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Life rips the fabric holding time at bay
and lets loose the frenzy.

I say
seize the moment
and catch each day
as if it were a butterfly and
ask yourself the reason why
life acts this way.

If we are to live to be we die
if we die to live we still die anyway.

Once upon a threshold in a town
so far away
where the magi travelled to throughout
each night and then one day arrived to
the stories were all true
apart from colour television and
Elvis as a stablehand, a
a *** of gold, some
aftershave or so I'm told,
gifts or bribes?

history admires the brave and merit is the King,
so Jesus never had a chance
which has a familiar kind of ring.

I wrung the necks of several ***** in the aftershock when the dark sky brooded, deep was the mood until some jokes quite crude were circulated,
the congregation as expected congregated down the ******,
and was the crucified the loser?
that was the question on people's lips,
several tips on how he could if he had desired escaped the dire consequence
and some said, three pound eighty pence
for a pint was far too much.

I pay, we all pay
some pray, but
time finds a way to
break into every day
and crucify
DJ Verona Feb 2014
For long enough I stood there waiting
The consequences for us dating
But as you know I’d wait forever
Your love is my whole life’s endeavor

Do you remember when we met?
A moment I cannot forget
You drew me in with charm and sweetness
Surely how one should impress

I called you and we met at Cly’s
All dressed in white from head to thighs
And there you kissed me on my lips
I touched you with my finger tips

We walked back over to my dorm
Took over Townsend like a storm
Then I woke up, sun shone brightly
I kissed and tickled you so lightly

And saw that gorgeous smile gleam
I wondered what it all could mean
Maybe, that you were the one?
Our journey had only just begun

But then, from nowhere, stroke of fate
I asked you, “Barndance, be my date?”
You answered back, to my displeasure
“Him and I, we’re back together”

Crushed, disheartened, thoughts unclear
Body shifting rage in gear
We can only be good friends?
I guess it’s where the story ends

Except it can’t, my heart’s the same
I’ll keep on playing your sick game
Cause I will wait, I’ll wait for you
‘Til once again this dream comes true

I’ll take your body close to mine
Kiss you sweetly all the time
Passions wild, senses numbed
I’ll pray that morning never comes

But when the sun should slowly rise
I’ll gaze into your hazel eyes
And if I stare for long enough?
Your eyes will open, full of love.
i loved you so much...i'll think about you forever

— The End —