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Micheal Wolf Feb 2013
Take egg, invite *****
Mix for five minutes to two hours
Dependant on assistant
Feed at about body temperature
After 9 months or a little sooner if needed
Your childling will be ready to *** out
Decorate in nice new clothes and feed
After 5 years place in greenhouse with others
Come back in about 12 years
It will be totally unrecognizable to what you started with
Now dependant upon cross pollination in greenhouse environment
You may have unwanted seedlings of its own popping up!!!
So choice of greenhouse at an early stage is essential
If that doesn't present a blight they are now hardy enough to plant out!!!
Jade Mar 2013
Hope is like a church bell ringing,
The peace that calms a childling,
Bringing everyone's soul up-lifting,
Whenever troubles come a-knocking.
Raymond Ortserga Sep 2015
old morning sun from whence cometh thou

to take my dreams away from me

sneak in with abandon for virtue

nay burglar could oust such artery

as bright as white as childling clouds

I need no lanterns company

incandescent lights guilty I plead

I pray thee tarry a while for me

— The End —