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Cynthia Dec 2013
kafijas pupiņas
cita rūgtāka par citu
bet visas kopā tās sniedz aromātu -
manām nasīm nezināmu.
ieliekam tās kulītē
un aizsienam to cieši,
lai neizbirst
un nepazūd
kafijas dārgakmeņi
man tuvie
bet tai part laikā nezināmie.
tie mirgo kā zvaignzes debess malā
es nolieku tos zem kāršu nama
un gaidu līdz brīnumi notiks
un kafijas dārgakmeņi ailidos
kopā ar gājputniem uz siltajām zemēm
izkusīs pupiņas un iekritīs indijas okēnā
okeāns pārtaps par kafijas mājām
un aromāts sniegsies līdz manai dzimtenei
mani kafijas dārgakmeņi
liks man dzīvot un sapņot kafijā
Hira malik Jun 2018
Days been very long, idle, like sunshine pouring in , in excess
For no reason likewise you close eyes for ages and beyond
And stretch your arms to embrace the wind or let go of quenched , suffocated storm....

Such been the days, where i sit on sofa aimlessly under cover of blanket
Its sunny warm, but inside cold is leaping beyond and beyond
Open books and read the line twice, still confused, i yawn and yawn
And than sleep for dreaming something, i never imagine to get hold on!!!!

Its been long, i have seen the setting of dawn
These big silent creepy building have taken over the whole citu charm..
People are disgusted by their thoughts, worries rule the realm of thorn
And sitting inside this small room, i am counting days, for how long will i have to stay without the love charm!

— The End —