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wichitarick Jul 2020

Single symphony's sent as latest greatest samples of earths finest noises

Drops of dew to begin anew, clouds breaking as seagulls come into view

Rhythms  of rounders on rivers trickle,  arousing even the fickle, flowing emotion felt from the voices

Rain songs rein high while rain across a plain tunes take on a different hue

Screaming or singing of streams gleaming leave the ears steaming, while our mind and soul rejoices

Mysterious moisture or rivers rolling often leaves us over flowing, Rhymes of their sadness  also carry gladness to help us feel new

Whispers of wandering waves leaves our souls enslaved, distant serenades giving the voiceless choices

Babbling brooks come from song books seeping  deeply into all our nooks, Their depth carried in the minds of all but a few

Boisterous ballads refresh our palates, leaving blood pumping through hearts and veins

Dittie and Dally about the dew drop Inn is a win, choirous voices allowing us to see into the sea

Moisterous boisterous ballads refresh our palates,  waterfalls falling become the calling while always awaiting refreshing rhymes of rain across the plains. R.C
Little fun about all the songs about water,think I could have included more but didn't want to ramble on to much. I appreciate your thoughts,thanks for reading. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2022
Sax Sets The Tone

Pick or choose will vibes come from Jazz or blues

Music often invokes passion, playing from the heart reads from a musicians chart

Many notes get varied votes, orchestral highs too skid row lows

Enjoyment a goal with their deployment, free verse is footloose while Romantic feels poetic

For rockers guitar often takes lead, other styles use woodwinds to set the speed, maestro out front for their shows

Alto, baritone,soprano,different levels to revel, split reed distorts the feed, minstrel moans wildly while a crooner leaves us lovesick

Many think jazz as boring, while mellow fellow rises to screaming madness before realizing to whom they owe the gladness

Many sounds from minor or profound fill a niche melodies answer a hidden wish, true artists can naturally FEEL authentic

Wonder now if Mr. Sax would relax hearing how his sound has become so profound, widely heard from orchestras ,bar rooms and radios

We are left to take our pick of how a sound will get our vote, systemic strumming or a low humming,from Brass you ask? for some the equation only answered if the SAX is majestic.
Was done from a prompt about the saxaphone! was msuic so felt it would be easy to set the "tone" I often use msuic to set my vibe or find ideas with prose
so also seemed like a way to pay back the karma:) Thanks Peace. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Silence seems  the perfect way to simply say goodbye, when now I feel that maybe we shouldn't have said hello

Finding newly sown feelings did not appear far fetched,but maybe never noticed early distortions

Life is easier when played in doubles decreasing troubles,sound is usually better in stereo

Many thoughts brought into a single profile  often lead to easier conclusions

Previous problems once a constant burden weigh less while carried on several shoulders

Sincerity becomes closer to reality,  new limits for once unknown solutions

Not forced or prodded falling was easy felt more than seen,helplessly showing more internal exposures

Blissful but simultaneously blind what was missed behind a kiss,stalled at a standstill while everything else makes revolutions

Suddenly seeing a shadow instead of a human being ,slowly uncovering multiple imposters

Deescalating gradually  rather than hate seems to be my fate, bonding wasn't as binding if half of a whole is dealing with delusions

Love of life is a greater goal following lasting serenity in our own soul ,satisfaction can be found without living life as loners R.C.
Tend to not write on the lovey side but sometimes certain things bring a flashback of true love and in this case how it can also go away. I appreciate you reading and your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2017

Marked from birth to possibly follow another's ideals ,but even before an utterance is understood someone has to foot the bill

The first baby blankets all look alike,pink or blue which one is for you

First big brunt of hoochie coos ,giggling & wiggling on command ,then a.b.c-1,2,3,
hearing Mommy or daddy enough to make a child ill

Color or number at all hours unless we slumber ,at least standing and walking are natural and offer a better view

More lessons from the bath,take each cue it is for you,brush the teeth or hair as we were guided, not on your own free will

Then the dressing, lacing those shoes ,belts tight, collars up, buttons done nothing is left askew

Constant barrage of new sounds or words always another to be found  ,separating to,too or two will help define your skill

When to stand  walk or talk is for now subject to another's command ,applying another's knowledge as we grew

All manner of manners to be applied from setting a table or our hair,they feed us more & more although we feel we've had our fill

Simple stride we did abide, but starting to see outward, fracturing the glass, freedom is nice but lessons will be few

Family's resign to mark their sign ,schools further forge their rules or political expectations thrown at us like swill

Rules seen as jewels, new guide in which to confide,abiding is safe same as their teachings of faith ,so rest easy and have another bowl of follow the rule stew.R.C.
Sorry is a double post,web site kicked it back or showed not logged on? But appreciate your reading  Your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2017

Marked from birth to possibly follow another's ideals ,but even before an utterance is understood someone has to foot the bill

The first baby blankets all look alike,pink or blue which one is for you

First big brunt of hoochie coos ,giggling & wiggling on command ,then a.b.c-1,2,3, hearing Mommy or daddy enough to make a child ill

Color or number at all hours unless we slumber ,at least standing and walking are natural and offer a better view

More lessons from the bath,take each cue it is for you,brush the teeth or hair as we were guided, not on your own free will

Then the dressing, lacing those shoes ,belts tight, collars up, buttons done nothing is left askew

Constant barrage of new sounds or words always another to be found  ,separating to,too or two will help define your skill

When to stand  walk or talk is for now subject to another's command ,applying another's knowledge as we grew

All manner of manners are lessons, from setting a table or our hair,they feed us more & more although we feel we've had our fill

Simple stride we did abide, but starting to see outward, fracturing the glass, freedom is nice but lessons will be few

Family's resign to mark their sign ,schools further forge their rules or political expectations thrown at us like swill

Rules seen as jewels, new guide in which to confide,abiding is safe, same as their teachings of faith ,so rest easy and have another bowl of follow the rule stew.R.C.
Maybe not as deep as originally intended,but it seems now matter how smart some think they are or independent we to large degree end up being nothing more than what was originally thrown at us or "taught" to us, so which is the larger lesson for the teachers or those they have taught? :) Thanks for reading. I appreciate comments. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2022
Screen Door Always Open

Flashback of a slow train on a narrow track, visions from a car window or old pickup truck

Memories of tasting dirt roads and noisy toads, taking it all in while old wheels spin

Arrival looks like a revival minus the Bible, Wind washed home between railroad tracks next to a river bank

Juvenile sensations sensationalized, taste of mulberry, watermelon, Kool-Aid in Tupperware, refinery a constant scent of tar or diesel, Smell of whitewash not political yet, waiting line at the tire swing

Barefoot brings bee stings, soft familiar feeling of clover between toes, whiffle ball for all, plenty to do for me or you, willingness to play holds highest rank

More fun  catching bait than avoiding the old bait and switch, Lessons laid out and kept separate like hooks on a trot line, uncaring for the memories these days would bring

Collecting sunshine brings blistering burns, red skin clashes with red hair, grass stains and heat show no pain,  remove both with wonders of the wash tank

No hills but a few Dales, Lakes and streams in between, Grandma Nellies reward a penny for each dandelion dug endless fodder for young hands to wander, like a merry-go-round little minds spin and spin

Few recollections of adults they must have been bored, stayed in shade porch protected,  order by age from front to back

Melancholy notes drifting down from meadowlarks or mourning doves, mixed country or Beatles on a.m. radio,  sights, sound, tastes enter, mark unique imprints on our soul, carried softly to the end

