac brown abs
Swirl my fingers around his fresh flourishing beard
Probe his delectable delights
Pursue his smoothness
I vigorously anticipate venturing
Through his vessel of perpetual treasures

Trail his marvelous maze
So vulnerable in his phenomenal proximity
I want to take an extra shot of his hotness
Consume him throughout the day and night
So electrified in his invitingness
I am carried away, steady drinking down his delectableness
The way that he shines bright in my face
Draws me to his intriguing flashiness

I crave to relive every enamoring moment with him
Follow his highway to heavenly attractions
I savor his relentless riveting rhythm
How he rocks my earthy immersive hips
With his smashing soul structure
I desire to drift into the depths of his sensualness
Let him be my perfect treasured mariner
Direct my ship to sparkling bliss

Allow his breath to flow like luxuriant leaves
Against my resplendent limbs
Open the window to his soul to me
Allow me inside so that I can slide
My extraordinarily bright, celestial lips
All over his super soothing skin
Being with him is the sheerest enjoyment ever
To lean against his broad, astonishing shoulder
Take him into my system
Moon over him like the electric luminescent stars
Travis Green Aug 2022
Clutch and govern my heavenly petal-velvet structure
Travel into my passion-crash-hot galaxy
Stretch the depths of my subliminal self
Gobble up my softness
Tame my tight, flowery innerness
Finesse my wetness
Decimate my gayness

Make my body ache amorously
With your bewitching searing masculinity
Exert pressure on my vessel
Scorch my gorgeousness
Let your hotness crawl into my core
Come inside my backdoor
Let your **** do its job

Smack my big bangin’ *****
****** your mean cream stick deep in my luscious goodies
Part my cheeks, let your delectable egg-shaped bell-end
Shop in my ****** chocolate factory
Feel your throbbing brawnilicious machoness
Making its way further into my inner world

Tease my sweet, warm portal
Make my senses go crazy
Put me in a temperature danger zone
With my backside cocked up
Feeling your ultra **** seduction
I am in a frenzy of delight
So ensorcelled by your **** slaying straightness
How you violate my gayness

Spit in my delightful private hotbox
Push me back on your slickness
Make me feel your merciless hardness
Drive deeper into my passionate psychedelic paradise
Fill me completely with your virility
Make me superheated
So mesmerized by your powerhouse pumping monstrosity

Take me to downtown poundtown
Feel you move magically against my craft
In mystic, cosmic harmony
You rock your glorious hard-boiled rod inside my guts
Make me shift and shiver
Squeeze your prominent toned arms
As your deep cut-throat strokes surge
Through my homosexual haven

Crack me open, such slamming vibrations
Such greatly pulsating sensations
Hot thrashing magic
I am bereft of speech
Feeling your relentless skyrocketing rhythm
Splashy *******, you are the baddest bedazzling flex
You make me breathe deep and hard

Make me erratically shudder
Drag me nearer into your immersing tenderness
Plunge crunkness into my creamy gleaming tunnel
Burglarize my manhood
Send ultrahot shocks to my walls
Let your thuggishness flood through my guts
Alter my thoughts and feelings

Compel me to feel your disastrous ravenous wildfire
Strike me with your crack of thunder
Make me lose apart of myself
In your utter rushing lushness
Cause me to concede to your headiness
Feel your hands on my unfettered and majestic chestnuts

Knead them manfully
Carry me into the grandly extravagant museum of your splendor
Nodding off into a salaciously spacious fantasyland
I feel you move faster and faster
Take me with mega slamming force
Make me burn for your mad world-class masterpiece

All of your unsurpassed delectableness in my vessel
You pluck my rosebud, shove extra lust in my innermost being
I listen to you let out a shout and spurt out
The purest hot man oil on my phenomenally provocative form
Travis Green Sep 2022
I want to be closer to your ferocious pole
Of sexually stimulating gratification
Hold it firmly, circle the tip of my tongue
On your deliciously exquisite *******
Finesse your tumescence
Fill your incredibleness with boundless sensuous desire
Fresh and furious meat
Give it a passionate, thrilling peck

