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Andrew M Bell Feb 2015
Bipartisanship, whatever

the key nowadays is

cooperative collaboration

I sell the rail

You buy the rail

Let’s call the whole thing off

Centre left centre right

sent her round the bend

Get with the program

Facebook Face Time whatever
Copyright Andrew M. Bell. The poet wishes to acknowledge Presto in whose pages this poem first appeared.
Hank Roberts Jan 2013
That silly flood made me
Tread all the way down
Political pensions over.
Spent on pens and ties.  
Bipartisanship is basically
A commandment now.  They’re
Only there because they have to be, I say.  
They would send relief,
Should I wait a week so the
Check don’t bounce? I
Know how that goes. They
Got a profit on us anyway.
They’re checkbook turned to
Chicken scratch, more like chicken ****.
We’ll see how that goes.
At least I got time to locate
My house that floated off its
Hinges a few miles south.  

*Note: these next poems I’m posting are going to be more political because it’s a project I am writing for a conference.
Gary R Davis Oct 2020
Feinstein hugged Lindsey Graham
What is this world coming to? Nobody's supposed to give a ****
What's this "love" so overdue?

See Graham was on the other side
Liberals must keep their pride
Sour grapes must be our fruit
When it's over, and hugs are moot

The wisdom of 87 years
Reached out a hand not of her peers
We talk of need to cooperate
For our government to operate

How is bipartisanship supposed to go
If to the other party bares
The outstretched hand that mustn't show
The human side that cares?

She didn't quite fight hard enough
You mean she didn't sound that rough
In confirmation that had to be
Does anger cause someone to see?

Or does it go the other way
Of refuting point to
others say?
Doesn't anger yield the zeal
To toughen those of other deal?

If you then want her head
If on her you want to tread
Then spit into your unwise wind Just know it will come back again

When the sides of power slide
And you'd like foes on your side
And other side does not oblige Remember then your suicide I

Dianne, if they should push you out
Remember how this came about
You showed the world great love that day
In arms of the most righteous way!

— The End —