No future lost when unknown, will we miss it when it's gone, Ciyfied now to those old folks I still give a bow,
next time we see an old house with the screen door wide open is more family's adding to memoirs to their masterwork
Summer time flashback of a little kid,how happy we can be with so little.
Appreciate your comments,thanks for reading. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Wrangling of words might become a tightrope  for the writer to *****

While the reader may feel the fervor that an author still hasn't discovered

Frequently fondling of familiar phrases may become dull,lost in a lull,hiding behind hope

Basking over prose a browser can feel close,bring themselves to find what the scribe may not have recovered

Lost in a webster's lottery laboriously lamenting in language, mindless and in a mope

Scholar wanting the lecturer to teach ,essayist out of reach,more reason for rhymes for which they hunger

Easy essays aren't eloquent,lingering thoughts quickly lost,locked in with no code

Simple students wishing for more a peek inside the penmans mind ,giving them even more reason to wonder

Almost lost like an old cowboy song,left to search in a field with little yield,memories too easily erode

Bookworms wringing hands await on the edge of a seat ,their fondness for dialog wanting to be pleased but the dramatist waiting to ponder

Wordsmiths wants sometimes leaving them empty,then like an open sky raining down phrases leaves them with a new day and new way to reload . R.C.
Sometimes lost in word play can be funny:)  Had the title as RATION OF PASSION but maybe lost that thought?   But also the thought of how many readers truly do await their favorite writers next pages. even the new crossword brings a higher heart rate until it is solved:) thanks for reading ,your comments are helpful Rick
wichitarick Dec 2018

Awaking with passion slowly finding the pieces,time played out in rations

Spontaneous moments of yesterday breathing into my  fragmented  mind

Warming into those feelings slowly hoping for better dealings as thoughts now appear in captions

Holding on as it unravels ,unsure of our thoughts as they travel ,waiting to find how the new day will be designed

Bit by bit we take another bite ,often squinting as we await another fight of yesterdays and today's interactions

Coordination of Comprehension slippery at best, keeping portions while letting the rest go undefined

Alarming bells of morning often riveting, sometimes not perceived just softly floating into abstractions

That moment of grasping for clarity ,resolution often a rarity again a familiar game of the blind leading the blind

Passive or aggressive how will the next move be played ,fresh faced or images in shambles

Twilight power play took it all away, left again with just a foundation ,we will work to rebuild edges and angles becoming more flexible as our life is redesigned.R.C.
A few thoughts on how easy it can be to lose something you just had,with short term memory loss,it often is a waiting game,feel blessed when pcs. come back.
Funny enough I wrote this because my computer had eaten the one I wrote before on the same idea:) so it was "lost" before I even had a chance to sign it:)  appreciate what we have right now! Thanks for reading your thoughts are welcome. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
All to be felt ,tasted smelled or seen  ,taken in and stored quickly to take it's place under masses of memories
Re-adjustment  of many functions laid in line as extinct ,not learned more a necessary tool of survival
Our demeanor becomes the great filter ,sifting,sorting  samples of events ,thoughts still only known as accessories
Face value is not always as it seems ,how quick it is noticed before being discarded ,to remain placid or become frightful

Like so many rhymes before tailored for time ,beginning,hindsight's,foresight. taking middle ground rarely completing revolutions
Blinks ,winks bring fragmented views into a colossus, if unexplored will the lack of knowledge ever show it's weight
Often actions simply laid out in fractions ,the view distorted or to many actions for proper reactions,just blind delusions
Strength of memory as viewed through opaque lenses although not recognized is only a partial view of what should penetrate

An original vision when  observed with conditions or reactions involving pain becomes stunted
Blinding future reality blocking a once open mind becomes a normal path unless shown a new  guidance
Others obvious truths often find  paths of least resistance unable to accumulate all the facts leaving thoughts corrupted
Full exposure  is truth, showing faces as proof ,as taken in when fragmented  blindly robbing our memories like pirates

Now if shown the whole pie uncut , no easy pieces left divided to hand out servings on smaller plates
Will a whole flavor become  bigger parts of an unknown missing memory ,placing all the pieces in order
Reflections as a part of building ,bonding with ourselves ,but if cemented like bricks maybe truly sealing our fates
Finally figuring out which are truths or what is fantasy ,will become like a shattered cloud ,a puzzle to make us stronger . R.C.
wichitarick Aug 2017

Songs about the rain seem to be a popular way for many to pass on the pain

Maybe just hearing water falling from skies and knowing it is simply to hide their own tears

While plenty of others regail of desert nights or the beauty of the Mountains ,upper waters washing creating the most disdain

Cowering under thunder ,clenching  from the mighty jolt of that lightening bolt ,opening up our fears

Before the thoughts of flowers or green grasses must come the wetness of the rain

Fade to grey or turning to black blocking the suns beauty & warmth is less revealing than when clear

After a bad dry spell and clouds are caught rolling in, expect many to yell as water now runs into the well

Plenty to say of puddles, barefoot kids or baby ducks ,playing it up as it will soon disappear

Some say go away until another day, while others pray for it to stay for crops to rise where it fell

Country thunder crooning or mellow Mozart's musings ,maybe pop of a raindrop
& stormy rockers rolling,  each singing their outpour for a downpour in a way they feel clear. R.C.
Something fun,always a reason for many to write,  all types of weather remains a popular one.  I appreciate your reading and your thoughts or words are useful. a good day to you. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2020

Beginning a break would not seem brash,  nothing new a little cold or maybe a rash

Morning movements now less determined,  no definite line in the sand or paying you to lend a hand

Slower in our progress bordering sloven towards the process but almost obsessive to hoard that stash

Are we slipping backwards while surviving or meditating and reviving while daily unknowns slip across our land

Many mediate to decide for us to meditate, even faster bankers prevail to cut checks before landlady's  want their cash

Rank and file suddenly slowed down, nine to fivers now await to return based on supply and demand

Hustle or bustle now a desert, vacation time is a last resort not at a resort, reporters updating new things we lose in a dash

Ordering instant idleness begins repercussions,  opens many questions with unclear answers as we try to understand

Many sharing souls with similar goals,  like a leaf from a tree separated but not alone, lost in the pile, linked by our wish for this to pass

Homes harken many follow, a path to heaven or to Hades, abruptly forced to check our souls, will we maintain a foundation or be lost in the avalanche. R.C.
Already had the title and the idea before any shut in order,so may have changed some of my more personal thoughts on being shut in.
Almost funny Have been about half way shut in for a few yrs now for other reasons,so feel like I have to share it now:)  my best,your thoughts are helpful,"PEACE TAKES PRACTICE" Rick
wichitarick Jul 2016
Flowing away  as a twitch, movements made not more than a flinch ,taken as an an annoyance like swatting a fly
Gradually graduating, motions moving unknown reasons not part of the season
Unknown master of the larger apparatus making things happen ,no motive why
Larger jolts coming out like horrendous volts, rising & falling as fast, almost left beaten

Reversal of energy seems to flow at thrice the pace as coming in
Powerful in a hidden spirit like a ghost always in the closet
Readjusting not always possible ,snatching away my grin
Greatest days , beginning new plays so quickly flushed with a new protest

Tiring of new apologies, making excuses for a mindless fantasy
Taken wrong can internally erode leaving the mind to corrode
Delving to deep, looking in while an unknown demon controls our sanity
Stability becomes a fantasy  like an ongoing drama awaiting the next episode

Predomination can not become complete in a strong personality
Not becoming an overbearing passion play ,inner strength the goal
Allowing ourselves time to play has to remain part of the day keeping the veracity
Almost as a gamble but maintaining  the glass 1/2 full is now the constant role. R.C.
Was unsure on this,found buried ,unfinished,probably feelings of "IT" although I am not bothered ,I also spend A LOT of time in constant recovery ,or partially paralyzed basically in a altered state,so "normal" becomes more a fantasy :) can bring about A LOT of emotions. Normally would not offer that much & NEVER consider "it" a disability,but is useful to understand the writing.any input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Nov 2021

