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Angie Sea Dec 2011
You're not here anymore
I thought it was a creul joke
that was before

until all the things that were you
stopped happening
stopped being
and I had never been so scared

still I talk to you
when I know I'm alone

I had to learn all over how to be okay
how to smile and mean it
without thinking about you
because you were the definition of so much
the best things words can never be

*still I talk to you
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Spirit is almost broken.
Heart is almost drained
Mind is almost empty.
Your creul and Vial
Full of hate
**** you to your hell.
You have hurt me enough.
You F*cked up *******.
You can't mess with me anymore..
This is the end.
ac 07/25/09
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Standing on the road side, hair hanging down around her.
There is sadness written in her face.
She is leaving.
Her only thought is to leave and never come back.
Hopes to find a place that will except her for what and who she is .
This life has been a creul to her.
So unkind, so unforgiving.
She has to leave.
The wind blows her hair into her face as a car goes speeding by,
hitting a muddy puddle near by and splashes her.
Now wet she just cries.
She cries for the people she is leaving, for the friends that will
worry, for the family that will never understand.
09/13/08 AC
Ahmed Mashaal Aug 2016
Only when i see yur eyes i can cross thousand of miles
Cross ocean and river as long as we r together
Don't say im not fond of yu, it's just like saying the sky is not blue
Just seeing Yu makes me feeling cool ,Please don't be creul .

— The End —