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heaven Oct 2014
ابن أبي داود السجستاني - حائية

تمسك بحبلِ الله وأتبعِ الهُدى ، ولا تكُ بدعيا لعلك تُفلحُ
Hold tightly to the rope of Allaah and the guidance,
And do not be an innovator, so that you might be successful.

ودنْ بكتابِ الله والسننِ التي ، أتت عنْ رسول الله تنجو وتربحُ
And practice your religion based on the Book of Allaah and the Sunan which
have come from the Messenger of Allaah so you will be saved and earn reward.

وقل غيرُ مخلوقٍ كلام مليكنا ، بذلك دان الـأتقياء , وأفصحوا
And say: Not a created thing is the Speech of our great King,
Such was the religious position of the pious ones (before us) who spoke well.

ولا تكُ في القرآن بالوقف قائلاً ، كما قال أتْباعٌ لجمٍ وأسححُوا
And do not be a person who takes no position on the Quran,
As did the followers of Jahm, and they had been too lax (to take the right position).

ولا تقل القرآن حلْقٌ قرأْتُهُ ، فإن كلام اللهِ باللفظ يُوضحُ
And do not say that the Quran is created, meaning: its recitation,
Since the Speech of Allaah, through its recitation, is made clear.

وقل يتجلى الله للخلقِ جهرةً ، كما البدر لا يخفى وربك أوضحُ
And say: Allaah will make himself visible to all the creation, openly,
Just as the full moon is not hard to see, and your Lord (will be seen) more clearly.

وليس بمولدٍ وليس بوالدٍ ، وليس له شِبْهٌ تعالى المُسبحُ
And He was not born, nor has He fathered anyone,
Nor is there anything similar to Him, exalted be the Glorified One.

وقد يُنكِر الجهمي هذا عندنا ، بمصداقِ ما قلنا حديثٌ مصرحُ
A Jahmee rejects this, however, we have
As a testimony to the truth of what we say – a hadeeth that clarifies it.

رواه جريرٌ عم مقالِ مُحمدٍ ، فقلُ مِثل ما قد قال ذاك تنْجحُ
Jareer narrated it, from the words of Muhammad,
So say what he said about that, and you will be successful.

وقد ينكرُ الجهمي أيضاً يمينهُ ، وكِلتا يديه بالفواضلِ تنْفحُ
And perhaps a Jahmee might deny His Right Hand as well,
While both of His Hands are giving out all kinds of bounties.

وقل ينزلُ الجبارُ في كلِّ ليلةٍ ، بر كيفَ جلَّ الواحدُ المُتمَدحُ
And say: The Ever-Compelling descends each night,
Without asking for exact details, magnificent is the One God and most worthy of praise.

إلى طبقِ الدنيا يمُنُّ بفضلهِ ، فتفرجُ أبواب السماءِ وتُفتحُ
Down to the lowest heaven, granting bounties from His Grace,
As the gates of the heavens are opened and spread widely.

يقولُ أَلا مُستغفرٌ يَلقَ غافراً ، ومُستمنحٌ خيراً ورِزْقاً فُمنحُ
He says: Is there anyone seeking forgiveness who would like to meet a Forgiver?
Or anyone seeking bounties of goodness and provisions, so he could be given (what he requests)?

روى ذاك قومٌ لا يردُّ حديثُهم ، ألا خابَ قومٌ كذبوهم وقُبِّحوا
A group have reported this whose reports are not to be rejected,
But sadly some have went wrong and did not believe them, marring themselves.

وقل: إنَّ خير النَّاسِ بعد محمَّدٍ ، وزيراهُ قدَماً ثم عثمانُ الارجَحُ
And say: Indeed the best of the people after Muhammad
Were his two deputies of old, and then ‘Uthmaan, according to the most correct position.

ورابعهُمْ خيرُ البريَّة بعدهُم ، عليٌّ حليفُ الخيرِ بالخيرِ مُنْجِحُ
And the fourth of them was the best of creation after them,
‘Alee, the companion of goodness, through goodness he was successful.

وإنَّهم للرَّهطُ لا ريبَ فيهمُ ، على نُجبِ الفردوسِ بالنُّور تَسرحُ
Those are the people, those who we have no doubt about,
Upon the great camels of Firdows, shining brightly and roaming about.

سعيدٌ وسعدٌ وابن عوفٍ وطلحةُ ، وعامرُ فهرٍ والزبيرُ الممدَّح
Sa’eed, Sa’d, Ibn ‘Awf, Talhah,
‘Aamir of Fihr, and Zubayr the praiseworthy.

وقل خيرض قولٍ في الصحابة كلِّهم ، ولا تك طعَّاناً تعيبُ وتجرحُ
And speak with the best terms about the Companions, all of them,
And do not be one who speaks ill of them, pointing out their faults and criticizing,

فقد نطقَ الوحيُ المبينث بفضلِهم ، وفي الفتح آيٌ للصَّحابةِ تمدحُ
Since the clear Revelation has spoke of their excellence,
And in (Soorah) al-Fat-h are verses about the Companions, praising them.

