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I be jammin down da beach
When I heard da pastor preach
"Baatiboys stay far from we!" he yell
"Baatiboys will burn in hell!"
He take a drag from the spliff
He jam out a reggae riff
"Excuse I" I say
"You should be on your way"

The spliff be shaped like a ****
He light it with tha bic
Baatiboy wink at me
His last wink that'll be

I rise up like Jah
I smack him in da jaw
Da spliff be fallin'
Da baatiboy be bawling'

He runnin' away cryin'
But this baatiboy gonna be dyin'

Pull out tha chopper
Pastor be cheering
At the baatiboys I'm sneering

Stay off me beach
The views expressed in this piece do not reflect the views of FOX news or its affiliates
Kevin Rodrigues Feb 2014
He had no chance they had no face
his gun in his waist having a cup of tea
he did not see them come they moved silently
His phone was his distraction for he was a womaniser
and his wife was no cook or good wife so he never wanted to be there when his children wasn't.
they moved like an owl in the dark of night
but when he looked up it was too late they jumped out
each with an ak-47 shooting as they go he draw his gun but never go to use they took his hands off and shot him in the face but my dad was a warrior you see
he got back up but they shot him in the leg came over his body and let it rip BRAP BRAP BRAP! Thats all was heard they left speedily for they just killed a mafia king heaven knows where they went but they know what they did. All I have now is hate in my heart and I'm searching the war isn't Over for I'm now getting started.
This was in my heart for a while its the execution style  ****** of my dad
Stanislaw HHM Mar 2014
Hood boy -
meets posh girl.
Sorta a fairy tale u can call itz

He falls for her -
and she does too.
But she like him more like a toy

When she falls asleep in his arms -
he looks in her eyes while she purrs.
But how can a cat love a dog.

Posh cat and a hood dog -
It'll all just end in
- One great big fog.

— The End —