Many memories come or go fleeting thought of once moving fast

Living in the present not always a gift, beige or bland nowhere to make a stand

Take another piece of me, got locked in lost soul never again to be free, once saw everything with open eyes unfolded maps world so vast

Prefer to roam without a home, unsaddled no bit or bridle always on idle, time was a scam never wore a watch upon my hand

Completing hitch hikers guide a source of pride, thumb out or cheap greyhound ride, memories fade left to rely on what was photographed

Always wondering where a river went or raindrops are sent, wayward youth a highway sleuth Unlimited vision with no mission, wandering soul enclosed white pickets complete that demand

Inner strife from hiding vagabond feelings wanting to get lost again in past misdealing's Length of Layovers timed by hangovers, now life outside bottles or baggies a more realistic blast

Born in the parking lot so always been on the out, Set to roam with a spin of the globe, coast to coast beach to beach now stuck behind a hidden line in the sand

Vagabond looking out across new land, unsettled not ready to make a stand,Leaning on an edge split inside with a wedge, held back by new wisdom of my past

Designated drifter part time grifter forgetting to nurture a future, realizing wisdom can come slower, much to gain with pain, internal freedom not always planned

Dreams from a past trickle out carrying much clout, what weight so great it was to slow the hobo, settled in with a new grin becoming my own life's greatest enthusiast R.C.
Maybe sitting to long brought out a few memories? started as from third person but drifted into first person.accepting change is often the real obstacle in our own growth :)  Thank you for reading Your input is helpful Peace takes Practice. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2021
Smiling For Freedom

Always discussion, contemplation of yin or yang good or bad happy or sad

Backache not great from real or imagined weight, can become light as a feather finding something to tickle our fancy

Troubled by these days and times, brief laugh can slow the grief, little cheer to help fill that gap

Over contemplation of your current situation can become a curse, STOP thinking to see new color or take in what was wacky

Take a walk on down the road lighten the load, watch some goofy geese squawk, offbeat memory to halt a future hemorrhage, new mark on our merry map

Have a place to save the happiness hidden treasure to retrieve at our leisure, like finding rare art in a personal grin gallery

Can we rehearse? will the sadness reverse, participate in rolling on, go with the flow, by golly be jolly not another emotional sap

Hidden tension helps hide apprehension, moment of gladness to release some sadness, whatever it takes to recharge our battery

Shall we continue to ride aboard a ship of fools, or find pleasure in  hidden treasure, renewal from a shiny jewel, sorrow should never become a handicap

Will a grin help us win, take a gamble skip a pre-amble let it go, turn a frown upside down, helps to hold hope in scope for eternity

Try a new angle another way to finagle,  turn off the blues and hear a rumba, cheerful groove for us to behoove, make your toes tap or the hands clap

Do we dare go the extra mile to realize finding freedom of a smile, expression halts regression, mutual benefits from waving at a passerby R.C.
A thought or two on the power of a smile :) Even  a forced smile can become a habit.  Pass them on they are contagious :) "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick :)
wichitarick Jan 2017
Resting as a simple harmonious repetitive cycle ,a way to become one again

Drawn to the down ,panels of flannel timed to switch to  another channel

Drinking in warmth,white noises now the norm, from frantic to washing away the pain

Pounding pump moving life's liquid, parts working in sequence doing all they can handle

Internal horrors no longer forbidden ,paranoid paralysis in restless reality drained awakening even harder to explain

Our many mortal moments rushing in now formed memories ,all the best taken with one rest,each night a new gamble

Life is about receiving so we're able to to do the giving ,knowing we can not stay forever,it's impossible to obtain

Oh brother should one bother to go to sleep at all,will the submission gain a new admission to the beyond ,through which  gate will I ramble

A lock & key hidden inside of me ,with the departing will the others finally see it was bigger & I simply bowed under the strain

Not chosen, but a much simpler path to meet ones wrath Harshness of writhing in agony hidden screams for the funeral preamble

So as I lay my head to rest should one worry if they may soon be someone else's Guest ,comfort with the knowledge that it wasn't all in vain. R.C.
Just thoughts,but also part of reality ,,feel blessed that a seed has never been planted to let those thoughts over take me.  I appreciate your reading even though I may not comment as much as I could I am reading others work here & appreciate & any input ,thanks. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Never wrestle with my past I knew they wouldn't last fleeting memories never a granite foundation.

No soul searching never a big awakening, a bit, the piece, a voice a whisper even a howling degradation.

A fixation a focus to solid to ever let it flow,our stagnation.

See today but never dream of tomorrow,the peers their presence glaring almost obscene.

Our lust should be to look past it all to ever be serene.

Have comfort & find Peace in yourself by finding your integrity in a MIRROR! R.C.
wichitarick May 2017
SOUND INFLUENCE (Heard anything good lately)

A ping did ring just traveling out past anyone or anything that it may influence

Initial beat echoing into the street, wasting no time as it sends out it's vibe

Resounding resonance coming from deep within ,not bashful or sent for finesse

World of vibrations often felt more than seen ,sent out but not always receiving a reply

Simple softness with fluttering feathers,mild tweets & chirps from their beaks,
subtle sounds how they caress

Pitter patter of spring rain to the ROARING THUNDER each sending it's own message,making memories or bringing us to cry

Horns or bells warning or ringing with pride either to stand up or step aside
meant to reach out to us not to regresse

Whispers forming an aria ,rhythm and melody making an opera, singers following their feelings bringing some to a new high

Rocky rumblings rolling ,fire exploding ,waves splashing and crashing ,wailing winds
spinning she speaks, even though we try her voice we cannot suppress

Each object on it's own makes it's own tone ,brought together forming patterns to be understood ,our need for new scores we will never pacify

Which one will reach us maybe even teach us then bring us around for a frown or a smile that all started with a simple sound.R.C.
Always a new noise, at least it "sounded" like a good idea:) thanks for reading
I also like the way a lot of it is the same but taken in individually.
  any input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Popping of tulips ,daffodils dancing, so many things waiting to be green

Rustle of branches or bushes caught in the hustle,warming winds grow louder

Ice cracking, snow mashing, unfolding the last of winters rigid freeze

Silence broken with voices of mens machinery needed to keep it all  pristine

Mower growling,tiller rattling, street sweepers swooshing, necessary noises for the devotees

Howling of hail is mother nature's scowl, Lightning in flashes & crashes,thunder belches to undo the serene

Finally familiar slamming of screen doors brings noisy neighbors  out like escapees

Poets & singers seem to unite on the bounty of springs delight,Popular muse for them to ignite ,coming  together in a green scene  

Migrations have begun, early bird has more fun,doing their best to build a  nest soon their new families tweets will fill the trees

When the air warms brings the restless out in swarms, whooping it up as they play or buzzing for their new queen

The proud sounds of birds making their rounds,flying surrounded by chirps or cackles once again as she offers her new delight we are appointed as trustees .R.C.
A few thoughts or sounds of the upcoming spring .
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2022
Speaking Thinking & Drinking

Lifes Knowledge taken from many avenues from sweat equity or upper college

Courtesy easier to hide in writing, voices carry many tones, simple clatter rising, levels GROW as the beverages flow

More we imbibe the less we subscribe to Emily Post, wisdom and manners begin to blend with verbal garbage

Tongue twisters become more tasteless as the head gets more wasted, uncaring we become part of the local show

