lost, confused; floating, lonely
dying slowly, fading quickly
time passes
no notice.
another day gone
no one to share with the beauty of life;
the way the sun peaks thru the windows in the early morn'
how the wind feels on my skin as i step outside
the goodbye kiss that never touches my lips..
the silent drive over the river
the endless work days;
fingers typing, brain fuzzy, heart focused on you
inevitably the day ends
minute by minute, that much closer to home
the seconds drag as i long for your embrace
distracted, by a beautiful child whose loving eyes say it all
vision blurs as my eyes fight a never-ending battle with these **** tear ducts
an emotional wreck.
all bottled up, waiting to explode
hoard it all away..
dont ask, dont tell
even if they do ask, still dont tell
who really wants to know anyway?
the secrets of my heart go unlistened to; forever unheard
my words float by, grasping for attention
i am a failure; a disappointment
understood by no one, admired by few
lost in a sea of loneliness
i am empty.
fort myers fl