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Chantelle Iles Oct 2018
My body a temple, your traveler's eyes would wander,
You wanted to explore, climb the peak and glide back under,
With cautious intent,
You began your descent,
Until you made your plunder.

With secrets and mystery, masked by cloud cover,
You'd continue to hunt, until it were over,
With each determined stride,
You'd find more places to hide,
Exposing more depth to discover.

Embracing all of your senses, you burrow deeper,
And there it is, quick, it's setting off the bleeper,
Treasures of riches, jewels and a single pearl,
Gleaming amidst a clam, with a swirl,
I dare say, you might find it cheaper.

With ravenous eyes, a drooling tongue,
You steal as much as you'd manage, until you are stung,
Your hands are perilous,
So you become querulous,
As is expected of men, so young.
David R Apr 2021
why does evil make noise 'n protest
whilst goodness tiptoes by unnoticed?
why is bad raucous and loud
but good hides itself in a crowd?

why is G-d's voice stiller than water,
a silent whisper, caress in the ether,
whilst devil's beguile persists till the slaughter
as constant chime, incessant bleeper?

It's the same reason that gold need not shout,
to tell you its worth, prestige and clout,
why a gem or diamond is entombed in coal,
and sought after 'n quarried from deepest She'ol.

Why speech is silver and silence is golden,
why pride seeks fanfare and sin is bolden,
whilst holiness shies away from publicity
as from pernicious poison 'n toxicity

it's the secret of fruit, the light in the shell,
the clapper and chain in the hand-bell,
the spirit and soul, alive and well,
that animates fibre, muscle and cell

it's the secret of light travelling faster than sounds
though laser power confounds and astounds
in short, if you're quiet you'll understand
the secret that upholds seas, heaven and land.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019

The manufacturers have issued
a warning on all the new models.

It is imperative to disconnect the
reversing bleeper before making
bank withdrawals after midnight.
(while trapped in Pottstown
Memorial Hospital parking lot).

My humble apology to those,
who posted uber up lyft ting messages
to this Macbook Pro Facebook keeper,
without said scrivener swiftly
tailoring timely acknowledgement
from one harried styled leaper,

thus feel free to take
leguminous litigious licorice flavor
flav can deed extra-legal
imprisonment against my liberty,
(though catty, I am pusillanimous,
sans feline nine lives cheaper

by the dozen), plus verbally *******
out gee golly jeeper,
or more pointedly
calling me a mother f** bleeper,
for seeming to appear unresponsive
as a stale petrified marshmallow peeper,

and yes quite understandable
bitcoin torrents of rage runs deeper
than a blockchain though close call,
yet just lemme explain,
how during my most recent sleeper
state, a clear as bell curve

living dream nearly
saddened Matthew Scott Harris as,
cuz he got subject to grim news, viz
inducing him (yours truly) to become
deceased within a split second,
upon dropping to sleep

while all around, an
inconsolable weeper
wept sorrowful seas,
more so those family,
and facebook friends
many fine companions

linkedin thru Internet
invaluable cherished persons as keeper,
but believe this secular humanist,
he, who (honest to dog)
unexpectedly subsequently got engrossed
with the grim reaper,

discussing local, current (national), global,
and cosmic events, superficial,
and/or somewhat deeper
(topics oh...and as a non sequitur
d'ya know the name of original
Glen Elm occupants are named Leiper),

anyway Xmas universally
renowned throughout space
yes, jolly saint nick with his farout trappings
topped off with electronic digital beeper,
yepper siree he gets touted,
lauded, and celebrated be

leave ving with whatever
dogmatic faith hen knee
dear rabbit reddit reader doth embrace,
or perhaps being atheist like me,
(albeit I most likely appear
as somewhat highlee

beatle browed from across the universe),
nonetheless, whether er rather,
when still alive this chap aimed to - dee
light, enlighten, and playfully
frighten alien nations

(even those pizza peace loving
inhabitants resembling free
ranging gregarious teenage
ninja mutant turtles)
coming out their shells with glee.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
He stood there with her
in a tethered double lead
harness waiting for the
green man no doubt, or
perhaps, for her to hear
"the cross now" bleeper.

I met them frequently,
same time same place,
rain or shine, dog always
on her left, habitually in
deep concentration of both
sound and vision.

Until one day, she was
there again, but dogless,
no white cane and wearing
a Sony Walkman™. The
green man appeared, no
sonics, yet she crossed ?
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
The finch's are
Mocking my tinnitus.

Or is it the reversing
bleeper of a J.C.B.?

My Nokia! guess what
you've missed me again?
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
The finch's are
miming my tinnitus.

Or is it the reversing
bleeper of a J.C.B.?

My Nokia, guess what,
you've missed me again!

— The End —