More we drink the less we think, simple minds make companions easiest, tomorrow far off behind that mental blockage

Did Hemingway think he would make a future A.A. quote, Wonder if his liver were about to quiver or the blood alcohol levels were about to overflow

Speaking, thinking and drinking can become a mess in a sentence, if mixed the wrong way they might require bail,
be cautious what you wish for under the mistletoe

Will we recall to hold back the words at the next happy hour, or as always, a few ounces will have us hollering like it was our last rodeo. R.C.
For Hemingway quote,"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk"  Used the SAID and DRUNK part literally! My mouth mixed with alcohol is half of why  I have long term sober drug free ! Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Mar 2021
Spinning But Winning

Minds and bodies reach a standstill, individuals feel they have no freewill, daily duties once done just to spite now hold an edge of fright

Always moving along often blind to what is right or wrong, trails never straight always in the distance an unknown fate

Each journey helped by learning often not seeing the writing on the wall, future pain will mean less time to gain, burdens decreasing while we feel like we are pushing more weight

Grandiose scheme should not be the theme for going out and about, keeping it simple means less to mentally manipulate

Gravity works making a constant flow,  rivers to cross on bridges in need of repair we must mend them regardless of despair, remain unblinded by hate

Reaching out provides clout unless there is no one there when your falling, feeling locked out when truly we're locked IN, easy pace for some should not be so hard to negotiate

Singing a song to ourselves saying "wish you were here" minds in constant conflict never show fear, lifetimes of blockades and barricades hard for outsiders to permeate

Many beg for forgiveness without ever doing anything wrong, everybody wants some but don't know what "it" is, hidden secrets behind some mystical gate

Inside my mind gets too small, journey outward into our universe's grand hall grasping moonbeams absorbing energy, stars enlighten helping to motivate

Gravity keeps us grounded up to us to be well rounded, projecting futures may provide structure but also creates many shadows of doubt

Big ball spinning regardless of losing or winning, we complete so many journeys just to begin again, lost soul has no role, open mind allows souls to liberate

On an axis we spin, left to roam seeking a home, regardless of madness or layers of sadness, making a mark means listening for our prompt

Winning doesn't have to mean sinning, mother earth continues to spin no time to begin again, fortitude built from foundations based on gratitude, it is up to us to cooperate R.C
Some days harder than others doesn't mark the end,just more to come,knowing we have to make adjustments should mean we are ready when to much truly comes our way. :) Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Seed waiting on first moisture to begin to sprout ,simple survival still in doubt

Shell a strong barrier to hold off the world,once broken exposing generations yet to be seen

Destination always unsure ,left with the wind or alignment and warmth of seasons ,blowing along the right route

Opening leaflets emerge like searching opinions or sympathies now progressing ,yet green  

Lost in a sea of sprouts each one caught in doubt,warmth from around makes us reach out

Small we respond to the call, testing each whim ,met with a frown or grin,still flowing unsure which way to lean

Harsh to tender good judgement waits ,compassion or sentiment dependent on atmosphere ,experience bring more clout

Branching out waiting to blossom, learned lessons taking on more light,lacking refinement brings on the obscene

Awash in life's waters,tested like the rest, which grows taller shows the beauty or is the best, hindsight shows it all is lost in a drought

Annual is fleeting fast ,perennial solid secure, unsure of purebred or which way we are lead, hope for the good before it is all routine

Maturity often arrives lost in a grove never taught love ,another tries their time at trimming ,we accept  reshaping with little discount

Did we learn from the growth take in the most,was our color simply for the others, whether perfectly preened or left in the brambles did we get what it takes to be serene
Tried to stay with the original idea of how we learn our emotions and plant growth or simple life cycle, changed the title which I don't think I have ever done or rarely. but tried to keep the flow to watch it grow:) so to speak:)
Knowing now how much is really dependent on what we learned THE FIRST TIME ,is harder to make that impression twice:) thanks for reading. Your thoughts are helpful. Happy NEW yr. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Writing is useful,but does it come out as maniacal or insane,is hard to express a simple thought without showing the depths it was wrought. a gain is my own, almost selfish rarely ever shown. when all the cards are on the table it is hard to be a magician.
The play with words & sounds become increasingly centered, a hope for focus, a wish to not be led astray ,to far away from the conscious edge while still seeking an epiphany .
That transition is easier to live as a lifestyle,rather than holding back ,better to know the truth than to hide from the present ,how many sit with it or are afraid or find it vile.
A corruption of thoughts & feelings or convoluted dreams can be dealt with stoically or possibly handled & fondled serving as a gift to the mind & soul that are willing to own them. R.C.
wichitarick Mar 2021

Suddenly bright blue to gray quite stark, flash of light LOUD thunder no time to wonder

Neither asks, Smile's unseen hidden by mandatory masks, kindness shows in each other's eyes

Birds fold wings seek cover under eaves, flown alone quickly form a flock with great power

Neither was lost now they're found, temporarily dry but flooded with emotion, future friends or something to romanticize

When it rains it pours old sayings for bores, they block all sound as new raw emotions are found, revealed to a few who are open and not grown sour

Showers have mystic powers, hidden serenity inaccessible for eternity,  Short distance brought together in an instant, suddenly swooned or left to fantasize

Unknown feelings, future forecast for what can grow, best buddies or fledgling romance builds from a single amicable encounter

Friendly faces leave beautiful traces with unforgotten flashbacks of a bond quickly found seeking dry ground, discovering each other comes to them as a nice surprise

Selfless acts of virtue flow naturally from one absorbed by another ,his blindness accepted as kindness, sweet futures unfolding guided by the light from her new found tower

Finding friendship instant kinship beneath a handheld canopy, the portable protection allows a little time for polarization, will their bonding be natures prize

Strangers in the rain became friends under the umbrella, chivalry becomes Silvery reflections on a window pane, were in a hurry now can't wait for their next encounter

Common need excludes greed, sudden break in their day now wanting it to stay, Strength of two could be me and you, will it be wrong if the sound from rain drops becomes their verse

No time for poses or wine and roses, was this wrong or another life mystery hiding her new Prince in disguise. R.C.
Saw it first as more romantic,but still came together showing even with no  words and a kind gesture a moment or a life or even two lives can change
We learn together some times even when we're not listening, "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading ,your thoughts are appreciated and helpful. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2020
Strength of A Tear

Sometimes hidden even forbidden, personal diaries can be read by the drop upon the pages

Only next to air does water place number two, providing strength from the sky and from earth

Met at birth into mirth to say ahoy showing joy, from the beginning marking time in stages

Maybe at first to share pain or show fear now we ponder if tears are earned, learned, simply what we each deserve

Words speak, lyrics cut deep with tears of heaven or hell, passed from soul-to-soul conditions become contagious

Sudden outbursts arise often the calm before a storm, many powerless to hold in reserve

From cool causes or to appease losses, will the cost of Kleenex mark our ration of compassion?

