Dying to be born/ by me...such longing, unbearable bonding you seek yet none to be had!!! Miserably happy, intensively sad!
A freak to be alive. All motivational gatherer's gather to one drum, where day meets thy sun in snow tatted sty's. Where the wind gets heavy, your souls longing stays abliged...
The weathering of rainbow colors comes politely to what one shall meet, these beings seen as if actors, not your typical doctors and lawyers. These cuddled ways not your atypical streets! Soo/many Starer's, none farer than that blossoming I miss the most! Is it Me or they who have gone over trotted? I guess its all I suppose...
The smallest things to make man appreciate what he had, the child born to his fatherless widow, or unpopulaters from the trended fad!
What a loss we all were when it came to finding our other half's, when light meets the darkness, between thine good and thy bad!!!!