وبالقدرِ المقدورِ أيقِن فإنَّه ، دعامةُ عقدِ الدِّين ، والدِّينُ أفيحُ
And regarding the pre-ordained Qadr, be convinced, since it is
The pillar that combines many affairs of the Religion, and the Religion encompasses much.

ولا تُنكِرَنْ جهلاً نكيراً ومُنكراً ، ولا الحوْضَ والِميزانَ انك تُنصحُ
And do not reject, out of ignorance, (belief in) Nakeer and Munkar,
Or the Pool or the Scales, surely you are being advised sincerely.

وقُلْ يُخرجُ اللهُ الْعظيمُ بِفَضلِهِ ، مِنَ النارِ أجْساداً مِنَ الفَحْمِ تُطرحُ
And say: Allaah, the Great, will remove, from of His Grace,
Out of the Fire, people, burned severely, who will then be tossed.

عَلى النهرِ في الفِرْدوسِ تَحْيَا بِمَائِهِ ، كَحِبِّ حَمِيلِ السَّيْلِ إذْ جَاءَ يَطْفَحُ
Into the river in Firdows, wherein they will regain life by its water,
Like a seed taken by a flood that comes and wipes things away with its abundant water.

وإن رَسُولَ اللهِ للخَلْقِ شَافِعٌ ، وقُلْ في عَذابِ القَبْرِ حَقّ موَُضحُ
And surely, the Messenger of Allaah will intercede,
And speak about the punishment of the grave, that it is the truth, made clear.

ولاَ تُكْفِرنْ أَهلَ الصلاةِ وإِنْ عَصَوْا ، فَكُلهُمُ يَعْصِي وذُو العَرشِ يَصفَحُ
And do not make takfeer of those who pray, even if they commit sins,
Since all of them commits sins, while the Owner of the Throne forgives graciously.

ولَا تَعتقِدْ رأيَ الْخَوَارجِ إِنهُ ، مقَالٌ لَمنْ يَهواهُ يُردي ويَفْضَحُ
And do not hold a belief like that of the Khawaarij, for it is
A position held by only those who desire it, and it is destructive and disgraceful.

ولا تكُ مُرْجيًّا لَعُوبا بدينهِ ، ألاَ إِنمَا المُرْجِي بِالدينِ يَمْزحُ
And do not be a Murji’, one who plays games with his religion,
Surely, the Murji’ is joking about the religion (ie. not taking it seriously).

وقلْ : إنمَا الإِيمانُ : قولٌ ونِيةٌ ، وفعلٌ عَلَى قولِ النبِي مُصَرحُ
And say: Eemaan (faith) consists of statements, intentions,
And Actions, according to the explicit statement of the Prophet.

ويَنْقُصُ طوراً بالمَعَاصِي وتَارةً ، بِطَاعَتِهِ يَمْنَي وفي الوَزْنِ يَرْجَحُ
And it decreases sometimes, due to disobedience, and sometimes
Because of obedience it grows, and on the Scale it will outweigh (other things).

ودعْ عَنْكَ آراءَ الرجالِ وقَوْلَهُمْ ، فقولُ رسولِ اللهِ أزكَى وأَشْرحُ
And keep yourself from the opinions of people and their stances,
Since the stance of the Messenger of Allaah is more befitting and easier on one’s chest.

ولا تَكُ مِن قوْمٍ تلهوْا بدينِهِمْ ، فَتَطْعَنَ في أهلِ الحَديثِ وتقدحُ
And do not be from those who play games with their religion,
Attacking the people of hadeeth and reviling them.

إِذَا مَا اعْتقدْت الدهْرَ يا صَاحِ هذهِ ، فأَنْت عَلَى خَيْرٍ تبيتُ وتُصْبِحُ
If you keep this belief all your life, O holder of this (poem),
You will be upon goodness, day and night.
Al-haa iyyah
by Ibn Abi Dawud Assijistanee
AJ Farruco Dec 2018
Used to be human/
Before the reoccurring/
I had a dream.../

Forgot it when I woke/
Uphill battle/
I get down by jumping off/
Hit the ground running/
My mouth is tired/
Feed the motor rocks/
Bust it!/

I talk like a stoner/
Walk like destruction/
Things fall apart/
As soon as I touch them/
Tortured soul artist/
Thinking is abstract/
Live like a ***/
And always feel crap/
In the deep end/
Good-for-nothing hollowman/
Looking like a castaway/
Dressing like it's Halloween/
Washed up/
Sleeping in castles made of sand/
Shipwreck in a bottlerocket/
Over your head!/

