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Guss Feb 2014
Its time to be left to my own devices
and rewire the circuitry.
Climb to Mt. Un-climbable,
defeat the monster at the top.
I fear only the reaper and respect his wishes
for his claws are scraping at our windows
every time we hit the pillow.
Don’t dive into shallow bodies of waters
and don’t forget to wear your sunscreen.
Bereft by my own unfruitful devices I search for solitude.

I creep through the dank recesses
of my stewing mind.
I search for meaning
to my ceaseless activities.
I grow closer to myself
and I learn to respectfully listen.
I creep, I search, I grow, I learn
and I am my own companion;
Only I will be there for the rest of my battlefield life.
Andy Plumb Nov 2011
A woman, tearful and tuneful, on a trapeze in a silken skirt, balancing the days, she is 51 years old, her hair is wild and red, she wakes up each morning with a hum and a scream; she keeps a diary of forgotten days, of memories not yet remembered; she dreams of burning man, dust swirling all around her, building her own temple of lust and forgiveness; she wears a black lace garter belt with stockings high up her legs; she takes her time when there is none to take, and hurries herself when the days seem endless; in September, she flourishes, dancing in the shadow of the sun, all trees become climbable, each word spoken has meaning; she is not at all in love, but soon will be, she muses, he will be a fiddle player, tall and lean, they may never kiss, they may never make love, but the haunting sounds he weaves in their bed will be more than enough...
wordvango Aug 2016
it makes a diamond a bauble
gold a metal  heavy
silver a shiny insignificance
pearls a nice sea thing
mountains climbable
the deepest valley
it makes temples another house
symbols unreadable
tomorrow livable
today ethereal
yesterday memorable
others invisible
her touch her kiss
the import
like salt used to be
more valuable than all the jewels
all the oil
all the wisdom of any three
she is my fountain
of youth
Travis Green Oct 2021
I could consume you
Like cheesy, thick, and buttery grits
Like rare, delicious, and prime ribs
Revere your superior structure
Your clear, creamy skin
My secret exquisiteness
Who’s full, enticing lips
Makes me long to taste
Your eternal and satisfying treasure

Your naturally rosy and radiant cheeks
Are a magical place for me to kiss
And when I stare at your wildly brown eyes
I disappear into a marvelous
Eternally moonlit forest
Where the thick, climbable trees circumscribe me
Where in near reach I can see
The seemingly blue-green sea
The high and puffy clouds above me
The enormous, lurid sun
Charming me with its magical brilliance
And when I gaze far off from me
I can see your loving existence
Walking the broad, sparkling pathway
To array your adoration to me

— The End —