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They have an empty Boul.
They want us fall,
They want us crawl,
They sold their soul,
They want our soul.
Look what they Hold,
Its just an Empty Boul.
Hahaha. Not even a minute.
onlylovepoetry Aug 2016
It comes,—the beautiful, the free,
The crown of all humanity,—
       In silence and alone
       To seek the elected one."* Wadsworth Longfellow


forgive me, Henry,
for tampering with thy perfect,
these words provoke
a restless, hard earned, smouldering and enflaming,
imperfected, unasked, unsought,

to explain, share, complete, abbreviate, lengthen and explicate,
my version, my coloration,
my coronation,*
from the end of ceaseless, repetitive waves of wanting

forty years in the desert,
four hundred year in ******* in Egyptian exile,
der chained, uphill climber,
amazes me even now, how
did I desire to breathe,
arose to contemplate, perplexed,
why was I placed on this star,
skin branded dissatisfied, a human being,
unratified, unconstituted

just another love song, just another poem,
certainly no better, and surely worse,
than the  thousands of thousands that preceded,
and the thousand more that will come by

surrender - I cannot surpass
what lies below

acknowledge respectfully,
the luckless, the loveless

despair can dissipate, as hard to believe,
as hard as the unendurable, I counsel not
hard patience,

awake forever impatient, irresolutely
hardy and ravenous,
for what will come your way,
when I cannot say,
but this I know,
you are an elected, selected one, and

It comes,—the beautiful, the free,
The crown of all humanity,—
       In silence and alone
       To seek the elected one

8:21am Aug. 27, 2016

Endymion (by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
The rising moon has hid the stars;
Her level rays, like golden bars,
       Lie on the landscape green,
       With shadows brown between.

And silver white the river gleams,
As if Diana, in her dreams,
       Had dropt her silver bow
       Upon the meadows low.

On such a tranquil night as this,
She woke Endymion with a kiss,
       When, sleeping in the grove,
       He dreamed not of her love.

Like Dian’s kiss, unasked, unsought,
Love gives itself, but is not bought;
       Her voice, nor sound betrays
       Its deep, impassioned gaze.

It comes,—the beautiful, the free,
The crown of all humanity,—
       In silence and alone
       To seek the elected one.

It lifts the boughs, whose shadows deep,
Are Life’s oblivion, the soul’s sleep,
       And kisses the closed eyes
       Of him, who slumbering lies.

O, weary hearts! O, slumbering eyes!
O, drooping souls, whose destinies
       Are fraught with fear and pain,
       Ye shall be loved again!

No one is so accursed by fate,
No one so utterly desolate,
       But some heart, though unknown,
       Responds unto his own.

Responds,—as if with unseen wings,
A breath from heaven had touched its strings
       And whispers, in its song,
      “Where hast though stayed so long!”
¿se fue por el aire o era
una invención de cuello verde
Isidoro Ducasse de Lautréamont
se fue por el aire o era:
una invención de cuello verde
un Isidoro del otro amor
que comía rostros podridos
melancolías desesperos
penas blanquitas tristes furias
y erguía entonces su valor
y reemplazaba la desdicha
por unos cuantos resplandores

el sudamericano magnífico
de algas en la boca
¿dónde encontraba resplandores?
los encontró en rostros podridos
melancolías desesperos
penas blanquitas tristes furias
que le tocaron corazón
como se dice lo pudrieron
desesperaron atristaron
se lo vio como un pajarito
en Canelones y Boul' Mich'
pasear a la Melanco Lía
como una noviecita pura
disimulando violaciones
cometidas en el quartier

"oh dulce novia" le decía
clavándola contra sus brazos
abiertos y una especie de
mar le salía a Lautréamont
por la mirada por la boca
por las muñecas por la nuca
"a ver cómo te mueres" le
decía "bella" le decía
mientras la amaba especialmente
y la desarmaba en París
como una fiesta como un fuego
ayer crepita todavía
en un cuarto de Poissonières
que huele a suda mericano

ea Ducasse Latréamont
montevideano ea ea
en vide o monte de ta mort
parecía una bola de oro
una calor desenvainada
la tristeza decapitó
la furia desenfureció
se fue por el aire o era
un Isidoro Ducasse muerto
solamente por esta vez
o como lluvia de otro amor
mojó a Nuestra Dama de
la Comuna armada y amada
con la belleza que subía
de su cuello verde podrido

en mil nueve sesentisiete
por la barranca de los loros
se lo oyó como que volaba
o parecía crepitar
contra la selva agujereada
los desesperos del país
las melancolías más gordas
pero fue el otro que cayó
solamente por esta vez
mientras Ducasse descansaba
en un campamento de sombras
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2021
i must have a barbarian's tongue...
   i must since...
having made the soufflé...
   i found it... mostly unsatisfying...

it's not hard to imagine why...
that it was a cheesy ham savoury soufflé...
that the last time i made
a soufflé was in Edinburgh
circa 2005 at 2nd year university...
that a fried egg on toast is simpler
to make...

what came first: the chicken, or the egg?
i can't be bothered to quiz myself
about this question:
the ******* soufflé comes after the egg...
the ******* omelette comes after... the ******* egg...
the chicken, ergo... comes prior to the egg...
no squid ink no dinosaurs...

necessity comes prior to invention...
chicken, egg... scrambled eggs...
oh god how many variations are there
of the egg...
that glorious poultry abortion...
i mean: you can live on eggs... starve without them...

what is a soufflé? i heard the comparison...
it's most akin to the lightest variation
of a sponge (cake)...

