I'm tired and I'm lonely,
I'm sickly and I'm cold,
My lips are dry and cracking,
My clothes starting to mold.
Left out on the streets I am,
just a little girl,
Everyone walks by and laughs at my greasy,
stringy curls.
My body is covered in dirt,
My clothes are stained and messy,
I've got scrapes, bumps, and bruises,
with no mother at all to kiss me.
I live in empty doorways, old allyways,
and old abandoned cars,
but my face will always hide my saddest,
deepest scars.
I've seen more and done more in a day
than you may in a lifetime,
just think, all of this and I haven't even
reached my prime.
I've been beaten, stolen, broken,
and taken for granted,
I look at normal people and
I don't think they'd understand it.
I'm homeless but I smile every time
someone looks my way,
because even though I'm not one of
them, I hope they never have a bad day.