Free flow felt individually can help us grow, personal outburst unusually hard to rehearse

Hard line stoics won't escape wet eyes, hardest hearts subject to compromise, maps uncharted for when it will happen

Tears speak a worldly universal language from joy to anguish, unique in how they are extinguished, but also unable to reverse

Valentines sad rhymes, playing taps rehash a memory of gramps, life can be liquid, inane to insane will open ducts to gladden or sadden is how tear drop control the universe R.C.
Tried to stay with original thought of how universal crying is,no language or race had left this as a reminder"How the power of a tiny drop of liquid can hold that much power, over most all humans"  is also controlling individually in how we feel guilt if not crying over certain things,left out how for me it is a side effect in my brain and can cry from from just simple things. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Playing out daily life, seemingly simple shouldn't cause much doubt

Finest thread ,narrow as silk brought together brings much strength

Telling one a line might be fine, but when it includes many, truth is left without clout

Thoughts turned into voices,string brought together to form yarn adjoining stories with some length

Moment by moment,strand by strand, actions played out in fractions leaving emotions divided ,each taking it's own route

Contemplation starting as a small ball adding colors is like minds images,rolling along as it grows in size we grow in depth

We represent life's simple sample ,knitted together to form a chain ,many patterns to add, for each there is no substitute

Why ask a question if there is no one to answer,seeking declaration, bring new warmth made like a blanket for our bed

After seeking guidance many thoughts left in blindness,still strung along, left with mysteries but what we seek is absolute

Always waiting by the gate are you the fool to wait, rolled up in it,entwined, like thread on a spool,viewed through an eye of a needle only shows a silhouette. R.C.
Originally simple thought of a reply from some telling me I was stringing them along? :) so liked that as a title, trying to interweave ,the literal thread,yarn etc. with balance . But a bit of fun. thanks for reading, appreciate your response . Rick
wichitarick Jul 2018

When the wind blows round it swirls and sweeps memories of what was once there, thoughts of an old song take longer and longer to repair

Began toe tapping almost adding in the clapping but would rather arise maybe explore to find a new prize

Stuck in a cerebral gap this tune may take a map,keeping digging in try to place that gorgeous groove

Set off out the door to not be a bore, soon found myself pacing in time to some hidden rhyme ,waiting for it to arise

Birds and buses beginning to chirp and hum adding their part, as I try to pick up more clues

Taking it in stride feeling this may be a long stroll,that unknown elegy will be a nice surprise

Rambling again, smooth echoes entering my mind hopefully helping to harmonize my next muse

Making the next strut to remove muzak from that rut, picking it up a key or two will surely bring brightness to my eyes

Lost lyrics lingering ,slowly letting go of that *******,  guitar maybe a banjo or dobro waiting with a new lick to diffuse

Back to the trail humming along listening to the sky's to drop that song,so will this shuffle bring a new ruffle or just be for the exercise

Again set to travel as the sonnets unravel,  hoping that bebop will be part of the hop desiring the dancing, breaking into upbeat prancing finally finding that new melody will be the best news. R..C.
Ever have that one song you can't quite figure out? or that person who seems to always hum a different one?     I often use the music as my guide ,so if alone or having a lost moment make my own harmony to stay with the flow of the moment  . Thanks for reading. Your thoughts are helpful Rick
wichitarick Jan 2021
Surround Sound

Soft silence often broken by another's words spoken, houses speak with each creak

First alarm brings us back from the dead reckoning, buzz for a nudge or sonic boom to awake the room

Liquid flowing with daylight growing, splash really fast in a sink or shower for power, boiling brew before we think

Kids and squirrels chatter, spoons rattle, keys jingle, doors slam, buckles click,  engines roar, daily destiny ready to consume

Asphalt awakens as commuters' race towards rumble of a concrete jungle ,repetitions begin when the time clocks click

Town square makes us aware marking time with each chime, we hustle bustle moan or groan each a signal of bust or boom

Clickity clack from a railroad track then sudden LOUD whistle is not for dismissal, many types of horns to warn, not lost in a fog or struck by a car or truck

For a number a mighty rumble of machines enhances their working scenes, noises more familiar than a spouse's voice, time clocks a map from womb to tomb

Many more softness of an office is boring beige not white noise, hums or moans set the tone; daily gossip keeps them in check

Anytime fine for a rhyme, hearing notes brings major upvotes, many use a voice to rejoice singing brings new meaning, mental vibe is often that internal tune

Each voice helps us rejoice, acoustic energy helps set our internal synergy, each rattle does matter, another new pitch not lost like a lonely speck

Break from doldrum not always ** hum, whistle or chirp of a favorite bird, whispering winds settle softly as sunset simmers  awaiting the new moon. R.C.
A thought or two on sounds of the day, tried to follow a time line of simple sounds of our day.  Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Jun 2017

Nightbird,Nightbird cawing  in the twilight ,outside my window causing us a fright

Long comes mornin when pretty birds are singing in a big blue sky ,but they soon flyaway & the clouds turn grey

Had laid & slept, dreamt of a better time, windy warm felt like we were limber, lofty like a kite

Soon those feelings are turning impossible ,nothing is  plausible ,again thrown into the fray

Pretty flowers, greening grasses laid out in a grand display then like the breath of hades is sent into blight

Lovely memories,mommas and poppas, brothers & sisters, with many a friend but with time I've seen their passing & felt them go away

Gentle mist softly sending us into bliss, gathered in pools,  streams to flowing rivers then amassing into crashing,bashing salty waves frightening like suicide

Cuddly kittens cooing,playing puppies barking ,turning into lions and wolves growling and howling at the moon while at bay

Evolution,revolution of earth spinning ,showing cycles of light, fading then dark,darker darkest ,then alone & terrified

Begin with a grin,awake to forge ahead when we win,slowly breaking stride,left with more to hide,how much will the next load weigh

So it seems we're left with what we see hear or feel ,right or wrong
time it seems helps us take it all in stride. .R.C.
Originally started harmonizing some words in a bluegrass or folk style,but then just added to it , I don't tend to "fill in the black" :) but thought maybe better to show good & bad or dark & light? But thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2020

Echoes from the halls or inside the mind, bouncing sounds don't have to be unkind

Open minds meander with  thoughts left to wander,  pebbles begin in quarries

Born with a babble so we continue to ramble,  answering back if so inclined

Laughing or crying is for us to hear not for us to fear,  revealing ourselves we  take new inventories  

Endless questions lead to rebounding answers,  out loud responses not always refined

Many align it with madness others lean towards genius while we are fine with our own categories  

Ceiling and four walls have no feeling,  songs flat or unappealing,  but reading or singing out loud breathes new life to mankind

Mindless morning,  dreams are secrets inside a dream until given a voice,  speaking is releasing those memories

Boring day not the way when we can tell ourselves to play,  sound out a solution from the same old grind  R.C.
Might be easier for some to understand if they have been shut in recently:)
Had the original thought when thinking of starting to record some poems
also from singing so many times BUT then always just reading the lyrics.
Appreciate you reading and your thoughts are helpful. PEACE Rick
wichitarick Jun 2016
Well the doctor told me I was out tears ?
The doctors told me I would never sweat again ?
I am 10 lbs UNDER weight & will never gain it back ?
I won't regain a lot of lost muscle ,so I won't be able to lift 200lbs again ?
My appetite is 1/2 what it has been my whole life?
My blood ,heart,other parts ,fat,cholesterol etc. are as good as a teenagers?
My credit will straighten back out this yr.:)

I think the cost savings in KLEENEX,DEODORANT,FOOD, & then knowing I can't lift means my back won't hurt,saves ON CHIROPRACTORS and PAIN KILLERS :)
Plain food tastes "fine" now I can sell off my cookbook & kitchen junk collection:)
I have missed out 30 yrs of junk food , I might as well go for it now :)
with that cost saving and a small loan I can pay off another house & paint it PINK just to freak the neighbors out :):)
Hey I am "POSITIVE" that is a good side to be on :) R.C.
Fun bit of brain cell scrubbing :)  Was written yrs. back while doing re-hab for amnesia,memory loss, re-learning over & over, finding old habits are more instinct than we realize :) not knowing my address but could find my coffee cup:) ? was & is still a great lesson in being VERY thankful Hope folks are well. "peace takes practice" Rick
wichitarick May 2016
  To explain seems senseless, but was able to "feel" the sounds the senses so ENHANCED that the waves became focused confusion.
  The edge is an odd place ? a date,time SURE, will say goodbye and check in no sweat and lol at "IT" But the unknown is my demon now ?
  losing time in lg. blocks is something we joke with UNTIL it happens.Is like having a stroke but then recovering 100's of times.
  "IT" pushing me is why I may be acting diff. "IT" is close lol no sweat ,BUT when ? Rick
wichitarick Aug 2016
whether rich & famous or poor & down trodden that final wailing howl always sounds the same!
The pain is so deep not even the grim reaper can creep into that bleeding broken soul!
We hustle our pennies our nickel & dimes, often so tired it seems almost a crime!
To remain upright stable & strong, encouraged by our belief that we will be never be lame or driven insane!