Let it tease my tonsil
Compel me to gag
Release crash-hot gasps
Take satisfaction in your notoriously
Sleek and formidable craft
Rigid picturesque perfection
Gallant and magical
So exotically hypnotic and mind-altering

I cleave to your hairy moist masterpiece
Lick your thick, attention-getting thighs
Squeeze your ruthlessly tight and tasty buns
Immerse myself in your tempting, muscular spectacularness
Kiss me dangerously, grab my head
Hold me down on your lengthy brick-hard wood
Let your hands cling to my stacked traffic stoppers
Pull at my red-hot ripe points

Size up my luscious good looks
With your arresting mellow espresso eyes
Be my sweetest killer kinetic perfection
Slap my cheek hard
Push your fingers down the amorous gateway
Of my thirsty throat
Tell me to stick my tongue out
Shake your monstrous hunky muscle on the sloppy wet exterior

Compel me to ache for more
Of your beastly wicked litness
Enthrall my jaws, solace my gob
Spit in my *****, sweaty face
Dismantle my inner salacious depths
Make me be in awe of your marvelocity
Marvel at your sizzling steel structure
As your grin mischievously
****** your turgidness deeper into my kisser
Tell me I am bound to your astounding crowned playground

You put it down, take me down
Fuse your inmost impassioned emotions with mine
Render me helpless as ****
As I succumb to your ***-hungry animal instincts
Take all your prodigious tumultuous plug
In my thick luscious mug
Revel in your compellingly reckless delectableness
As you expel tasteful homemade gravy all over my face
I gaze open-mouthed at your grippable ripped slickness
So spellbound by your bold and impressive design
Travis Green Oct 2022
You are the only man that I love
That mesmerizes me in the most profound ways
Takes me by surprise, makes me hanker
For your indomitable hardness
Go ga ga for your grabby strapping rarity
The way your impassioned splashiness
Streams all over my pleasant silken invention

Ripped rocking star attraction
Mantastically cracking spectacularness
I dig your addictive finger-lickin’ exquisiteness
Your outstandingly delicious litness
Luscious, flawless, and jolly sauciness
Your hotness adds magically absorbing poison
To my mind, body, and soul

Make me yield to your irresistible
And formidable heat
Listen to your masterfully magical tone
The way you look lasciviously at me
Red-hot out-of-the-box machoness
I have an unsurpassed pash on
Your fantastically enrapturing attractiveness

You are a robust, roaring fire
Of powerful and towering seduction
Spicy priceless brightness
Too great to be ignored
Gripping heavy weight lifting slickness
Your wild, reckless delectableness
Makes me wanna be down
With your unbounded astoundingness

Lie close to your grandioseness
In your enhanced superheated mantuary
Where we fade into each other
Burn with dreamy, undiminished passion
Engulfed by your lushalicious muscle-bound thuggishness
Taste every stellar sector of your refreshingness
Drown in your high-profile spellbinding refinement
Travis Green Jul 2023
I am so hot on his big fat rod
His exalted chocolate rocks
His rock-hard rearguard
The way he flexes his sexiness
Finesses me with his mad slick majesticness

Flaunt his sauciness
Conquer me with his charmingness
Draw me to him with his soft sensual lips
To kiss him, lick him, taste him
Rub him down, strip him down

Check out his grand enchanting playground
Give him a heart-stopping *******
My head bobbing up and down
On his rock-solid flex rod
My honeyed loving lips
Sliding all around it

I need all of him in my system
My unconquerable phenomenal Papi
My four-star boy toy
He is so gorgeously tasty
He makes me wet
The more I **** his nuzzleable nuts

Worship his firmness
******* it, inch by inch
Destroy my mouth
Feed me, saucy boss daddy
Gag on it, spit on it

Eat it up, lick it up and down
Make him so **** hard
So lit up and twisted
Down on my knees
Take him higher

Set him afire, make him moan
Make him feel like he is mad ******
Leave him marbles dripping wet
Keep a firm grip on his thickness
Circle my tongue around his splashy package

