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Its not concidered wrong this day and age
Killing thousands on a concidered normal day
Wiping out generations in so many places
Killing families children innocent why I say

Wars founded on religion politics greed wealth
Its what so many actually in life daily really do
Teaching children to hate **** carry a weapon
As from birth thats what they'er taught its true

But its concidered such a sin to have an abortion
To even make love to one you've in life not met
To ruin all nature has ever given in some places
Winor ot lose  the flip sides of a  crazy bet

And yet we call suicide drugs theft depression
Ever so hard for most to come to terms each day
Why the innocent feel the way they do endlessly
Totally confused souls in almost every single way

Wars been happening for endless time in history
Now two decide they both could do with praise
Both  thinking such a simple deed will change it all
A cup of water on a burning building modt feel to say

One could write many a book on stupidity living still
Even that would not raise interest heard it before
It scares the life out of me within my very soul
I feel weve opened up earths last very door

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Kim Jong Il Oct 2012
A song from something half-a-year ago
Reminded me of the way I felt
Every season is different to my heart
Autumn 2012
Would my poetry be concidered art?
This line is assault
Eat my heart
With pepper and salt
Make sure you cook it
Otherwise you'll get poisoned
by all the sentimentality.
EM Jan 2015
my love,
        it's one of those days again... those days where is start missing you so much it hurts and i end up curled up in my bed crying; but then again hasn't everyday been that kind of day lately? you flew back to france two weeks and three days ago.. i only saw you three times in the ten days you were here for and i never got the chance to give you a proper hug and it has been itching me since you left.. i keep rememebering the car ride.. i told you i had something to say to you and then choked up and couldn't get it out.. you were smiling as you promised you won't get mad about it because you knew what i had to say.. even after you promised i still fought to get it out right untill you stoped the car and i bursted out a frightened 'i love you'.. i was stupid to say it at that moment because we had to get out of the car as i was late to get home and we didn't have the chance to talk about it although knowing you, even if we had all the time in the world you would find a way to get away from that conversation as you have been doing for the past two years.
yesterday when i was going to school after visiting my cousin in the clinic i had to pass by our know what place im talking about i'm sure i don't have to name it so i won't!.. it brought back so many memories.. but although i smiled going past it, i used to hate that place so much i concidered it hell. do you remember how many times i swore never to place foot in it anymore? do you remember how many times i came back to it just to see you? do you remember how many times we fought n made up in that place? how many times you humiliated me unfront of everyone there and how many times i forgave you without you even having to apologize? do you remember how many times you told me pretty lies in there?.. accually, do you remember anything about us? i know i do! all the details, all the good , all the bad, all of you, all of us.. i guess thats whats hurting me right now..
by the way you still havn't responded to my messages.. i've been waiting as i allways have been for you.. it's weird.. i think deep down i'll never stop waiting for you.. i just wish you would understand how much i need you and love you.. huh i got so frustrated i had to write and forgot i have to meet my friends in 8 minutes and im still in my pijamas!
i love you and miss you and im forever yours..bye!
Maybe some have not concidered this
The poets of life would know for sure
All the important stories are on a beach
Have always been will be forever more

Every single different size of the sand
Eevery different size of stone and shell
Have all the stories of life there within
And still so many more untold yet to tell

No matter what size each grain of sand
They all make up the beaches that there be
All so God given and needed in life always
From the smallest and largest there by the sea

Much one could say like every soul on earth today
The richest poorest important and the smallest soul
They all make up what we refer to as life upon earth
And all play in their way the most important role

Like the most prolific poets and those that just began
Like the smallest ever flower and those so large in size
All are a part of what lifes all about upon earth
Without them all life upon earth as we know it dies

So many stories and wisdoms of life all upon a beach
That are all there to tell of all we need to know
Next time you are walking upon a beach just ask
Open your mind and allow the beach to whisper low

The most insignificant to the most concidered greatest
All are different sizes of sand within the sands of time
All make up the beach of life working as one always
And all are blessed by God above with all his love divine.

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2011

— The End —