A flip of the coin & a quick roll of the dice,a glance so fast we never think twice!
We never know they never know us ,who asks you if it was worth it or if you had a nice day!
Is our existence is only meant for us ,or to gain the wisdom to teach them to play nice!
The measurement of man is taken at many levels, the judgment is constant but who knows the right way!

Do I accept the fact that it always on my windowsill,but enjoy it still a few feet from the front door!
Those who make conclusions never understanding their delusions,do know a true meaning do our souls need cleaning!
I remain the aggressor the pursuit can become obsessive,we need a real reason to keep us from the floor!
Who is it that remains elevated to a higher place or that tumbles from grace,is there really a final final intervening!

As quick as today as fast as tomorrow maybe even now,will the hours be everlasting or quick & to the point!
Our lives are a giant passion play we always think we we'll make it to the final golden end!
Is more like the beauty rainbows or butterflies why does it always bring thoughts of being dressed in black!
The peace a harmony of my moments before me,we should make it worthwhile not worry about when we'll be anointed! R.C.
More like final thoughts or what would they include?
Has been re-titled more than once. had a little dust on it :) Any in put is appreciated .thanks for reading. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2020

Rowing against the flow of  tears as they wash across your heart

Hard to start,  holding back mimics fine art, concealment canceling any positive position

Life is what we crave but circles of circumstance roll like a wave, finding  balance requires new thought

Including karma in our dharma, energy drawn through synergy, preparing for that final decision

Old wisdom warns to release our finest forces to counteract negative karma we have bought

Wait to find truth like a life preserver, rescued from a typhoon to find solitude in a sandy lagoon

Push & pull propositions weight pressing for oppositions, finding truth, our new power to be untangled from a knot

My aura finds color with the aurora,transitioning on a beam of light, becoming clearer & clearer under the full moon

Corrosive forces playing out against my mind, ,gravity guides our downward destiny, while we rely on what we have been taught

Wheel of our chakra  guiding our body"s flow, seven paths aligning  in case destiny comes to soon

So stay diverse to not reverse, include Feng shui in the day, balance circadian rhythms to keep a spirit in our soul, body & heart R.C.
Original idea was carried further as I was reading definitions."
the flow of good or bad such as karma or energy positive for negative was the thought. tried to cover several areas of thought or balance. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful PEACE Rick
wichitarick Mar 2017
Took a simple walk today, just a fresh breath maybe a hint of springs first green

Holding back so much ,simple is  to normal, maybe becoming to ingrained

Cool air brushes the hair, wafting across the sleeping roses ,but with spring rains their beauty will be seen

Somehow as I stroll something is calling to go beyond the knoll,maybe that hidden feeling to be unchained

My restless time wanting to roll in a new ambience,left wondering what will be the new scene

Following along,feeling it flow, unsureness  replaced with a new way to flow ,waiting for something to be explained

Looking out ,not back ,no recount, taking trails toward a view that is new & serene

While the willows  breath helps me add footprints on a path,feeling new freedoms can not be restrained

Hidden inside some emotions blind, will the new wind soon intervene

Finally ripples reflect that glassy glow ,sights & sounds coming in, new beauty yet to be tainted

Spring birds flutter ,grass greening like glitter, streams trickling,the scent & sight reflect across the water reminding me mother nature is still Queen. R.C.
A few feelings from a morning walk. Also determined to watch the bustle & color of spring from the river bank rather than a window:) I appreciate your reading and input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2016
My body forces me to sit,I talk a little less,I try to think of tomorrow NOT what I coulda,woulda,shoulda done.

Even when restless I remain focused,maybe today possibly tomorrow,always getting it right ,no slouch never a doubt,possibilities are endless when always moving forward.

Brighter lights need more energy the fuel is often from the soul, concentrations of calculations often leave me lacking, the simpler rhythms an easier goal,there can be no detection show no rejection. IT'S FOR THE CHILD.    R.C.
This was done yrs. back fitting for this week,my daughter is leaving for college this week :) this was done during a time when I was dealing with long term & short term memory issues and custody and a lot of social workers :( I truly had to fake being "well" took A LOT of notes :)  went from busy 24/7 to sitting at home and a single DAD was also foreign,finding NEW power was my only goal. "peace takes Practice" thanks for reading . Rick
wichitarick May 2016
My body forces me to sit,I talk a little less,I try to think of tomorrow NOT what I coulda,woulda,shoulda done,even when restless I remain focused,maybe today possibly tomorrow,always getting it right ,no slouch never a doubt,possibilities are endless when always moving forward,brighter lights need more energy the fuel is often from the soul, concentrations of calculations often leave me lacking the simpler rhythms an easier goal,there can be no detection show no rejection. IT'S FOR THE CHILD
Try this in reverse,again more prose, written from sitting to long in a hospital then home . But also without any thought just knowing I had another mission was to still take care of a kid:) Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

What if I simply to wanted to say nothing

Caught in limbo,not agile or limber ,nor stuck in the middle

No pile of lists  or testy jests ,drawing from an empty well,no thoughts running

Not producing even a wink or nod,no logical rhyme or reason or answer for the riddle

Devoid of a new view ,empty halls with blank walls ,neutral not worth discussing

Midland mind,nonsense aside ,absurdly adrift again ,but taking middle ground wanting no committal

But sometimes simply life provides pushing pressure we want freedom from it's rushing

Deciding to make an about face,just not enter the race, take a step back from the pace
simple is more civil

Somedays leaning left or bending right,bold red or bright white now simply beige bypassing loud or crushing

Lazy being low, crazy or hazy  when too high,today my hero is zero ,being neutral is not artificial

So today before things may go astray or pretending to be happy or gay  or being seen as corrosive simply seek to be impassive ,save tomorrow to let the emotions go back to running. R.C.
Sometimes it seems the world is put in our way ,rather than taking it in or going with the flow we just need to shut it ALL off! Not even the safe road but truly neutral,happy or sad take effort and energy. But a little fun . Thanks for reading. I appreciate your input. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2018

Treacherous mix of trash that was supposed to be yesterday now lost

Today slow to reveal itself often not brazen, memories forgotten on a shelf

Finding moments of mental freedom become gifts ,constantly tested, but is there a cost

What mind set was there before it made itself known,maybe in limbo or just a hidden Hell

Can we safely question a scale with no balance ,Is it safe to seek a new heart without knowing our own soul

Time, it began, we know it will end, are my expressions today helping the happiness that I wish to dwell

Forward,forward until we fall ,time stands still until finding a new call,left wondering what will be our new role

Banished back to basics found forming new senses,will they be replenished or left to live as an infidel

Exchange days for daze alert for a maze,bad odds to begin a race ,improvement is now always the main goal

Yesterday lost,Searching in today ,unsure of tomorrow has left us stranded in middle ground focused again on something to repair