My deep-set iridescent eyes
Locked on his manly commanding machoness
The feel of his monster anaconda
Against my hands makes me so ****
Obsessed with his delectableness

His top-drawer carnal tone is so strong
The way he pounds my throat
Makes me so taken with his handsomeness
I swallow heart and soul
Feel him dancing in my mouth

Got me so hella turned on
So drunk on his lush gangbuster toughness
So overwhelmed by his measureless vigorous sexiness
Deeply lost in his jazzy fantastical mantasticness
Loving how he enraptures me

Stares at me passionately
Smash every fraction of me savagely
Shoot his delicious daddy sauce
All over my exquisite *** and heavenly back
Travis Green Apr 2022
I love all the sweet and magical things he says to me
His sweet pristine dream masterpiece, his sheer fragrant peerlessness
Measureless warmth that wraps around me so perfectly
My charming cherishable treasure piece, my transparently bright gem
Exceedingly pure, poetical, and desirable, the rarest lovely rose

He is my regal rapturous romance, teeming with keen-wittedness
Unmasterable magicalness, my incredible irreplaceable superstar
Something so special to me, slim, clean supereminence
Dope golden incomparableness, a silky-smooth sensation
I crave to circle my hands around his **** tasting chest
Feel an unbelievable ******* within me while I devour sleekness
Like a super supreme cheesy crust pizza
Like a bacon cheddar baked potato, with a sexually appealing shine

He stands supremely tall in my enthralling hall of dreams
Hunky bearded impressiveness, lustrous luxuriant luminary
Mellow pink lips, dreamy prominent eyes, commanding eyebrows
Dancing desirable divineness, I melt into his mesmerizing elegancy
His alluring scent draws me into his sensational smile
His graceful and captivating features, amorous addictive architecture
The firmness and delectableness of his *** appeal to me
With his suave, top-notch thighs and legs, fresh wavy hair

His smooth stellar splendor shakes me up, makes me deeply dazed, Blazed, and crazed; I can’t concentrate on the now; his irreproachable
Style, his presentableness, his lush rugged manliness, my refulgent
Rainbow in my soul, I want to flow whichever way he goes
Dive into the depths of his fetchingness, lost in the feel of his
Rich, shiny skin, slick, creamy, and flawless, resilient radiancy

He is my favorite poetry book to read, my seductive lover
I am so stuck on his marvelous supersonic exoticness, his beguiling Blockbuster beauty, I feel like a free spirit in his nearness
I revere his extraordinary electricness, his heavenly freshness
With him is where boundless bliss exists
With him is where my heart forever belongs
It is enough for me to say that I relish his prepossessingness
Travis Green Jun 2022
Swathe me in
Your dope smoking flex
Your bright top-flight delight
Let me drink down
Your divine dynamite dreams
Locked in your brilliant
Resplendent wonderland
Where utter loving breaths
Caress my vessel

Let’s nestle and wrestle together
Lie on your expansive, hairy chest
Draw flawless artistic hearts
On your crash-hot brick-solid abs
Wrapped in your aromatic, clean fragrance
I want to lean into your masculinity
Be connected to your eclectic selective delectableness

Meld me to your grand romantic mansion
Feel my hands on your amorous treasure trail
Kiss your bare spectacular shoulders
Your gripping ripped biceps
Let our sweet sensuous mouths mesh
Our smoky black eyes lock
Feel your hotness harboring
In my charming heart

Let me be your red-hot
Ravishing bombshell
Let me sway into your high-grade
Greatastic maze emanating
With tasteful exhilarating delectation
I crave to clamp your potent showy muscles
Let my hands smooth
Ever so freely on the enchantingly
Shimmering surface
Sink into your sexually sensual dreaminess
Travis Green Jul 2022
He got a mad crashing ****** like me
Obsessing over his delectableness
The greatest red-hot smash
That travels in my galaxy
So seductively lushalicious
Hunkalicious, manlicious mancandy

