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 Sep 2013 Willson
The moon's rays shine under the ocean,
The beautiful blue waves are in motion,
There is a full moon tonight;
And it is shining beautiful and bright.
The beautiful fishes are swimming under the ocean,
Listen to the sound of the ocean,
All kinds of ocean plants are growing under the waves;
I love the moonlit rays.
There's only a slight sunset in the sky,
A shooting star falls from way up high,
Little twinkling stars light the dark sky;
It is so beautiful I begin to cry.
Oh I love this enchanting scene,
Everything is so beautiful just like a dream,
This place is beautiful beyond belief;
This beautiful place called Dolphin Reef.

 Sep 2013 Willson
N Moses
Just a glimpse of your pretty smile
Makes any day I have worthwhile
When I'm with you I'm filled with love
You remind me of the stars above
You wear that pretty summer dress
Your fragile heart I will caress
The golden fields in which we lay
My love for you I show today
Lust for you I must confess
Feeling things I can't express
Dreams, submarines, and doilies too
Tonight I'll be right here with you
Separate us I dare they never
I wish to be with you forever
 Aug 2013 Willson
Tana Young
Doesn't anyone want a moment of silence, nothing but a blank page to hide in.
To hear nothing, not even your own breath.
To see chaos, but not hear it.
Stay locked.
Let your mind soar into oblivion.
A blank page.
For you to ***** up,
throw away.
To start over.
A blank page like this once was.
Poetry you are my blank page.

Blank page.
Find it.
 Aug 2013 Willson
Alexandra G
I want to lay here
Head in the grass
And worries in the clouds
Seems like a perfect disposition
To live and die

I want to lay here
Head in your lap
And worries lost to your eyes
Seems like the perfect disposition
To live and love
Every day
I get to see you
is the last day
I want to be
on this Earth.
I want to die
knowing my last breaths
mingled with yours
and yours with mine.
Your hand is the
last warmth I want to feel
before I turn cold.
The blue of your eyes
is the last color I want
to see before the
white light blinds me.
I wanted to collect your ocean tears
in a flask and get drunk on your misery.
I wanted to be the earthquakes that
deepened the fault lines in your heart.
I wanted to take your soul piece by piece
by means of soft hands and even softer lips.
I wanted to destroy you more than I wanted
to allow myself to love you,
but all you did was paint the galaxies in my palms,
giving me the universe when I didn’t
even deserve a chance.
 Aug 2013 Willson
Conrad Aiken
All lovely things will have an ending,
All lovely things will fade and die,
And youth, that's now so bravely spending,
Will beg a penny by and by.

Fine ladies soon are all forgotten,
And goldenrod is dust when dead,
The sweetest flesh and flowers are rotten
And cobwebs tent the brightest head.

Come back, true love! Sweet youth, return!-
But time goes on, and will, unheeding,
Though hands will reach, and eyes will yearn,
And the wild days set true hearts bleeding.

Come back, true love! Sweet youth, remain!-
But goldenrod and daisies wither,
And over them blows autumn rain,
They pass, they pass, and know not whither.
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