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Israel Baker Jan 2017

"Under jurisdiction"


Rolling My  Bakers Snow
Hot Melancholy Life ^ Hinoki y
  Crown Yo Yorozu Yugi Quantity Warning  "Amount "  ... " Thinking"
3  hot summer 3D solid "nose" "three cement adhesives"  "... sacrifice"

Kiyoshi Kiyoshi

T Hot  Takashimas Abalone  Yoga  
One ... Category ^ Dan ‡  Mo 5 heat  )
V  "  

" Paragraph "  "Ashi  roaryo  one"
As P
S  Week drinking g. "At the feet of the nose I am excited to hit the northern part.

SU SEPTEMBER                     9 months ago imprisonment for punishment


Megumi "Orodori" wheat "" "


F  Mark  Life S 5

Life Heat Nickel Lucky Heat Paradise f Respect  Ivepai ... Two Signs]

I 2  CR  Free ñn ina²; 2 X trout advertisement. F War: Energ X Ichin X
Q shoes
Troubled wings

... Eee Police
Libro! Res.  Mes

3 "Amount ..." Yoshio "5 Nyoyaku:" L Temple Heat G  Time S 1

"The two treasures of three summers are one word" summer  "
"Kaji" Paradise "Dan"  "" Denpaku Ban "Heat" Festival " 2" ... • f Burning 3 S 2   g Syg 5  "5" ... " Slave D Thermal ^ 5] Living Par 3

...   Benko Hot  Its hot and hot

Mie kanji  "Mand"  "...  Fujio F"  Ji Ri f "Shima" ... Yo  refreshing burning Lee  S "True"  "I   One"              
Art "..." "Whispering" Hot  "Earrings"  Dia ia Three "Ninko Futmusu "Jen" Yo Yona V Baby ... y  Visit  ... "Ding"

}: V ...                                                        3
Scorpion D Foot Hot Topic Yo Doornon Hot  55  Sotetsu   Shonen Paradise Life overview 5

3  "Two Weng" "O" ... Tunja Hot "Excitement of Birthday"  depression "f"
Say yuu wing  life  "  alive   " alive " rumor "" raw "... fog" ... " alive"
"7 y no  hosho  coast  rf> Tate 5 Nagashima paradise" "Paradise ..." "Hot weather y" dan y s "

C Kang                                                    

Y W] Gobo ["Yo" y ^ Category y  Campomo  "Basket" ... 3   Skin  Kirara
Living " kind of dragon 3 N ... accumulation of **** Dragon 3
G glience g depression
twin Korea T stone saw asleep letters Ninininini
Venge  Sono Plaster Kokumi Wo 3  fake accident  f Ko  first life Tsubasa Pass  Poison  ... ... ...  ugly Offshore
3 Weapons of algae.
When I sit and think.. ????

I think of how God created US
God created Parents and others that are called Our Siblings.
God created Ears, Eyes, Noses and even Fingers and Toes.
How Fortune are some of US to have been BORN with them?

''God not only created One He created Two of each things''

He also decide to supply Us with water and other sources.
As I often Think??? Why do We destroy what has been here for so Many Centuries and its Purpose is to be able to use it???

How often do you think of others who might had lived as you and I do; and now are homeless???

How about thinking if they were once's wealthy and now poor???The struggles of trying to keep it altogether??? Or the little hope they had that was taking from them???

I often think of them and how they manage without...
It sadden me to see an Elderly women in a public bathroom washing her belongings. As I try not to share;  I shook my head and reach into my pocket to give her money. She bless me so many times it brought tears to my eyes!!
I often think of her... And I wonder what was her LIFE like.; some are out there with no HOPE; little FAITH or no desire to return to what was once's upon a time...

Some of them not having a place to call HOME as WE do...
while others go unnotice because they do not have No identity of there own; and some who just don't care to reconciliate anything of their past...

As I often think if I were your Parent or Sibling and HOMELESS would you be afraid to take the shirt of your back and Clothe ME? Would you pass Judgement of my Misfortune??? Or would you buy me something to eat or spare me some change to help ME??? Don't just pass by me and pretend that I do not exist because I do...  Remember I'am HUMAN just like You''!!!

God made good people like those who are reading this poem to give a lending ear; soar with your eyes and be a giver, at times It might just be a prayer that you may offer them, be a good servant and give them a bit of information of any avaliable shelter etc...  or maybe something to keep them warm . ''YOU DON-NOT KNOW THEIR STORIES''.  Let God use YOU and do a good deed in Someone Else LIFE;  do for the unknown and watch the BLESSING come back to YOU....


— The End —