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wichitarick Jan 2021
Valley of Time

Life's gravity will always flow, new place to go another sight to be seen

Looking back would we have known how to stay on track, always hard to make a rhythm from a rhyme

Will the next city be burnt like coal or rare and shiny as solid gold, moving faster to take in that new scene

What is the role of a soul if it is for sale, will it matter in the end if it is for a million dollars or a dime

Sold our soul, what was lost how high the cost, searching for a fortune will we notice if we careen

Another view can come to you, new vision can prevent a future collision, reading maps can show what mountains to climb

Blinded by science forgetting to become one with ourselves, thoughts on before or after not what is playing on our current screen

Unaware of a full view,  look behind you, peering over a shoulder gets blurry is how we walk into a hidden flurry, often easy to miss a sign

Head east journey west, north goes south, a minds compass needs regular guidance so life's trails don't take a turn into something obscene

Whichever direction life leads us when we stop the view will be across a valley of time R.C.
Done for the NEW year. Time is something we all have or all we really have and something we all have in common. true Peace does not mean perfection.
Original thought or title came while walking and sang it with a folkie gospel style. :) "Peace Take Practice"
my best for the new yr. thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2018

Passing something on is how we are often lead to believe or that is the way it is

Unfancy answers from many with questions of their own, seeking the same as they have grown

Toil or trouble constantly ticking ,progressing building momentum simply sending us farther into some scale

Earths rotations keep it in scale she guides her servants on the trail,the parts we miss will they ever be known

Fidgety ,floundering restless in our own space,why?,we were not in a race,endless quest to not go off the rail

STOP, what happened ? did we miss it ,oops again a  test failed,mind restoration in another twilight zone

Taking in  rhythms, testing that edge,interior pleas wanting to be free,passing through another cycle hoping to not fail

Vibrations of my body feeds from the pulse of the earth,daily we await which direction our fate will be blown

Our fears often too complicated ,forgetting it is only ruled in spinning cycles being played out everyday

Accepting myself as I am ,creating an ambience not hatched by another,moments made into memories each one added to life's palette and growing like seeds that are sown. R.C.
First thoughts on how well my own "vibe" was running,sometimes things just feel right,how quickly we can lose it all, our own freedoms are still controlled by the spinning earth and her cycles,so if something gets us down don't fight to hard it is always subject to change. "Peace Takes Practice" thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Was it enough to finally realize we may have something else internal to maintain our gears
  Helping to steer ,guide us into upcoming years,resting in neutral becoming one with us
not bases for structures even known as surreal  ,awaiting it's voice ,patiently waiting through out fears
Once known ,not to be seen as helpless ,learning and living as it is, we go on, played forward ,not to deep to  discuss

Wearing  internal things outward is not  the norm for most ,possibly never knowing we were able to carry the weight
As a ghost is it supposed to remain anonymous in it's role? maybe continually adding more memories to it's inventory
When we find pure pleasure it should be locked in as a true treasure ,as motions move along ,still an unknown fate
Internal psyche united with the face others have come to know ,will we need to come as one to complete a true story

Reception of the perception of what role that  surreptitious character may come to presume vary widely
Taken on like a surety bond  but never questioned ,assumptions made , daily bliss given a free pass
Would we open our mind ,the learning of life to be scrutinized by the unknown scholars to be challenged blindly
Broken barriers as an internal quest is now known as me and my guest ,understand the role no longer second class

Appeasement of a mindless game has now taken on a new role thinking that wrinkle will now become smooth ........:)
Generations build upon undisclosed wisdom of previous experiences ,yet we all just feel somehow bonded
Archaic images ,angels as partners in our lives passions ,religious zealots pushing entitled dispositions ,leaving the individual to deduce
Always speaking of seeking some obvious truth or blindly obeying as a standardized goal how often do we check if the individual has expanded. ........................Rick
Often more prose than poetry,not trying to win a contest but to save a thought or fill a gap of memory before it was lost again to deja vus. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2018

Seeking safety  while others are sleeping,the rest in a dispute with a  familiar game of whether the mind or body will win

