(A lone voice whispers)
In a deep dream
I saw an old wooden bridge
A bridge of green and blue
Filled with yellow flowers and red roses
At the front of a huge crowd of watching blinking eyes
Stood a regal black Dobermann
He seemed quite confident and approached
You may not cross here yet
He spoke
Within my mind
These lands are for those who never forget true love
The companions
Of mankind
This is The Rainbow Bridge
And over those ivy mountains
Are the golden cities
Filled with happy owners and their sidekicks
The brothers and sisters of the Watchers
Who you now see
Before you
Called The Bellagio
A sea of eyes
Filled with love
Who'll follow you
Wherever you go
Waiting patiently
In this rain or snow
For their beloved owners to show
Above you
If you look
Is a mirror
So we can see the other side
To know when their time Too comes
To prepare to be reunited
When our true love
Say their final goodbyes
For true love never dies
Only fluctuates
As one walks
Through a new gate
We are all now at peace
No pain
No anxiety
Just happy to sit and wait for our soulmates
To cross
The Rainbow Bridge
For there is no time
And no such concept of being late
Now go
Astral traveller
And recount our meeting and greetings from me and
The Bellagio
And with a low bark
He turned and walked back into the sea of smiling eyes
Who all blinked in unison
Seemingly smiling
And disappeared
As the dream started to fade
He appeared once more
In the trailing smoke
And whispered before I could answer
It is I
I have always been waiting for you
And as I woke and wrote
In my dream journal
The beloved memories of Caesar returned
Making me smile
That he was waiting
Now at peace
Amongst his happy brothers and sisters
Beyond The Rainbow Bridge
Patiently and
Regally waiting
Like a much-loved priest
Of The Bellagio
Who can now
Copyright John Duffy
Family pets play such an important role in the human experience.
For love, friendship, security and companionship.
But since they live such short lives, do you believe they live just beyond The Rainbow Bridge?