I want to lick him all over
Like a rainbow-colored lollipop
Don’t stop until every part of his body is
Swathed in glossy sloppy spit
Bite into his desirable pink lips
Hear his moans grow deeper and hotter
As he holds onto my sleek loving arms

Hypnotically ****** lover boy
He flexes his spectacularly litastical masculinity
And gives me limitless supreme energy
He makes me feen to eat him up
Stroke and ******* his thunder gun
Let his jolly ***** jounce in my mouth
Take him higher into the most powerfully
Hypnotizing trances that shake
His broad bonzer *** all over
Travis Green Feb 2023
His inestimable pleasurable majesticalness
Has me in the deepest heart-stopping trance ever
My golden royal lover boy
His charming attraction is flabbergasting
When he stands in the pure perpetual sunshine

He is such a solid sparkling treasure beyond measure to relish
A radiant blazing sensation in the spotlight
To warm in his flawless wondrous sauciness
Swim in his delicious splendiferous virility
Dream about his profound crowned divineness
The sweetest riveting treasure chest
Of impregnable incredible pleasures

I wanna be at the supreme center
Of his sensually gleaming and interesting masculinity
Make an inventory of his ginormous gorgeous glory
Permeate my inner world with his knowledgeable
Artisticness and poeticness

Carry me into his incomparable mantuary
Be my flaming powerhouse rhymer
Devour me with his spellbinding superpower
Allow me to kiss his appealing and teasing lips
Unearth his immersive allure

Explore his gaudy saucy architecture
His formidable feature-filled irresistibleness
He is an impossible wonder to my sheer queer world
He makes my homosexualness *****
He stupefies my third eye
Has me swirling in his fervent perfect setting
Of arresting delectableness
Travis Green Jul 2022
I want to swim in your smooth pool of enthusing cool
Cocooned with a blooming groomed coup
Groovy salubrious dude, you are such an enthusiast
That I immensely love to indulge in
I have a mad hypnotic crush on your thugness
The lushness in your ruggedness
The lustfulness in your toughness
Let me massage and rob your body

Spoil your core with the hottest chocolate lollies you adore
Delight in your bright, swagged-out style
In your **** significant dreaminess
Steamy supreme gent, you are in the prizable diary
Of my heart, my shining dynasty delight
My untouchable lucky charm
I am always hungry for your hunkiness
To rub your body down in sound
Resounding poetry that engrosses your dopeness

You are my lollipop lover boy
I crave to cater ample amorousness
And exhilaration to your mancave
Feed on your heavenly city-bred delectableness
Discover great liberation in unveiling your nation
Such melting hypnotic kisses
Narcotically mind-altering massages
Let me spin your thought-process
Hold you captive in utter lust

Make you struck up
Hung up on my infectious mesmeric homosexualness
Let me alter your axis
Consume your attractiveness
Send thrilling tingles through your lovestruck limbs
Cause you to enter into the deepest compelling trances ever
Travis Green Mar 2022
When I see you from afar
You make me wanna  **** your **** chocolate pole
Listen to your sensually enticing moans
Observe your charming electric eyes
Your masculine masterful lips
Sweet ebullient smile
Marvelously beardiful
Spellbinding veins
Distinctive, powerful shoulders
Ardent toned arms
Magnetic eclectic swagger

I imagine your delectable rigid pipe in my mouth
Feeling your tight tantalizing chest and abs
Smelling and licking your heavy *******
So immersed in your spectacularness
I send you into a state of frenzy
Play with your meat
Rub my hands all over your mouthwatering package
You make me float in your dopeness
Lick my lips as I caress your head against my ****

You look at me deliriously
I twirl my tongue in circles on your **** stick
Deeply breathing, my mouth suffused with your masculineness
Loving your sweet exhilarating flavor
I drift into your sexually appealing rhythm
Your artfully blossom-filled body
Breathtaking stamina
Boldly bright and blissful
Kissable kinematic king
Luxurious, luminous treasure

