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karen hoose Jan 2011
my goodness is a fraud
My god is much more mod
yet tawd-
Ry it is too you see...

Christopherson Robin is my g.i. joe
nickname for the **?
No! I am jest
though one who knows not
cannot know.

this *** of kettle trash talk
i invent and vent


There I went, dent and all.
this is uneditited but i needed a poem to jump start my re-inclusion to this site and the coming book which is a week away at most!!! if you do not see it by then and/or just like me and wish to get a fire under my bloomers - i pray there is at least someone who can do such.
I had heartaches
I had tragedy
I had broken people surrounding me
I had love
I had lies
The people to whom I said goodbye
My confusion, my pain
Innocence broken
But a strength to gain
I hope one more thing will come from all of this
For the sun and for my eyes to finally kiss
A heart still beating
A dream still near
Find the sun...
Because it’s still here

-Lindsey Christopherson
Lucas Sep 2020
Cherry pits and Goodtime while I avoided your frame
Christopherson carrying us quietly... or maybe it was Paul Simon
(I forget)

And I listen to your subcutaneous single-serve salvation
while you're seeing trees for their root structure
watching the AudioArbor curl and weave
with the hue of that little toy xylophone
you two found in some box in the basement
and I feel discovered all over again

I don't know how teaching me a cleat hitch
stumbled into Kant and 21st-century relationship structure
That's a path only you could manage
flanked by a witty remark about the weather or traffic or my day
skimming the depths on nothing more than Zephyr's respiration

And now I know patience was wrong
watching concentrated ambition simply... snuffed
waiting and wisting ebb as you tip-toe to oblivion
For JP; DJill. A Muse. You will be sorely, sorely missed. Always unfinished, as it should be

— The End —