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SøułSurvivør Jan 2022
A Peregrine Falcon circled the vast expanse of grounds surrounding the huge manse in Old Pasadena. It soared, looking for a favorable tree to land upon. Rabbit hunting. The bunnies loved to crop the grass growing on the expansive lawns.

The bright wind played windchimes of the leaves of the trees, a lilting, rustling sound barely heard above the birdsong of midmorning in Pasadena. A normal morning in every way. But not for Sir Arthur Barrett. Nor his murderer.
   Lord Arthur's heels beat a tattoo on the Persian rug in his library. His hands first scattered the pieces of the puzzle he'd been working on, then grasped at his throat, constricted as it was by the plastic bag stretched across his face and neck. The muffled sound barely heard over the cacophony of birds...


   The old mansion where Lord Arthur met his violent demise was named Puzzle Tree Mansion, in part by the many Puzzle Trees growing on its property, but that was not the only reason. The entire mansion was a puzzle.
Every room of it. Each had a secret. A false bottom drawer. A secret passageway. You even had to solve a riddle to work the bidets in the bathrooms! In short, it was a puzzle, within a riddle, within a conundrum. Sir Arthur had loved it that way. He had, in his lifetime been a writer of mysteries. The author of arguably the most popular American mystery... The Monkey
Puzzle Box.
The beginning of a mystery book I am writing
Denise Writes Jun 2017
staring but not caring
doesn't make you a hero
especially not if you're hetero
claiming to be bearing
the banner of the queer
chanting our cheers

yet ignoring the jeers
of the bigots
that would want to live in the year
of 33 AD, one without bidets and spigots
and closing an eye
believing by and by
that heros come from zeros
yet playing that lute like Nero
Cn: lgbtqia+, cishets, oppression
Amour qui ruisselais de flammes et de lait,

Qu'est devenu ce temps, et comme est-ce qu'elle est,

La constance sacrée au chrême des promesses ?

Elle ressemble une putain dont les prouesses

Empliraient cent bidets de futurs foetus froids ;

Et le temps a crû mais pire, tels les effrois

D'un polype grossi d'heure en heure et qui pète.

Lâches, nous ! de nous être ainsi lâchés !

« Arrête !

Dit quelqu'un de dedans le sein. C'est bien la loi.

On peut mourir pour telle ou tel, on vit pour soi,

Même quand on voudrait vivre pour tel ou telle !

Et puis l'heure sévère, ombre de la mortelle,

S'en vient déjà couvrir les trois quarts du cadran.

Il faut, dès ce jourd'hui, renier le tyran

Plaisir, et se complaire aux prudents hyménées,

Quittant le souvenir des heures entraînées

Et des gens. Et voilà la norme et le flambeau.

Ce sera bien. »

L'Amour :

« Ce ne serait pas beau. »

— The End —