Nobody cares/
Don't expect nothing from no-one/
Except Allaah/
Who doesn't break His promise/
People shouldn't ****/
If they don't want to get hated/
On my nerves like a jackhammer/
Snap like a mousetrap/
Replica of my life/
Just to watch myself watch myself/
Awareness is a car crash/
Broken body alarm clock/
Woke, without enough sleep/
Feet in my back/
Elephant eyelash in the public eye/
Embarrassment is DEAD./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 14/05/2019.
Oliver Miamiz Jul 2016
Mere mention of your name
sends a wave of emotion
through my body,
in love deep I fell and
entangled in your web
blindly I got caught, thought was strong
and the mere utterance of
her name brought me
down to my knees... In air mammoth castles
I built, selfish I was
without a sense of guilt.
All love atrocities and havoc
wedged on you by me
cupid couldn't acquit me off my crimes,
And De jure I was guilt
without a shred of innocense
blessed with Allaah I am
with such a great muse
but me life was in darkness only yearning for the love of me life..... Even though we're apart,
my love will never part, all I beg is trust
commitment while I redeem
what's left of US......
I won me a trophy, reason why with you I feel like a
just a way, a way to show you
how much I love you......!!
AJ Farruco Apr 2023
I wouldn't say discontentment/
More like discomfort/
I'm anxious; might be slightly anguished/
Fine... dysfunctional/
Humanity's an infernal machine/
Forever malfunctioning/
And everyone's too impatient/
To read the instruction manual/
Insatiable; thoughts eat themselves/
Then regurgitate/

Tired vampire at the beach/
Bursting into flames/
Burning through the bank/
Wormhole in pocket universe/
Blowing up our lives/
Fill up your thirdeye socket with dirt/

No funeral; they don't even mourn/
I grieve different/
Seem difficult... anticonformist/
Sorry I ruined the party/
I am a walking trigger warning/
Donnie Darko at the golf course/
Stop trying to treat me like a normie/
Most people ignore me/
And it used to make me question/
But being seen is worse/
When they ask too many questions/
It is what it is/

I wouldn't say discontentment/
More like discomfort/
No bad blood; accept the Qadr of Allaah/
I don't know their intentions/
But I feel the tension./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 05/04/2023.
AJ Farruco Jul 2024

Relative suffocation/
Domestic facehuggers/
Offchest outburster/
Alienating others/

It's all coming to ahead/
Confidential stomach/
Keep stomping on eggshells/
His only basket broke/


My break is when I sleep/
But even then, it's broken/
Yesterday was like/
No today... scatterbrain/

I didn't make my bed/
My wife made it for me/
Allaah made my wife/
Kids, don't talk to goats/

© + ® A.J. Farruco, 10/10/2016.
AJ Farruco Mar 2024
I am not a bird/
I'm a rock/
People can't move me/
Only God can throw me/
Curveball at your brain/
The box is unopened/
I'm on the outside/
Floating through space/
Timeshift jigsaw/
Whiteflash rollover sideways/
Memory overlappage/
Imperfect loopage/
Phasing in & out/
Two turntables spinning/
Skipping town/
Like a rolling stone/
Let's rock.../

Breakups in the A.M./
Fall back to sleep/
Back caught a rusty blade in it/
Brain drizzle permanent/
Cold vein ****** pulse cannon/
False idols shut the **** up/
Or get throat cancer... ahem/
I'll hack it out with a boxcutter/
Allaah, give me strength/
Let me **** Godzilla/
Manic Chainsaw Man in Morin Hotel/
Wear the devils down/
'Til they offer up their hearts/
Please make it stop/
Then I tear it apart/
Break the faucet off/
And bathe in the blood/
Yeah... The Force isn't with you/
Life is crystal skull disco inferno/
Death is withdrawal in a courtroom/
She's a drama generator/
With a broken off switch/
I don't go outside; I don't like ****/
Isolation tank alt reality check?/

Get lost... in my head like a hole in a wall/
Dark knight of the soul./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 25/03/2024.
AJ Farruco Sep 2024
She's disappointed/
Disrespecting me is pointless/
When you can't even see yourself/ x2

I am not perfect/
But I'm sick of being the bad guy/
You get hurt by anything/
Don't wanna be a sadboi no more/

I'm not angry; I'm tired/
You're an energy vampire/
You can't replace what you took/
And you wouldn't even try/

I'm not gonna cry/
Even though that's how you win/
I'm a loser, baby/
Guess we'll see in the end/

I always think that I'm done/
But here I still am/
And maybe I'm dumb/
Or just crazy like a fox!/


So you be the victim/
And I'll be the villain/
But when we stand in front of Allaah/
Who will get to Heaven?/
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 07/09/2024.
AJ Farruco Sep 2024
I, sun of midnight, am far from perfect/
My enlightenment is enhanced by darkness/
Pitchblack is dead calm, my heartbeat slows down/
To a halt; icecold blood, sweat and tears build up/
Until they spill out like frozen wolverine claws/
Berserker rage in my bones - hyperventilation/
Stab you in the brain until the penny drops in the fountain/
The evidence is melting; let it all soak in/
I'm holding it together with string, tape and staples/
Tales from the crypt? Tick! Keep it surreal, kid/
Download my soul one piece at a time/
Everyone's a critic these days - nonconstructive/
I'll never sellout; you don't have what I want, man/
Slave of Allaah, spewing venom on your preciouses/
Children need leashes, women need lashes/
Eyes see nothing, because minds are distracted/
Blinded by life, and bloodlust of the desert/
Revampirate; the vultures feast on the elephant/
In my room like a son of a beach, boy/
Girls just want to have funds, but I'm mental/
Religious psychobabbletronic mindspray projectiles./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 03/11/2014.

— The End —