When losing traction will another soul comprehend even a fraction ,meaningless to many but a few keep hope in scope

Planning and practicality save souls in print but real people  have understanding and offer their own spin

Wondering from the middle travels outward, east or west north to south even an Aussie or from across the pond can give hope

Giving is receiving simple samples offer light, taken in can block blight,going out producing an unknown grin

Faceless names a soul behind each keystroke, varying opinions offer a new vote

Hidden bond often easy to find ,meshed together once lonely issues have  now found a twin

Conversing in space some silent while other seems lost in a race,never really knowing when they will find that meaningful antidote

Suddenly interaction can become a tempting attraction ,exposing hidden emotions a new devotion,silent song into a joyous hymn

Far apart minds now riding  a mutual rift, easier to make light if others have the same plight

Randomness can rule when minds are often short, Once a great thought soon will abort
hopefully not lost forever if we tug to ******* that string

Absent minds left meandering once locked down now offering possibilities ,growing with knowledge now developing with each insight. R.C.
Thoughts brought together from finding people with similar but unique problems,then finding  it is not always a problem but a solution when many minds come together.we truly learn from each other even if both parties have what one were debilitating things ,somehow walk away feeling better without ever actually shaking hands:) I thanks you for reading. I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2022
Votes For Notes
Choosing one style from an unlimited pile is as hard as Diamond or making a square Rock Roll

Collective collaborations create unique feelings individually or in community, music has Magic to be heard not seen

Unlike sights we are left to feel sounds, Hidden charm inside a subtle chime, fledgling feelings grow from a bass down low expanding beauty upon a listener's soul

Begin life in searches,  nursery rhymes to funeral dirges,  endless players add constant layers
competition for compositions adding more jewels to our Crown

To the Dead I am Grateful, gatherings of folkies & Yokels expanded our vocals not left steaming & screaming like my Metal head friends, new found Freedom gathering ticket stubs by the pocketful

Rockers often scream of taking life to an edge in dispute of which way their soul should pledge leaving us alone in the lyrics to roam, internal interpretation often sifting each listeners reasoning

Hillbilly humming solo guitar strumming, a mixed medley I feel fondly, fond of Chet's precision style, violin or Banjo a sure win ,styles changing as I mature

Always searching feeling fuller when it is found, limitless vibration forms vibes within me grooves given and received, Sixth sense flowing internally helping to align mentally

Life in a song is better than trying to maintain without one, it is to the words or sounds I aspire looking outward to keep my mind "Out of the Mire"  R.C.
A personal homage to music in general not a particular style or artist!
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Take your place this is not  a race ,soon to ask if what brought you here was worth the price

I just want to pay to not stand idle and reminisce ,that full cart & those 5 kids ahead should have been a sign of a long day

Never considered stealing but this has me reeling, rethinking my vow to always play nice

Opened the aspirin first ,now considering buying beer, my morning smile has turned to to a leer  

Mom forgot something, sent head child back into the wild,biding time who am to criticize

Enquirer SCREAMS u.f.o's here,looking around that is clear,now noticing for the first time all the kinds of mints & gum sold here

Dripping ice cream has me about to scream,the quality of my dinner determined by whatever else she buys

Muzak & me are about to have an epiphany,one more note could be all she wrote ,the elevator sounds of the seventies are becoming surreal

Patrons starting to pay heed they also want speed,pacing like bulls before the race ,just waiting to terrorize

Checker changing color, her eyes growing colder while bagger acting bolder,getting a few munchies is spinning into quite the ordeal

Her order finally tallied ,cheers break out from those who rallied ,she forgot her money so quickly I pay her fare ,just to escape, not caring if it is my own bills that are compromised . R..C
Little fun from the grocery store!  Our patience really is a virtue:) thank you for reading . Your input is helpful. thanks Rick
wichitarick Jul 2020

Awake my friend your connections await,  growing sensations before it is to late

Fetching memories or finding new flowing fountains of fauna and flowers

Feelings are real although with vastly different appeal,  deliberately downplayed or painfully obvious all play a part in our fate

Walking past the fences plays against the senses, forward into a forest brings us more powers