- something prior, though...
entitled Paris circa 2004 - 2007
ctrl + p... é...

oh ****... i forgot to keep it...
but there was only minor things of note...
we drank wine,
we ate cheese and baguettes...
it was summer...
we were foreigners pestering
the Eiffel Tower
for shade: if you can believe it:
come sunset... we were in our earliest
20s latest of teens...
we were young and life
was yet to frock us in mundane
brick-ah-bricks of tedium(s)
impossibilities... prior to being caged
animals... prior to: the "figure" of 8...
towing tau (T): along by accounts...
2 is Z... but it's never minded
as a figure since no motion is attached
to it... as it already is:
for culinary escapades...

- nonetheless it's just a ****** dumb soufflé...
one trick in the ol' book...
not the apostrophe to hide the otherwise
surd lettering...
akin to 'ere...
                awe... awry... tease a tickle
a tremor... a tremendousness...
what's to be readied?
a 50 grams of flour
for the béchamel sauce...
i'm trying to figure out the year
in medieval France
when the soufflé was "invented" /
chemistry culinary antics
came to fruition...

like the mythological year
(by Plato's standards)
when beer was "invented":

motto... help the Africans less...
in vain hope of...
not being called a ****...
less and less...
under the thumb of the new vaccine...
don't help those that despise you...
it's pretty simple... isn't it?
why help those that will scalp & scold you
with cousin integer "blessings"...

the women will sort out their
pennies from their geisha hands
and i've already matched up concerns
with "concerns" that are greatly staking
elite ***** envy with...
a thick... bulb-esque-bulging
of a volume of "violins"...
***** extending from the face
finding the mythological chin
and doubly mythological jaw...

if i were toothless...

    i can wait an extra hour for a quiche
before i even consider making
a soufflé...
even though i served it with some
white toast...
not, not even, close, "enough"...
i might not hunt for my food...
but sure as **** i don't butcher it twice...
steak meat: well done...
are, we, having, steak...
or English roast beef?

                i can wait an hour for a quiche...
humour me... why?
a soufflé has no... "bite"... concerning...
it's too fluffy to be considered
scrambled eggs...
it's... pretentious like...
            Belvedere is... a name for
White House... pretentious...

question: does it, would it, could it ever
make a difference
whether or not the beaten egg whites
are folded in... a figure of 8...
or whether turning anti-clockwise...
or whether turning the wooden spoon
made... or makes... all that necessary
sort of detail...
perhaps when detailing the process of
meat from once butchered...
second... served... bloodied guff-trap
my oath for perfecting what's
to be consecrated on the guillotine...
i.e. made... edible...

if i were to eat drowned kitten sushi...
dining lobster "giggle"...
what i might **** i would subsequently eat...

puffy butter-smeared whabbits:
odes to a lost trill of the R in english...

- i can wait an extra 30 minutes for a quiche...
i have a barbarians' tongue:
i will hardly appreciate a soufflé...
how well or how terrible i can make one
is probably a question for...
no one eating my scrutiny of

a quiche i can wait for...
since there's the short-crust layer readied
for a pie to mind...
the gleeful leeks and bacon...
the inverted take on
milk that's not cream...
butter please...

i must have a barbarian's tongue
when i state. rather plainly...
i'd rather have the rustic
fried egg on toast...
all this...
egg whites beaten...
so the beaten is given the Copernican
"overdue" by being turned upside down
in the whisking "mould"...
alias: bowl... boul is another alias...

for the worth of quiche & soufflé...
it's best that i can make one
in order to make a critique of it...
both quiche... and the soufflé...

in the land of backgammon...
******* prone lamb stink...
of Ottoman Turks...
anything Saudi requires
Israeli justification first...

my first, my first...
my last my last...
my everyday, sunshine
of.. UB... oh... ****... WD-40...
****** in the "convoy"...
well lubricated, though...
like sunshine on oranges
come the... showers...

by peel, my zest... my any & everything...
that citrus... and -esque...
like spine without a head...
yet the head... adorning a cwown...

loiter... angry... for what's to be...
leisured at...
suffocating yoghurt...
gurgle by the troublesome boot...

          i might die the most envious.

— The End —