No longer comfortable with being "fine" or o.k. to just whine,was something missed or will we be prepared with this constricted confidence for a rise or fall if suddenly swept up in the next squall. R.C.
was originally the idea many have of always being in limbo of either sick or recovering ,so when does the "normal" time start or end? is hard to explain for many,is also different than many other problems in that we DO recover ,only to crash over and over again so it becomes a revolving door .
  The patterns of this can become your undoing if you let it.
Thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2022
Timeless Turnstile

Beginning as one united coming or going using a single door

Plans playing out always solved with little doubt

Plenty of passion divided equally, the other familiar face means most issues a minor chore

Another figure adds more rigor as households grow, extra weight not too great, remaining attached to the commitment still devout

Singles slowly separating, unknowing we stop growing, once common ground becoming a hidden topic to explore

Day to day we still play but with an ever-increasing price to pay, going from a one-way slow lane into a faster double roundabout

Finding a meeting place on middle ground harder and harder to be found, passion lost viewing another with a blink or nod makes them easier to ignore

Knowing this ceaseless hurry is ending our relationship in a flurry, finding times balance will repair romance no longer lost under times shroud R.C.
Done on a prompt, from the thought of  "We’re in such a hurry most of the time we never get much chance to talk. The result is a kind of endless day-to-day shallowness, a monotony that leaves a person wondering years later where all the time went and sorry that it’s all gone"
I reflected on a time in life when we thought this was happening to us when married and took time each day to reflect as a family! Thank you for reading. your thoughts are helpful,Peace Takes practice. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
The seduction of our Salivary  glands began with masses of often overlapping flavors
  Tingling  leap start ,wide eyed but also an abrupt whoa,terrible to terrific
Oblivious ,willing to try ,why not ,blending in the beginning  learning tastes as translators
Breathing in and licking the lips ,wiggling and giggling ,is it? is it? OH the dog.

   Sensory sensations occurring regardless of our inhibitions or wants or needs ,occurring around ,mild or profound
   Youthfully gullible , playing a new game ,scents & smells starting to form deeper wells
  Blush with a rush ,warming into oranges the pinks more profound when arising into the reds ,leaping circling around
Begging for release from the beginning ,but unknown excitement rising edges ,wider wedges ,calmer pastels

Flexing ,fluctuating far out feelings ,far flung excitement all gathered into one instant nervous burst
Staying back,trying to adjust ,mildness is objected to when the rest of the time is only described with bright adjectives
Then we laugh because we have it hidden ,but never quite knowing the blur still an unknown abyss,but always first
Open minded children begin the journey into finding nameless noises,shadowy flavors or tastes moving,directing like detectives

   Burning RED, drops of BLUE, Icy WHITE, now fixed in the mind ,time lost in odors ,blinking color palates poised
  Wanton wisps centered onto extreme extracts ,visualized often sensationalized into auditory overload
Simple as it has begun ,left with nowhere to run, taking it in stride it can never be put aside ,permanence never destroyed
Excreted excitement now being assessed is a far flung idea ,unless you live it, Raising and rising into an endless plateau .R.C.
wichitarick Feb 2018

Will some ever find what it is like to be kind ,lost with black blocking their own true mind

What if they come to me and I disagree isn't my own contempt simply helping their cause

Blindness shielded through kindness isn't deeply true to oneself,opaque is not clearly defined

Happening with hatred is so easy to see,always quick to show the others flaws

Happiness has left us looking for hidden liberation,always  seeing good will be revised

To remain neutral is emotionally futile, one is just part of a whole ,finding a future or grasping at straws

To service our own sovereignty should we learn to feel at all levels,will we be compromised

Breathing in Dissention breeds a virus bringing bitterness to deep within us,can we perceive the waiting storms

With life comes light felt from within as dull,bright,elation,euphoria seem natural but has the alienation become galvanized

Following paths brings changing news illustrations laid out for our views

Choosing between friction or jubilation will design the life and it's rewards.R.C.
Not sure how to explain the original thought,although not a new one
Not really whether we are good or bad,is kind of "blaisse" :)
but how ingrained certain things are in us ,how many hide something with their  happiness?  Thanks for reading, your thoughts are helpful.  Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Waiting in the same lines each on their own to be picked liked fruit from a vine

Many variables hang over  head, moving along  multitudes never noticing the future dread

Keep our acquired strengths or spread them out, not retaining  too much makes it easier too define

Left facing a wall no one to hear an echoing call,our own voices will be what nurtures

Dreadful day has now come into play,   forging into a positive future we will not let it malign

Misery easily finds company, while refusing the added weight makes us lighter as we mature

Lifes lessons learned  from the trenches ,either keep us in them or guide us to shine

Rainbows formed from darkest clouds emerged so proud,color and brightness to help us reassure

Perfect haven still looked upon by a raven,waiting for the moment we miss the beauty of life and resign

So from travesty we can often find majesty,finding the building blocks that become our teacher.R.C.
Making the best of whatever is left in our path can be hard ,but knowing we always have ourselves to rely on can be a great thing. Thanks For reading Your input in appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2018

Casually as we stroll to find a new view on that knoll, if the vision is blocked we won't see all the potholes

Was it truly the intention to reach a holy grail, is not achieving it a sign we may be frail

Many steps to take through overgrown fields with hidden paths,is about finding stepping stone not the pitfalls

Fun and frolic necessary parts of the play,often casually we develop habits covering our minds like a black veil

Freedom was much easier without the knowledge of blind spots, how the breezes easily turn into windstorms

How often have we overcome what could have been a block but when simply taken in stride we prevail

Peering out over perpetual pastures with unknown ditches and glitches ,beauty or beast to greet us as we crisscross

Unheard disclaimers were given for protection brushed aside nothing to break our stride blind to being frail

Once again to face a day never considering a loss, just a need to play,often staying in motion comes with a higher cost

Knowledge of others ahead keeps us from our bed,playing on our own path to find new  pleasure,unknown fears would make us stale

Will we take lessons from past discretion's or become feeble as we fall
remain strong because this life testing can only be lived not taught. R.C.
Funny we still manage to make it on our own path when even ourselves would give different advice about which way to travel . the scars and marks make for conversation hopefully much later. Thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2017

Carried in the womb moving from room to room ,joined at the hip making a way
where ever she cares to take you

Limber legs laying not yet running or playing ,up right rising finally standing

Counting one,two that foot in front of the other not now but soon to have a clue

Walking at last, the elders aghast,still falling but fidgety so no stalling

Lessons learned picking up the pace, soon leaving the slipper & into a shoe

One room is a big world before that first stride,the outside will soon be calling

Formally forming forward movement is now a constant ,more motion to provide a better view

Earned a new view but left our emotions askew,sights & sounds all around ,discovering  freedom is enthralling

Started slowly then outwardly growing ,stepping out now has clout,what will we find that is new

Limber legs as part of the liaison, lumbering along learning new rhythms ,skipping soon to be running

An inch to a mile ,that step from the porch down the walk to a trail ,new journeys will soon be up to you. R.C.
Little fun, had a thought when I couldn't walk for a few days:( so took it all in stride:) & started this. I appreciate you reading and any thoughts are helpful. thanks. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2020

Oh friend take a stroll with me we can explore new places for free

Any time is great never too early or too late, inspiring moments constantly await

Savor sensations on first round, a second chance does not come with a guarantee

We missed those birds cackling when driving by, sauntering slower our ears feel their vivacious voices oscillate

New sights bring delights form fresh memories, pictorial passion welcoming another pastoral devotee

Wander a block or ponder a canyon unforeseen images come to light as we pass through that gate

