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cozy april Jun 2015
In the beginning it was hell
you couldn't tell
that our existence wasn't yet stale
but actually pale by comparison
thought never to combat again.
bang goes the earth
never to be the same again
Changed again
astranged again to the new upright walking beings
as different as it seems
it's still the same
burried secrets that still remain
and we learn to sustain
never knowing that we are the bane
of our beatutiful earth
not aware of its worth
consuming its girth
as time runs out we start to dectect
our selfishness and neglect
for the very thing we were made to protect.

as the earth deals with its adversity
we decrease our carcinogenicity
start respecting our maternity
but time can only heal the relationship of earth and humanity

Gayathri Sarathi Nov 2013
Day started with happiness....
felt the sun was rising for me ..
yes im going to see him today.....
will he be in uniform.....
or stripped shirt....
Whatever it is,  he is mine

Hot he is with his glamour eyes
cute he is with his ***** cheeks...
all memories rewinded back...
Whatever it is, he is mine

Entered office with a silence ..
heart beats was heard to my ears...
eyes was searching for him...
but only empty chairs and tables was seen..

came to my work station ...
stared at his face...
Whatever it is, he is mine

there came a call saying he has come...
was running to the room...
with happiness which came to me after a long time...
by seeing him..
But he was not ready to see me..
rather he would have thought walls was beautiful than me...
as he was facing it and sitting...

hopes got faded away...
Tears flowed into my eyes....
was it a same person...
who wanted to meet me in peace..
made me to meet him into pieces...
Whatever it is, he is mine...

Saw his side face...his hair,,his shoes...
those beatutiful eyes....which made me to fall into love ...
came with lot happiness went away with lot of sadness...
Whatever it is, you are mine....
whatever it is i will always luv u......SAIL.
David Nelson Jul 2010
Have I told you

Its like I've had VanWinkle's disease ,
suddenly you' have  awakend my mind
I suddenly notice, this beatutiful woman
where have I been, took me too long to find

you've been standing, right here beside me
must have been keeping, my head in the sand
now all the momories are returning
if I reach out, will you take my hand

I can't understand, why I make it so hard
I can't seem to say, the words that I feel
the thought's been there, seems I hide my card
you've been waiting for me to shut up and deal

have I told you lately, how much I love you
have I said to you, your still in my dream
I'm a such a fool to have gambled you'd be here
I have forgotten that we are a team

Gomer LePoet...

— The End —