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barnoahMike Jun 2012
Aware the day was approaching,   Little tugs reminding how Quickly time passes.   And the knocks on the doors of his heart,   opening ---One at a Time ! !   To reveal memories in Full Color of each eventful day,   Clearly showing "ALL  the Extra joys that encircled him,   but never took the opportunity to be a Full Participant  ! !   ANNIVERSARY   DAY  *was presented ,  as if on a Silver Platter.  Engraved with "All those things *Missed because of Prior committals .  A stack of Priority signs, which offered choices and options,  he " F A I L E D "  to turn over and read the instructions.   That,   simply said "Choose carefully,  because as time goes by,.   You may overlook the options.    AND,  as more time goes by,   Routines and  Habits   begin to replace  the Presentations from the Silver Platter.    MAN'S WEAKNESS,  was the next sign offered up to him,  NOT the weakness of knees,  but thinking that empathy was understood,   the reality was not the extending of empathy,  but rather,   to be a Part of that which is "GOING ON NOW"  or that which was "GOING ON THEN ! !     ANNIVERSARY,  carries with it  the meaning of Commemoration.    Which is a  "CELEBRATION  of our MEMORIES *.   BUT,  by leaving out a sharing of this event,  it Dampens.   This "Celebration" should be Shared ,   in a Loving,  devoted,  caring,  joyful,  HEARTS Goal as "ONE".      On this Anniversary,,he Thanks GOD  for lighting the pathways of understanding.    This  Anniversary he "Celebrates" with her  with a humbled,  clearer  appreciation,  and with a "REFRESHING LOVE".   As he writes this on the Tablets of his heart,   "SHE"   is his " ANNIVERSARY "  .
copyright  2012   Mike Ham   barnoahMike
Brian Buttlicker Dec 2020
A note. Just a letter
I wish I could have written it better
Maybe even told you myself
But I'll leave it on your shelf:

Delayed gratification
For elation

In all my years and all my desires
Everything I've striven for
Groped, struggled and tried
So excited I couldn't sleep
Could think of naught else
For days, weeks, obsessed
With the fruits of success
The reward nearly grasped
Barely out of reach

Ultimately empty, each one
Mostly disappointments, even when won
Culmination of cultivated fires
Disappointments, liars

But those blissful nine months
And the years before, hopeful
When I could speak of naught
And I concentrated my thought

With momma, bless her light
Before she gave up the fight

For you, my darling
For you, my darling

Couldn't have prepared
Never even compared
With you, my darling
With you, my darling

Of all the realized prizes
In arbitrary sizes
The worthless committals
Then I saw you, so little...

Only you, my tiny girl
My angel, my pride
Have truly changed my world
Without you I've died

Sun moon and stars are a drop in the bucket
Next to the picture of you I keep in a locket

Only you, Ella my love
My precious, most important,
Sweet turtledove


Sealed in an envelope
Hide it in her hope chest

And when the time comes
Once she lays me to rest

I've written on the outside

"To Ella, with love forever,

Open once daddy has died."
I know that she can't possibly comprehend the magnitude of my love for her, or that literally every action I take is with her in mind. She's just a baby. But when I'm gone, she will know, that right from the start she stole my whole heart.

She will know that if it sounds cheesy it's because putting love into words is like describing music, or explaining beauty. It must be seen, heard, felt, to truly appreciate the significance. Even then it is overwhelming.

— The End —