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And so I walk in
Into the devil’s inn
And Aye! I found the devil sitting on his usual chair
In that dark room filled with smoky air
Still seated facing his golden chess
Thinking who’s next he’d trick to hell
Knock! Knock! Is anybody in
He already knew it’s me
He pull his metallic door stylishly
Raising his hand Hi-ing me
Ehy man; here you are again
Tell me; this time, what’s your aim
Tell me; without me; what have you attain
After all; you understand my style of game
He offered me a place
To sit dimensionally face to face
Dear devil, after striving for a while
I’ve come to understand your style
Though I’m yet to realise
Why you choose this path
What has mankind done to ya
That you affiliate yourself to all his wants
Money, power, fame, skyscraper, empire
Even knowledge and earthy desire
Tell me; what’s your sole goal
I’ve seen folks
Sold their sole
For fame and gold
Cash, diamond, glittering things
And all other worldly things
I pinch a pawn
By its head and sets it down
The devil winces as if he knows my next move
Dear devil; what would you do
He reflect my move
By a pawn of his own too
This I’ve learn
That human are so greedy
They yearn for much interest
Than what they invest
They intend to gain huge
Than what they ought to
Celebrities thirst for fame
Louder; like china made
Politicians hungers for power
Even if it’d reduce their glass hour
The poor want to make it big
Survivers want to live
The wealthy want to get more rich
They force their way to top the cliff
I slide another pawn towards
his territories and slightly move it forward
As I always tell you man
God and I exist in different clan
With different plan
For you mankind
I am bestowed every glittering things in this life
Ambitions, dreams, power, desires
You want to live for eternity
I can give you immortality
You want that diamond ring
That bling and bling
Wealth and health remixed
Long life elixir
Geniusity; polymatheism
Supreme intelligence
Woman of perfect form
I can help you divert their thought
And they’d pass their love
To you alone
Mention any worldly luxury
Then my hand is in all of it
Let me give you a hint
Once you start craving for more than you worked for
Just know that I’m involved
The devil match past my pawn
I bouncingly count out squares
Then move my knight to a pawn neighbouring near
He quickly move another pawn forward
Oh devil; this time you’ve run
Into a concrete wall
See; I still have my soul
And I am sure will achieve my goal
Without you been in role
I move forward another knight
But yet the devil doesn’t feel fright
Now, dear devil
Why do you choose to be a rebel
Against human being
And the clan of jinn
And the devil reply
See; what happened between God and I
That got me demonise
Is man’s polymath
See; before the creation of man
I was once loyal; I live at the apex
I dwelt amidst angels
Worshipped God day and night
I walked in the path of light
But the interference of your kind
Turn me to this revengeful type
The fact that I was locked out of heaven’s gate
Filled me with rage and hate
For every offspring
Of Adam and Eve
He angrily slide his bishop between two pawns
Preparing for an attack
No matter what you do
I will not grant you my soul
Your attempts are futile
I don’t have a thing to sacrifice
I twirl my finger around the tip top
And advances another pawn
He take out my pawn with a knight
Intentionally opening a destruction path for my bishop
Oh; devil, this time I won’t give up
Though your intellect is far superior to mine
But this game will rather end up a tie
It’s too late
Man; you’ve fallen a bait
Right now; you can’t deflate
At this point you can’t walk away
From this game
The devil further takes out my knight with his bishop
Then suddenly, I screamed ‘Stop!’
He noticed my ****** expression
Filled with total frustration
I feel hesitant to move my pieces
The devil knew he'd ****** me
I move another pawn, though I know it will be killed
Dear devil; I am been careful with my piece
Don’t want to run into any deal
Dear devil; I can’t continue this game
I’d be back in few days
Until then; let me be
I won’t sign any deal
The devil laughed and somewhat grinned
But still baffled with the fact that he hasn’t win
Salvation devil chess
abysmal Feb 2018
A brat - I didn’t anticipate that.
Saving her from all the crimson lice
As Pushkin pounces from my mouth. And she is leaving me for what?
A fairly nice dice, I am. Here’s an advice:

If you knowingly slide to a wolf’s face,
Where deceiving him is the first book on your shelf
Don’t you think he will bouncingly yearn for your grace,
For will he only want you for your lascivious and animalistic self.
Travis Green Aug 2022
I am so smitten with your dreamy glistening beauty
So lost in your crashingly gratifying attraction
Lying in your overpoweringly strapping arms
At the center of delightfully striking paradise
I feel so soft, like fresh absorbent cotton
The way you lick your seductive upper lips
Silky beardalicous sweetness

