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vircapio gale Mar 2014
the Nephelaen mediatrix sings
fating an ambrosia synchrony of tones

she volves her telic tepals ripe:
areoles ensorcelled under alate nomes

she heralds petrichoric quench
with nova womb
to subtend violet ray

in stellar bloom, noema web:
sensate fontanels
in spite of dessication's wrench
are concresced atmospheric balms
of evanescent nervure, calyces
displayed to sky-crossed home,
unpillared and ovoid

'the nephelai (or Nephelae)
were the Okeanid nymphs of clouds and rain who rose up from the earth-encircling river Okeanos bearing water to the heavens' ( ).
"The Nephelean Period"
is a perhaps outdated term used in solar or geologic timescales, to mark when solar nebulae emerge distinct from Giant Molecular Clouds. it ends when a proto-sun is formed.
mediatrix : a female mediator

volve : "consider" "roll about the mind"
telic: having an end or goal
tepal: contains both sepals and petals of a flower
areoles: (on cacti) are clearly visible bumps out of which grow clusters of spines, buds and branches
ensorcell: to bring under a spell
alate: winged
nome (nomos), in Greek music, originally ‘tune’, ‘melody’; the word was applied especially to a type of melody invented, it was said, by Terpander as a setting for texts taken from epic poetry, which could be played on the flute or on the lyre.

petrichor: the scent after long awaited rain, or the oil released after a drought's end
noema: an object of consciousness
concresce: to grow together
calyx: bot. the outermost group of floral parts, the sepals; anat. zool., a cuplike part.
ovoid: egg-shaped

my apologies for the obscure words. it's a vice and a penchant i'm learning to come to terms with. any thoughts are appreciated
Star BG Aug 2020
Lions gate
Expand so great
Feel you fate

Feet alate
Move, create      

Conquer hate
Dance gyrate

lift your weight
Peaceful state
Love checkmate

Find soul mate
Take life bait
graceful gait

8/8 l

8/8heart inflate
light spate
forgiveness trait

8/8 meditate
feel first rate
Happy 8/8 all. mIts a powerful gateway to expand the self and align with energies of creation.
Maritza Torres Mar 2017
our malleable beings
lay gentle asleep
as water pads upon
indigo springs of water
rests slumberous
on our verdure palms

taken and torn
dreams lay waste
beneath pillows
stitched into slapdash costumes
too heavy to wear

diaphanous florets of dandelion
dance quiet
as vocal cataclysms awake
reverberate heavier
than summer air

throne power aloft
with fervid strength
our alate souls rise

— The End —