Changes started as an infant reforming in an instant,  memories building allowing each sensation to open a new gate

Morning doves sing like lost loves providing explanations on ear drums,  uplifting before the mood sours

With dawn comes light shining out fears of the night,  images traced but never fully erased

Steady drops of rain often hide unknown pain,  their movement mild to profound,ever changing impressions with their sounds

Bittersweet memories often favored,  flavored like salt from my sweat, life anew from drops of dew,  moments of moisture welcome new rhythms to be engraved

Smell of green taste of blue hearing life brings something new,  tasting in browns as we now allow or feet to explore unfamiliar grounds

Life is short, live it no time abort, walking through my senses wide open without  fences whirlwind came in sensibly shaking us,  now it can begin our unused future to be embraced.
Think I kept with the original idea of how we can be guided through our basic senses not just by emotions and if we leave the past at home we can find or "feel" a brand new world if just for a small part of our day or life.
Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. "Peace Takes Practice"
wichitarick Jul 2016
Oh Brother & sisters oh why! Wasn't supposed to make me cry!                                                
My feelings deep down inside ,again & again I'm takin that late night ride .          
Is it me or am I just a fool ,thinkin I was cool, making it through.
Just a few simple words ,a few lines, some nouns & verbs,a minor space a slower pace.    
Thought about how  easy ,just wanted it to be pleasing.
My easy road,I've just burdened my load,
Left me weeping instead of sleeping, I left my smile but did I fall from grace?!
Peace Takes Practice Rick
wichitarick Apr 2021
Ways To Shine

Sunlight shines showing all that can be fine, even reflections from darkness can strengthen

Learning there are levels of sanity removes some of the vanity, give that smudge a little nudge to add a glint

Beautiful morning for one also leaves another moaning, my own soft reflection shows the others rejection

See more through a fully open door will it matter if the light is brighter, questions always answered with a question are just blank, left hanging in the night

Even when facing the sun both sides never see the same way it was spun, asking ourselves random questions becomes that polish exposing a hidden dimension

All the energy used in rubbing for a fine finish might reveal we are silver plated not genuine sterling,  hidden fear exposed like a moth drawn to  candlelight

Will we know what to find if not looking, truth does not grow from seeds never sown, lifetime search for a perfect rhyme, mild brushing often brings valuable introspection

Hidden emotion reveals another notion when applying a little lotion, senseless sensation now a new side, once floundered feelings now a  sense of pride

Will we glow more in the sun at noon or in changing colors of the moon, feel warmth upon your face becomes a saving grace, little scrub might expose another dimension

Dull or too bright to notice?  internal voices muffled like a mirror losing its luster, with a little buff and rub inconsistencies become verified

Never know the role of a soul when always dark as coal, can that circle of light bring out what is bright, mild cleaning expose our best complexion

New voices with a low tone of no choices,  reflections from others increase the glow, some varnish and glaze reduce that haze exposing new ways to be mentally satisfied. R.C.
Original thought was from the term "Soul shine" tried to stay with the thought of how we often never know if we are flat or indifferent to many thing and mostly ourselves,to easy remain neutral when we are talking to ourselves. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Wishing for a subtle change, fine with something simple well within radars range

Layers of rays enlighten us,sometimes  becoming too overheated,cool down with blankets of snow

Storms blowing through the mind often unkind ,taking sanctuary until the climate has changed

Icey hearts frozen in place start to surrender if warm winds can enter the soul

Thunderheads in the distance, soon seem to roll down my body, again left assailed

Unforeseen forecast can be worse than the storm, left exposed when seeking shelter should have been the goal

Survival has no rival spend it all and still face an end,great whirlpools still seem to fade

Experience provides umbrellas ,exercises against an upwelling  providing protection from a gall

Starting was easy, rolling along constantly renewed by the rain,caught in a drift ,waters becoming colder harder to escape

Once so bright accepting all light,now often foggy,groggy  taking longer to restore

Life is a whirlwind cascading around us,feelings on the forefront  with unknown forecasts, at Peace through our constant updates. R.C.
Bit of fun. Wished I was better at editing stuff, I liked  the original thought to connect feelings,life etc. to weather terms,there are a lot of them so could be more profound I suppose,   Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated.Have a "Balmy" day :)  Rick
wichitarick Aug 2016
Loose congregation of words ,mixed syllables,sounds ascending to  an annunciation made upon announcement
Clashing conundrums of verbs accented with adjectives  ,while crashing and dashing looking for a place to stay
Confections with conflictions searching for reasons to become more easily resounded
Papier-mâché used as the blind box  waiting to reveal its hidden appeal ,will we use sticks for new words fray.