Your deliciousness drives me crazy
Makes me feel so bewitched by your *** appeal
Your killer chillin’ vibe
How you flex your expressive, energetic construction
So blithely high-spirited and a peerless pleasing pleasure
Your majesticness is incredibly arresting

So caressible and flexible
Rippling brick-hard chest
Attention-getting chiseled abs
Brick-solid lickalicious thighs
Your massively cracking galaxy
Has me wrapped around your profoundness
In the brightness of your towering treasured allure

I watch you stroke your chocolate-covered cast-iron pipe
You look at me so lustfully
With your absorbingly dark coffee brown eyes
You lure me into your wildness
Motion for me to get on my knees
You freeze your hands to my head
Push me forward on your hot stuff

Make me feel it at the back of my throat
Make me choke on your fiercely incomparable girth
Work it without reserve
**** it, search about its enticingness
Knead the massive ecstatic *******
Smoke it like an earthy, chocolate, and full-bodied cigar
Make me feel popping sparkling explosions inside my treasure house

Your stellarness carries me away
The way you beard down on my head
Slap my cheeks vigorously
Tell me to **** harder
Trace your long, picturesque, and slithery snake
With my hot sloppy mouth
******* it all around
Bound to its salty throbbing wonderment

I take in the sights of sunshine and lollipops
My entireness excited and zonked-out
So dotty about your naughty saucy hotness
Submerged in your deep glittering sea of sugariness
Melt me in your playful rejuvenating sensationalness
Nuzzle your bouncingly joyous bulge
Sink into your greatest possible wonder

I am so far gone on your flawless engulfing charm
Lionizing your unsurmountable shining invitingness
Your saucy steel weapon is so rock-hard and ruthless
How you moan gets me going
How you look at me with superheated passion
You take me over the edge

Make me float in ineradicably ingrained lust
Such furiously fervent and immersive thugness
******* your large and heavy meat
Monstrous rampant greatness
You let out enthralling crash-hot sounds
Hold my head down on your four-star engorged joystick
As you pour out visible and venerable lava down my throat
Travis Green Oct 2022
Your mathematically magical mantasticness moves me
Your rich, kissable lips tease me
Lickable beardalicious prodigiousness
I gawk deep into your dark, ardent, charming eyes
Find myself floating in your dopalicious macho oceans
Of the most glowing and soulful romance

Clasp your thick, hairy, and perfectly formed thighs and legs
Kiss your confident, eye-popping biceps
Your broad, unconquered chest
Your awesomely arched and awe-inspiring shoulders
Feel your harmonious, iron-hard charm all around me
How your deftly heavenly hands

Hold my delightfully striking framework down
Suffuse me with your timelessly exciting
And exciting paradise, give me your **** splashy potion
Feed your unbelievably addictive and exotic aphrodisiac
Sinfully steamy sweetness, I dig your infectious
And high-level drugs, your mind-blowing yellow sunshine

How you put it down, make me feel your enchantingly
Effective manliness, bouncingly beguiling, and fiery kryptonite
You are my mystical and venerable king
You imbue me with helluva ***** sensations
Push deep into the hollow waves of my gayness
Drive me to glide on cloud 9

Make me sttuck in luscious lovable lust
When you fold me
In your sexually arresting world
Of unadulterated and tasteful elation
Strike me with your high-quality
Spicy-sweet hotness, make me confined
To your finely framed game
Travis Green Aug 2022
Let me swirl in your fervent artistic charm
Smell your luxuriant loving cologne
Your hot saucy breath
On my curvaceous vivacious foundation
Encased in your titillating embrace

My senses are ablaze
Amazed, blazed, and dazed
Such sensual crimson dreams
That you bring to me

You love me in a magical way
That makes me bouncingly high
On your aphrodisiac
Automatic symphonic grandiosity

Mold me in your heart and soul
Finesse my glistening chocolate-dipped honeycomb body
Make me succumb to your yumminess
Feel your delicious lubricious lips against mine

Lurid moist flesh, how I relish
Your far-reaching and immersing universe
How you capture pleasurable euphoric enjoyment
How you evoke divine high-powered emotions
Manly shredded flex, hunky thunderous lion

Your golden rampant enchantingness exhilarates me
With a construction so stunningly intoxicating
Your masculinity glides deep into my subconsciousness
Makes me so obsessed with meshing
With your majesticness for perpetuity

— The End —