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i saw an apple tree with blossom oh so white
like little drops of snow  a picture of delight
lots and lots of flowers  and pollinating bees
as busy as can be among the apple trees

waiting for the summer for its fruit to drop
each and every branch yeilding such a crop
when the apples fall and lying on the floor
it will wait its time to bloom again once more
sultan aadil haq May 2012
From the abyss of despair,disdain and desertion
           My angel ,my harbinger my reason to blosssom and bloom
           you hatched my abeynce and gloom...
           Now tht i can see the verdant and braeth the ambience
           i can barely be thankful enough to the cryptic  zephyr

           The rapunzel who led me down her long dark ravishing locks
           to the respite of the embittered recluse ....
           You r my guiding redolent mermaid who
           help me conquer the vast cerulean deep oceans of grief...
          Without your love my life is just like a tree without leaves
          my heart without beats,ohh my dear i don't knw whr it is,
          in my auricle or ventricle but i know it is within my heart and will be forevr for u
          which rythyms my soul by giving energy to confront this curious world
          I can get the vistage of love from your comely eyes but how simply
          you just deny by phoxy lines from your red luscious lips.......
          please,please don't play with my emotions it just kills me day and night in motion

          My eyes are wet,lips are dried heart is broken, dreams are scattered but still
          there is a hope that you will give me another scope.........
          and i promise i will not let my love for you go in vain untill the last drop of blood flows in my vein.........
Babatunde Raimi Mar 2020
One day, it will sprout
Just like the Chinese tree
Everything blossoms in it's time
If you can but believe
I have seen the Sun set at noonday
It rose from the west
I've also seen non-entitles turn celebrities
If a blackman became president of the states
Stop living in a prison of your creation
The world awaits your manifestation
Wake up! Take your chance
You are closer than you think...

— The End —