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Sep 2015 · 284
Where I Roam Freely
the dawn of another
tempest and the twilight
of another's sleek extinction.

i roam freely
without fences so i could break
free with even speed.

this is where no men
this is where everything
remains limitless.
this is where all fires
raze whatever has been uncovered
and deemed vulnerable.
this is where i imagine
realness and put to realities,
whatever is imagined.
this is where everything only
amounts so little,
and that in its smallness, i only
weave an immense thatch
for the asylum of these words
and watch them come to life...

it starts with a pencil of light
torching where silence beckons
and words writ strongly in
bold intent

and ends
where all of these syllabications
take their sojourns in one's mind,
pulsing with life and one with blood in the sinews of mind's faculty.

this is where i meander freely,
and everything exists
in illustrious wonder.
Sep 2015 · 244
Because love
because love is the summer
and its haze is the invitation
to winter

because it is what our inner sense
refutes and strips us of
our meaningless rationales

because it is what necessitates
our blurred selves to come
into a halcyon of so many laughters
weaving only what tears could
never provide - a diadem of light

because love is a string of birds
that continually searches for
a thick green home and atop
is where it perches proudly
looking down on new moon
and old stars,

because love is the pour of
something as luminous, crystalline
as a faint spark of frankness,
and that we, in believing this,
must have forgotten what it meant
to be obsequiously wounded closer
to the hortatory of roses and their
prickly salutations

and because love is the tongue
surrounded by the many words
of pain, and that it is its
refusal to wake in the day
of a language without a word
for winter and infinitude

because love is the chaos of
sound that it hears only alone -
unless unmindfully, rawly, we
hold it close to our chests
as it moves with its fledgling beat, ready to touch.
Sep 2015 · 265
Plaridel Moon
upon us shows
only a quarter of its
churlish grin

this circular deathlessness.

the moon's harp
evokes sound
as vermilion stars
and crepuscules
shatter in the distance.
i sit still about
to lose form
as waxes melt
dislimning even
the night
and with its hoarse voice
through the window,
it sinks
god's plaything -
what is the colour of rain
that paints this city
with the havoc that once
trouble wreaked over
our sorriness?

god's no god
until he is god
in someone's throne
and i may be a fool.
he is a cool cat rolling
thunderously over the silence
of our homes or
perhaps a soldier
marching his way
homeward amid
the tatterdemalion
of days.

god's temple
is the body and a body's
oblivious of this -
    god knows no "sigue sigue"
              nor "sputnik"
       nor piercing the helm

god's no fool to goad any gambit
or watch the wane of old solace.
or is it that i am
a leitmotif and my peccadilloes
are a path's adagio towards contrite?

god voyeurs over the
windowless hours
of my sanity's eclipse
and soon, when all of my prayers
turn to ash and
no sound of me is heard,
in the evening of this tide
is deliverance
and i have slept.

— The End —