I love how your body moves wildly
When I submerge myself in your masculinity
Your majestic sensuality
Your aromatic splashy magic
Cherishable charisma
With your considerable glistening thickness
You are an enamoring high-grade flex
That I revere, whose super-strong *******
That I wanna **** until you become love-struck

Demolish your ****, astonish your ***
Make you shift sporadically
As I put a spell on your loveable and suckable shaft
You can’t contain yourself
I can hear the amorous arousal
In the sounds you make
I can feel your hands trying to pull me off your ****
But I adore your awesome sauce

I stroke your **** super sexually
Make you bust your milky ice cream all over my beard
**** you even more, more relentlessly than before
Give you my dangerous ******* game
Electrify you, rock you to the rings of Saturn
Tase you with my tongue
Amaze you more with my thrilling thunder
Make your masculinity go over the top
As you feel like you are about to have a heart attack

I am so uncontrollable when I take control of your pole
Take it to the head, take it deeper than ever
With your clenched fist, eyes shut
Your hands moving everywhere
I got your **** on lock
I got your passions running wild
Your convulses are highly contagious
You are hypnotic and helpless in my proximity

Your majesty overexcites me
Your sexiness makes me **** you intensely
Sink into you tremendously
Treasuring your **** ****
The oozing spit on your slick wet ****
**** boy, you arrest my presence
I evanesce into your delectableness
Become stranded in your manly enchantment

**** it so savagely that you ****
Your sturdy magic stick away from me
I clutch you harder
Stroke you like crazy
As you squirt your deliciously sticky sweetness on my face
Travis Green Jan 2023
I desire intensely to embrace every inch
Of your premium sensual rhythm
Your kissable steel muscles
Tight, out-of-sight sunshine
My fire-hot heart’s desire
My hottest high-style kryptonite

I keep thinking about
Your amorous boundless profoundness
The aesthetic perspective
Of your eclectic expressive impressiveness
To arrest and assess
Your flexing electric architecture

To delve into your energetic, frenetic aggressiveness
Revel in your stellar tender arrestingness
Your refreshing shredded delectableness
Be your velvet treasured possession
Sink into your comprehensible inventible sensualness

You are the glorious driving force
That allures and explores my core
Somewhere elsewhere, your rare earthy splashiness
Enraptures and murders my inner world
Carries me into the kinetic, romantic wonderland
Of your abundantly fragrant and tantalizing manliness
Travis Green Mar 2023
I wanna take magical man-sized meat
***** deep in my sinfully delicious pit
Make him bewitched and trippy
Make him sweat ****** heart-stopping hotness
Make him drip saliva and smile

Check out his luminescent chestnut eyes
How they peruse my smooth, voluptuous beauty
How they caress and undress my homosexualness
He sends me in transports of joy
He allures every part of me

I carry him in my core
I enjoy the notorious ginormous glory
Of his astonishing adroitness
He stands so ******* manly
Spreads his long marvelous legs

He flexes his masterful mind-blowing muscles
Clasps my fantastically staggering milk bags
I water at the mouth while he murders my throat
He turns me on the more
I **** on his king kong *******

I can’t keep my hands off his laudable unconquerable body
He is my prepossessing treasure chest
To set my eyes on and delve into
I love how his powerful puffed-out pecs shine
How his flawless hard-bodied abs draw me deeper
Into his dreamy defined delectableness

I rub his raw rigid rear end
Let my fingers tantalize his tight, crash-hot slot
Hit the spot to his heart
Make his fingers cling to my tender, tingling blinkers
Take control of his irreproachable robust lusciousness

Feed off his top-notch faultless sauciness
Taste him for days on end
Feel his dramatic masculine force
Take in his macho scent
Let his heavy, aggressive sausage
Run against the roof of my mouth

****** it with my tongue
Make his head spin
Make him soar higher into euphoria
Cause his moans to compound
Listen to his ****** vocal expressions

Revel in the resounding sound effects
Make him intoxicated
Fire the imagination of his creation
Make his head tilt back
While ****** language seeps out of his mouth

