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night falls.   space slackens.
falling into common placeness, the realness
     of quotidian moon.


 a love for the metastasis of minutiae.
  a hand on the cold **** pale like the dead.
  the tombs of fingernails. creases for
   delineations of Earth. clenched, evening.
      unloosened, bare as morning.
    hand in hand, twilight.


  outside the house, a figure.
  things stir in the persistence of silence.
  the flagrant irony of hearing cacophonies.
     a part of the world that becomes a kin.
   say, without light and the dimensions of
     things, no shadows display in grayscale.
 listening to the cancer of the avenue:
   the continuing  tachycardia in the edge
      of things. things that pulse or flatten.
     the mind, in your passing. the heart in your passing.  respect this chronology.

     likened to the metaphor of beginning
  an immediate and forever turning of the body when trouble meant togetherness,
   and  consolation, simply remembering.


there is a deconstruction in sleep.
   the alterable garment of dream. or a flower
  revealing its inflorescence.
  the blackred hemograph of petals, the accuracy of thorns, the tabulated geography
    of its stillness - something it that does not completely practice.  the constancy of the wind    breaks its mimesis.


outside your house again. the undesirable quake in the monotony of your dog, Oliver, chained to the stilt of the house that does
     move anymore.

  the absolute quiet of the street foreshadows the variegated Dieffenbachia.
   the color of my palm, starting to green.

   i could be anything within your presence
     as the moon intensifies the plunge.
Rosa Lovetta Jan 2018
What do I do,
when my comprehension of you,
surpasses your understanding of life,
Your wants and your yearns,
are far from grown up concerns
My longings and desires,
are no where near your mental pyres,

I fell for you, a child
and when I say you drive me wild,
I mean in denial,

I'd be a alterable Sensi
my loss of emotions would leave you hear say,
the court would call nay,

I ponder who is more incompetent,
an immature child,
or an adult who believes their intention mild?
From a distance, under my presence,
pop of shapes and sizes,
spike of contours and edges,
variety of smooth and ragged,
but, intangible in all ways.

An alterable gaiety; but, summer turns you defined.
minute by minute, widening my idealism.
Forming yourself to an ash explosion;
erupted from the boiling land and sea!

Above me, ere, were dark and growling.
Now, your sheen brightens like evergreen.
You move as waves of the Great Pacific,
turn gold until darkens by the dusk.

Clashes with the sky blue, it is thee, indeed.
An Artist stroking for aestheticism
who invents the shades of blanch -
a surrealistic abstract's kind that is alive!

— The End —