Each ramble another gamble on our senses, grand or ghastly leaves another imprint on life's marquee

Awake we wonder but forget to wander, can't find paradise with our mind as a blank slate

Fresh air leaves us with less care, seasonal nuances invigorating like a musical jamboree

Stepping out to play no price to pay, saunter or go swiftly each step another welcome into mother nature's grand estate

Spring, summer winter or fall even through a mall, our walking along can make us more friendly

Best prescription is to be a pedestrian . doctors' orders save that pill, skip the bill, simple solution to change our mood, enlighten, elevate and feel great. R.C.
Have spent my life time walking and now with certain disabilities try to not take it for granted, find new way to absorb what is presented to me.Our memories in life are truly just in passing. what we do with this information is our only legacy. "PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. R.C.
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Bringing up some inner need ,following along taking exact steps of an unwritten creed

Many start early ,yet so many ways to play will there be a hidden cost or who will have to pay

For some, that ever present grin balanced above their chin,was it to hide something  to easily give the others a lead

Remaining quiet in the corner as an obscure foreigner ,not attracting attention is their greatest relief for the day

Stuck in the middle but not trying hard to solve a riddle, some are more apt to worry for others or to help those in need

Back to the beginning who or what are we trying to truly gratify, is it a game of predator and prey

Early days we easily play then rules help set patterns that we must obey,lay low or get caught up in the stampede

Conforming or self absorbing who are we really helping to make happy when we play

With what actions will we receive the best reactions ,who are we trying to please when we succeed

So as we play the game who will we really please, loving ourselves or living to appease
either way there will always be someone to repay .R.C.
Not sure why this came about ,but how do we balance pleasure? or why are we happy? for our own benefit? or to make another happy too? a lot of ways to think on this? spend so much time trying to please another never even realizing you can be happy just for yourself,often learned in hindsight for some or for some finding a way out of depression knowing they can be happy with just a simple thing for no reason at all?   Maybe lost track a bit but the thought was there.  Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful . Rick
wichitarick Jun 2016
Can dying be like turning off the radio?   tuning in for channels  from left to right ,extracting something sullen from a switch or a dial
blurbs of breaths interrupted like commercials getting their paid minutes of madness included in your daily drain
Staying in static staving off the mostly erratic ,we listen & hear but never draw near brushing it away as  trifle
Many many options, but who is making the rules of when it should stop  or what will be the proper words to explain

many never consider moving the numbers ,call signs always waiting to catch us in our prime times
Breathing outward to us, capturing capsules of our minds ,received but not welcomed another number another day
Between the hissing maybe vocal, for many never thought of more than local , moving on ,humming, simply trying to make rhymes
Making an action  from voices echoing from autos,hallways, has become so integrated that thought never develops it is  just Passe

The power from those towers can be far reaching flailing out three hundred sixty degree waves of blind finesse
Like sirens from a sonnet we take in the vibrations filling us flawlessly ,often over riding all previous notions
Now a newer unknown way of reception with nerves and neurons regulating the actions of a soul that will regress
Upbeat harmonies similar to patterns of a heart beat,  sent out through receivers ,be it stereo or EKG & EEG
Brought in felt is rising ,falls, patterns of charts or felt as soft art, quick decisions now bring new emotions

Transfixed on some beacons belching out mindless material between static ,shaky even erratic or even magic
Simple samples of voices taking notes as we turn the dial ,Passover or stay put depending on the vibe
Once released how far can the true transmissions travel,ever really lost or just passing into the abyss without ever being tragic
So A.M. or F.M. begun with tuning in ,just blending ,taken as common background expressions , becoming to accustomed with pleasantries
or patterns until the sudden LOUD rush of blind blaring induces a reaction to maybe an ending to the program that we have long been subscribed .....R.C.
wichitarick Nov 2020

Forgetful for a fortnight brings less delight, ample ideas drift from my mind into space

Building a new vision suddenly lost in a mental collision, floating away like steam from heat

Taking it all in sends a mind for a spin, building tension instead of retention, gold cup suddenly becoming last place

Tiny twisters form super cells brain breezes into swells, then suddenly off the radar like a storm in retreat

Search for knowledge vivacious or vicious dismissed in a void, Vast into vague blocked by a haze

Information a mental mind game tossed around like pre-dementia; deepest sense of wonder left incomplete

Are lost thoughts for not or just waiting to form, deja vu nothing new past events now seen as replays

Knowledge is power until it goes sour, minds receptive while unknowingly defective, new power as quickly obsolete

Always incomplete no dead end but a never-ending street, casual trail of wisdom now a rocky road with no freedom, often left walking in a maze

Letting my mind submit to the sublime casually settled into nirvana, sit and think right on the brink each thought settles softly like a rare treat

Left on the edge a book always waiting to be read, words or titles pass quickly into endless arrays

Outward bound visions on a lost mission, left silent never to expound, mental doors remain open we hold the keys, finding freedom in thought facing it to feel more than defeat R.C.
Think original thought was how a scattered mind with a brain that can not shut can drift in and out of random thoughts so quickly, from a single image or sound be taken on a journey that ends ,or never can find a true meaning, comparing that to maybe life like just walking through a library reading titles,we saw the books(had the thoughts) but it never gets finished:) Thanks. Rick    Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful Peace. :)
wichitarick Dec 2016
Upwardly mobile moving as it radiates unconscious of the energy it creates

Mapping our mind as we come to find again new places from unknown spaces

Almost a tease with which some ease into it's cradle,waiting for the new level it elevates

Circling & cycling feeling the shadow as it begins to grow,pressing pressures of the phases

Some say eye in the sky, but we watch it, not in reverse,masterful with which feelings it delegates

Sensations magnified as it's brightness cast ,many reaching out to sing it's praises

Mirror of the Sun it is the lesser one ,helping with calculations of man,many bonded as soulmates

Rising then falling crescent to full ,waning or waxing ,brightness to blackness always helping to mark our days

Forcing natural habits ,laying patterns marking out situations ,part of our soul is in what it narrates

For the joy of spring brides & rising or falling tides ,many feel as a predictor of weird & quirky ways

Bright beaming leaving many screaming ,slivers mere quivers,again varying for which moods it dictates

Another night with the Moon will be waning soon ,leaving leaving the warm sun and another day to play. R.C.
Have always had a strong bond or aura with the moon but with some of the more recent moon cycles & my own body/mind changes the presence was unavoidable. was more fun than to serious:) I appreciate your reading ,any input is welcomed. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2016
What is left to say if simply transcribing another's  antidotes

Will not knowing an idiom from a metaphor automatically make me an idiot?

Left to our own devices now will be up to the reader who surmises  or denotes

Will particles of paraphrases become our own, simply a contest to find the wittiest?

Alliteration in our communication stresses our sounds like more bass from out throats

Faced with future facsimiles will we ponder to produce our own or leave us inexperienced

Seemingly sly salutations setting by the wayside wishing to be brought forward for their own votes

Smooth as a baby's **** some configurations combine to make them the silkiest

Sometimes simple silly slogans become our deepest thought leaving little to decode

Tricky trusty truisms tantalize while beige boring subtitles often stand the test

Reaching for fruit that will fall anyway,does it become easier to the take the lesser road

Reading and receiving often one sided or deceiving, playing differently when put into
writing it will now be left to the reader to decode. R.C.
This wasn't meant to be so much my building disgust for "google geniuses" or c&p; "originality" but wanted to pull more from synonyms of phrases ,also with memory problems & reading a lot is something not noticed when we apply a new word for description? But thought the idea is fun.thanks.I am trying clean up some of my ramblings,so any input is appreciated thanks. Rick
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