He breathes hard
I give it to him so ******* good
Feel his wicked wet wood move down my throat
Swallow it whole, lick it slow and fast
Cause him to go crazy like a *******

Rule his gleaming gangsta grounds
Compose exclusively ****** poetry
All over his bold glowing wholeness
Spark his walls with my electric fingertips
Make his lean lissome legs shake

Put him in hyper-hot sizzling heat
Make his eyes roll backward
Be his delicious sweet muse
Let him confuse my mentality
While I enthuse his awesome almond astonishingness

Make him my prolific prodigious gift
To wrap my arm around
Etch my ardent artistic passion
Everywhere on his firm cherishable structure
Sink into the depths of his intellectual brilliance

Take him down like a brown brick building
Smoke his mind, body, and soul
Make him hard as ****
Hold him in dangerously spellbinding trances
While I entrance his nakedness

Call him my groovy juicy cruiser
Let my spit slither all over his mesmerizing manbush
Absorb and explore his philosophical thoughts
Picture the freakiest flaming fantasies
Of his action-packed, jaw-dropping masculineness in my system

He is my loveliest and sweetest inspiration
My extravagant canvas of tremendous enchantment
His straightness scintillates so sensationally in my space
I give him an utter ungovernable head rush
Make him gush his **** boy juice in my glossy hot box
Travis Green Feb 2023
I wanna get freaky with his lit, ripped slickness
Feel his deliciously manly hips
His bare muscular pecs
His resplendently tempting abs
Broad chocolate shoulders
That are so majestic to check out

He is the sexiest badass mantasticness
That I wanna groove with
Kick it with his rich, gratifying delightsomeness
Tall, tattooed, and treasured splash
I am bound to the crowned profound
Pathways of his rare unsurpassed attraction

I lapse into his snazzy static swagger
Lost in his earthy sun-kissed allure
My big **** brick, I am heavily entranced
By his romantically magnetic handsomeness
He makes me so deliriously happy
I float in his mountain of bang-up smoking lusciousness

I get down on my knees to service his needs
To **** on his ferocious **** stick
Feel it lock with my jaws
Massage my throat, choke on his machoness
Render me blissed out
So madly infatuated with his brazen fragrant takingness

I give him the most mind-blowing *******
Cherish the intense but unspoken communication between us
As I rule over his huge, sinewy flute
Paint my dreamlike, striking masterpiece all over it
Like an exquisite skilled artist
Be his smooth, blooming muse

Climb into his inner man
To witness and fulfill his wildest dreams
Embrace him, taste him like sweet red wine
Feel him tease my tongue
In the throes of his bold soul-stirring machoness
With a gnawing longing to swallow all of him

Let him scorch my core
Draw me into his singularly
Authentic and stupendous poeticness
Cop a feel of his squeezable and unequalable buns
Plunge  my fingers into his top-drawer cigar box

Listen to his macho moans
Gawp at his overwhelmingly zealous delectableness
As I progress further into his fresh edible treats
Relish him like a lickable red licorice candy twists
Like succulent cinnamon rolls with honey glaze

He tempts my taste buds
I give in to temptation
Stroke his wonderfully hard and oiled strongness
Continue to ****** with his sweet pink manhole
Unearth the origin of his alluringness

Where perfect, multidimensional memories lie
Open his precious, unstained treasure chest
Caress his refined and delicate velvetiness
Feel him shudder again and again
As I regulate his ingratiating manhood

Attack his aggressiveness with passion
Scrabble around in his dramatic thrashing rareness
Venture into the mysterious and infamous secrets of his existence
In the private rooms of his pulchritudinous beauteousness
As he shoots out a slew of salty steaming *****
Throughout my smooth, clean-shaven face
Travis Green Dec 2022
Enchanting fantasy boyfriend
You are a muscle-bound man
Of rare and extraordinary fashion
Golden showy machoness
Interestingly eclectic and poetic

Dazzling and heavily fragrant
Sparkling, priceless delight
Flawless ardent suaveness
Surprisingly warm superstar
The purest and brightest sunshine

