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ShamusDeyo Nov 2014
King Glærden Wârd of Drψngle Moψntain
Celebrâtes the Yærly Birth of Græt Øgdân
Dwârves from all Mountâins of the Reâlm
All Bow To Glærden's, Shield, Sword æ Helm

Ûpon the Tâll   CarvenStone........                                            ­                          
King Câlls For Øgdân's Dæ
With Boom of Dwârven Drψm
And the Chime of Hammered Metal Bars                                                            
­Anounce that Øgdân's Dæ's begψn

Dwârves ât Forges ând Anvils gâve
Thier Finest Work to wær that dæ
All Polished, Contests with Pikes took plâce
As Flâgons of Bârley Mæd,
Spræd Spirit along the Crowds Glee
Dwârven Short Swords Plâyed to Gâmes
As with the Twilight the Troll Hunt Câme

Drψms, Swords, and Pikes âll roψse
As the Troll Hâtred from the Croψd
Rises like â Forges Flâme, to hârden
Dwârven Hærts to Blame,All Trolls
As thieving Rotten ****, ât the
Sound of the Elk Horn the Hψnts begψn

They spræd down these river beds
Hψnting til â troll they Find, to be
Pârâded by the Dwârven Kind
Bâck to the Hærken Stone, ând the end
Øf Øgdân's Dæ, With Stroke of Axe
Doth Roll a Trolls Head.......JMF 11/20/14
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
Mirela S May 2017
In every beat of silence  
There is a moment of space  
Where we are hiding, just in case  
We loose our balance...  

In every tear of dispair  
There is a joy of chance  
When we are looking for romance,  
For floating through the air...  

In every woman’s heart  
There is a song and a dance  
Both safely kept from flagrance  
But, sometimes, shared apart...  

Silence becomes a poem  
Through dreams escaped of bounce  
Filling ourselves and anounce  
Our soul's love, just been stolen...  

- listening Selena – I could fall in love  

— The End —