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 Jan 2014 William
Black Ice
 Jan 2014 William
Darkness shades the soul
Permeating sparse moonbeams
Glint of black glitter
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/01/2014
 Jan 2014 William
I hate all of you.
All but two of you.
I know my poems ****
But yours **** even worse.
All I see
Is pity me
And like my depression Poetry
No love
On here but desperate love
And I hate it.
It's one thing to write
About it once or twice
But after the tenth time
You forget how to rhyme
Maybe it's slime
Hoping you'll shine
And just those four lines
Sum up your artistic ability.
 Jan 2014 William
 Jan 2014 William
Time ticks on
Second by second
Ego too thick to cave
Wanting it
Wanting more
Not willing to surrender
Not willing to lose
Match met
copyright©PrttyBrd 24/01/2014
 Jan 2014 William
My skin
 Jan 2014 William
I sit in front of my mirror
And look at my skin
So strange to think
Of the hands still pressed
To my flesh
Of the lips imprinted
In jest and in love
In lust and in drunk
I'm thinking of
My skin and my lips
And where I've been
And where I've yet to be.
 Jan 2014 William
Lola Roe
Stars in my eyes,
Shining bright,
Enchanted by the world,
So crystal clear and white,

I saw beauty in the world,
Never feared of the unknown,
Always believed in happiness,
Never dreamt of being alone,

I dreamed of castles and jewels,
Dancing and smiles,
In a pink princess dress,
And walking down the aisle,

I was a young girl,
In a world too big for her eyes,
In world with more bad than beauty,
More people stupid than wise,

I grew to learn through mistakes,
Mistakes that took the shine,
Darkness over took me,
And left only disappoint in my eyes,

I believed the people around me,
Enough for them to bring me down,
Everyone against me,
No longer a little princess with a crown,

What i never understood,
Was why do people crush your dreams?
What is wrong with believing,
In all unlikely things.

See there's no harm in hope,
No harm in being happy and free,
No harm in dancing,
And filling the world with glee.

There is no reason to be sad,
There is no need to hide your heart,
The little child inside you,
Should have stayed with you from the start.

Forget all of the bad,
The heartache and the pain,
Remember to when you was seven,
When their was nothing to explain,

Everything was easy,
You enjoyed the ride,
Life was a playground,
And you had *stars in your eyes
 Jan 2014 William
Lola Roe
He's got darkness in his eyes,
Like Jackson in disguise,
He's tall and wide,
Someone not easy to hide,
He's got dried out lips,
Lips you'd dread to kiss.
He's got black hair in his nose,
Yellow crust between his toes,
He's got veins on his thighs
That beer belly type of guy...

He is strong and powerful,
He made me feel so small,
He was going to **** me,
He wouldn't let me free,
He pressed his skin on mine,
I let out a loud cry.
No one could hear me,
No one saved me!


I speak no more.
 Jan 2014 William
White Lies
 Jan 2014 William
My lips have been kissed by the white lies
etched on the back of my eyelids.

Even the lulling tendrils sleep cannot blank it out.

I see it every single time the time strikes midnight.
Slowly but surely it mingles into my very fingertips.

Filling the empty space in me.
Which is everywhere.

If I said: " No, I am not cracked, bruised
my very soul hasn't been diluted by the bittersweet goodbye from your lips to mine.

White lie 1.

When your footsteps walked away, mine wasn't hesitating, cold and lost.

White lie 2.

If I said I didn't pray for rain, so my tears will meet their own.

White lie 3.

And above all,

If I ever say
" I didn't love him with every breath I have taken and will take in this universe that doesn't quite feel that starry and vast anymore."

Sweet heart, that is
white lie

I hope you darling readers enjoy this.

It was somewhat difficult to pen this.

To  find the right words to write or say is always somewhat challenging.

x x x
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