Your desirable powerful shiningness
Electrifies and overpowers my mind
Makes my eyes wander all around
Your bright high-powered profoundness
The insurmountable excitingness
Of your divinely delightful liveliness
The seamless, seductive scent
Of your earthy and majestic incredibleness

Hypnotic narcotic wonderment
Your sexually bewitching masculinity
Catches my eye, keeps me hanging
Gets me going, turns me on more and more
Your heavenly arresting flex
Mesmerizes my thoughts and feelings

Your chiseled kissable slickness
Fills my inner world
Immerses me in your fervency
Beckons me to the depths
Of your blazing hot major-league sensationalness

I lose myself in your high-level
Prepossessing finesse
Lean into your aggressive infectious delectableness
You hold me in awe
When I gawp into your charming dark eyes
When you bend me over

Drive your diabolical throbbing python
In my vault of hotness
Make me long for your unstoppable
Red-hot wonderment
Your flaming bang-up vitality

How you hypnotize and resize my insides
Push deep into my guts
Cause me to lust for your lusciousness
Lovingly touch your wild, hunky muscle
Feel your demonically gaudy kisses
On the nape of my neck

Your immensely skilled and strong hands
Cling to my fresh juicy coconuts
I feel the overwhelming pressure
Of your lekker pecker head
Hitting my walls at all astonishing angles

Beguile and divide senses
Let me admire your massive splashy sack
How they bounce and blow my mind
Make me sweat incredibly
As you etch your vivid and blissful dreams
Into my creamy, sumptuous dimension

Hammer me harder
Worship my bold, wondrous rearguard  
Press your muscled tattooed flesh
Against my sweetly perfumed architecture
Your soft, moist lips meshed
With my beautiful, buoyant shoulder

I feel your hardness tour deeper
Into my feminineness
The way your devouring eyes meet mine
With an incomparable assertive stare
Make me so enraptured by
Your masterfully magical masculineness

Make me linger in impeccably
Compelling dreamworlds
Stimulate my brain waves
Spray your tasty man mayonnaise
All over my bodacious and coruscating creation
Travis Green Aug 2022
I dream of you enfolding me
In your lusciously tantalizing arms
Make me feel refreshed
Burn brightly like the grand glinting sun

Let your warm earthy hotness solace me
Kiss me, rub me, brainwash my brainbox
Rifle through my frame of mind
Delight in my rich and majestic delectableness

Hit me with your entrancing finesse
Make me cross-faded
Let me caress your blessed shredded vessel
Rise in the brightness of your heavenliness

Idyllic cinnamon whiskey composition
Dripped out drilled drug dealer
You are my universal therapeutic soul music
Perfect, rare, and surpassingly tender

Completely radiant and breathtaking
An aromatic, carefree, and paradise-like vacation
Unforgettably satisfying, a wild, vibrant delight
A bold, mind-blowing, and rollercoaster painting
Travis Green Jan 2023
Luxuriously spectacular and sensual king
You are a titillating taste that captivates my senses
Masterful pleasurable delectableness
Fearless mysterious peerlessness
The rarest and sheerest passionateness
That takes me to your ocean floor
Of scorching hot euphoria

With your burning hot chocolateness
Your masculinity is so intensely tempting
So immense and incomprehensible
You steam up my dimension
With your mentionable sensual invincibleness
You dazzle my gaytasticness
With your savory satin splashiness

You capture me like a magic potion
Make me hanker to devour your aphrodisiac
Melt in your unparalleled, flavorful, and tantalizing paradise
Of fervent noteworthy rapture
So spankingly enticing and flaming
A nutty ***** **** that splashes
All around the waves of my mind
Breezy earthy superlativeness
Sheer swirling pizzazz

