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alex e Sep 2014
he wondered once if that old bottle would actually be enough. he called it a “vacation fund" for the end of this small little adventure, except even he didn’t know when it ended.

he brought along no sword, no axe. this was a silent trudging, you see. no pride here, no hope. just that continued slouch into the darkness ahead, torch still lit more for safety than anything. he knew the monsters already, knew when and where they would come.

and so he treks on, that small bottle slowly filling with loose change and loose dreams, the cavelike walls of the silent city surrounding him, nerve impulses flying overhead on the municipal power lines. the maze has him caught, or so he begins to believe. he begs for a quiet alignment, the medicine he keeps swallowing supposedly attempting to give him a skeleton key.

it seems more like the waking dreams are the answer, the days at the beach and sitting along others with empathy, observing and occasionally participating.

only time will tell.
L Seagull Jul 2016
Feeling trembling reverberating
Inside my chest in my temples
Eyes sore from trying to see
The world behind a heavy cloud of
Smoke emitted from burning
Of the past hopes foliage
Angst frustration mess of it all
Cavelike all absorbing darkness
Sipping into the pores
Is anybody here?
Can't see outside my mind
All a blur unfocused disorganized mess
Of a meaning, structure fallen apart
Windswept keepsakes
Pages into ashes
Graphite could become a diamond
But this painful moment
Is more precious still
And so I write
Onoma Nov 2023
a nor' easter sways a whole-heavy

tree across grounds that dance


so the plods of its rings can see to

underground thunder.

its Tsavorite registers in a buck's

eyes--having stomped prior &

during the tree's honorific sleep.

from crown to trunk it scrapes

its antlers along it.

shedding them in the thick of

woodland chandeliers blown out.

within cavelike craggles, prone &

crownless the buck mingles limbs--

for a while.

far earlier to rise & move on.

— The End —