You put me in a contagious grand-slamming trance
When you flaunt your creamy, dreamy manliness
When you dance and enchant my feminineness
Too much flavorful penetrating handsomeness
That dynamizes and surprises my heart
Front-page persuavive amorosity
All the all-embracing melanin magic man
That overwhelms my realm
Travis Green Nov 2022
Your slick thrilling masculineness is
An ingratiating display of blooming lush seductiveness
A bountiful profound mountain
Of myriad sparkling perfection
Rich and luscious thuggishness
Exceedingly moist macho hotness
A mantastically eye-catching paradise fraught
With a flabbergasting swag
Of flashy spectacular splashiness

Bang up oiled up lover boy
Much marketable sumptuous ardency
High-grade ready-made sensation
Your greatness is a bodacious bouquet
Of extra effervescent elegancy
Your compelling and grandest handsomeness
Makes me blush and crush
On your aesthetic, poetic finesse

Lust for your impeccably arresting
And in perfect condition bewitchingness
You are the freshest, sexiest delectableness
I am addicted to your mad lit, ripped, and
Hard-hitting sauciness, major badass smash
So beautifully blossoming and enthralling
There’s nothing more extraordinarily sparkling
Than gawking at your supremely fashionable glory
Travis Green Feb 2023
I wanna be his only
Red-hot gaudy star
Feel his regal rich realm
Reverberating in my vessel
My dreamy sensuous gem

His angelic romantic voice
Entrances my essentialness
His broad heart-stopping enthrallment
Guides me into his man-sized mesmerizing seas
Of impressive measureless rapture

His immaculate radtastical masculineness
Has a tight hold on my gaytasticness
My statuesque sweet-smelling Daddy
I will never let him go as long as he keeps me
Enfolded in solid gold smoking hot suaveness

He arrests and compels me
Propels me into the depths
Of his unfettered treasured finesse
Luscious, oiled-up hot stuff
I am so wild about his all-out high-demanding enticingness

I wanna lock with his jolly hypnotic sauciness
My knightly knockout eye candy
He is a sexually digestible confection
Uncontested cutting-edge perfection
Shareable satisfying star attraction

Skillful attention-getting mister
I love his self-made sensational straightness
His sharp, state-of-the-art hot sauce
His top-notch stalwart work
Of all-inclusive art makes me wanna
Be body to body with ultra rude smoothness

Just to have a taste of his favored first-rate freshness
Has my head swimming all over the place
Dwelling on his delectableness
How he feels in my reach
How I wanna be everything to him

Service his fearless fervent universe
Pour out my feelings to his deliciously fulfilling sweetness
Give him everything he needs
Make him feel more liberated than he has ever been
Love every inch of him endlessly
Travis Green Jun 2022
Your fresh neurotic hotness
Makes me want to
Get lost in your machoness
Feel your creamy, succulent chest
Your smooth, toned abs
Enclasp me in your incomparable
And distinctive arms
Flex your majestic
Dopacetic biceps

Let me revel in
Your delectableness
Your indescribable
Sensual allure
Kiss my silken
Splendid neck
And shoulders
While I marvel
At your sumptuously
Hunky body

Boy, your dreaminess
Thrills me deeply
Your robust
Seductive structure
The way you move
Your supple luscious
Thighs and legs
The way you exhilarate me
With your enamoring stamina
You lick your lips at me

You make love to me
With your dangerously
Amorous eyes
I am pervaded
With romantic
Myriad emotions
Your body hair
Enraptures me
Your bright
Delightful smile
Excites me

Your electric
Ecstatic majesty
Makes me want
To evanesce
Into your vessel
Of prepossessingness
Boy, you make my mouth water
You make extra lit
On your exquisiteness
You slay me
You inhale me
Into your dreams

You give me
An extraordinary hard-on
I feel so sauced
On you remarkableness
Your singularly passionate
You are so mantastically
Deliciously irresistible

You bait me
Into your tunnel
Of the sweetest
Euphoric dreams
Where you make
My body sweat
With lecherous passion
You make me want
To stream in
Your slippery
Wet dimension

Trail my tongue
All over your captivatingness
Create remarkable
Unconquerable poems
Share sloppy hypnotic kisses
Get wild and ******
Find essential
Ebullient delight
In your stunningly
Streamlined design

— The End —