Teachers use their rulers to help crack the skin or  layer of drooling uninterested information gatherers
  Finding synonyms is easier with a hungrier  fool  ,yet opposites distract if paying pledges to the papers
Finding the unknown fabulous riches still hiding inside is best without the blindfold ,hearing proper direction is what matters
Cracking the outer code ,scattering packages of messages is titillating especially if involved  as crossword players

Clarification containers from Macmillan help refine an ongoing array of writing gone astray
Pulling new or familiar sounds to another level ,hollow waiting to filled with tasty sweets
True copy that has been pasted,not wasted gathered into changing shapes in a new way
Can make our day, just right for many to explore the contents, blindly poking formulating new treats

Thesaurus as a party tool could it be  taking on the shape of a walrus
Antonyms with  many wrappings ,nuggets or nougats of wisdom
Wordy party favors masked new flavors seeking to be savored ,hidden like walnuts
Players programmed with reading ritual learn to approach life with new optimism.
I Liked the title & saved it , so I added more over time ,not my normal method or how I originally came by writing my feelings down anyway. still feel it weak ,with so words,language,could have taken it another way, with a  PINATA  being Hispanic & often times language barriers ,but everyone can acknowledge candy ,treats or sweets :)
  Thank you for reading. still getting a feel for any input is appreciated . Rick
wichitarick Aug 2021
Weekends Memories

Mother nature marks time in revolutions part light other side dark

Begins with birth tracing moments in a memory becoming part of our history

Making more marks on a time clock or calendar, some go with the flow, others always fighting the tide, day's most play or toil while night offers a break

Tools take a toll also have a role make marks in minutes one mans basics are another's jewels, scars of lives form a personal diary

Light and dark can be quite stark, push or pull of the atmosphere, changing moods for many never quite clear, while other feel life as opaque

When a day is over, we still anticipate the roll in the clover, blessed in the passing while idly waiting, thoughts of a weekend retreat like mental bribery

Building dollars with a time clock click just to make ends meet, did we gain from strain or daily pain? some feel the need while others habitually bellyache

Change is constant for some, frustrating but breathing can feel like something new, not lost in the quagmire but something to seek becomes our remedy

Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils, mental hygiene, wash the neurotic fog until it's clean, the buildup like a plague but relativity still so vague

Changing dials for digital still marking time at face value, Rolex or Timex either gaining power moving towards that magic hour, Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils each holds its own entity

Some feel it creeping leaves them weeping others moments flying into an endless void, Friday feels far away, pressure a major stressor wanting and waiting for a few days' relief R.C.
Thoughts of how one day feeds the next, how different people perceive each day as good or bad , did they see ,feel the sunrise!  Maybe not exactly as first thought but to much done in prose,lyrics on time or working for the weekend,but still came together,also talking or listening to people online on their thought of what time is left me with a few thoughts ,time is not an illusion as long as the earth is still spinning :) ask a plant about its need for sunshine:) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Sep 2017

Wanting our own way is something many only wish for or blindly crave

Making a grand display is more often a great rarity than something known as the norm

Modify complex lives,alter that big flood before it is paid in blood ,redirecting that wave

Taking a lower rung on the ladder isn't always a simple matter ,balance takes a new form

At times the rush may seem too much ,needing a way for balance must be our new craze

Astray is a rough way ,good things don't always last ,occasionally needing to be reborn

Never at ease on the sea ,Earth and her many ways to play,river run dry ,deserts overflow,but from a fog we must emerge from the haze

Family's divided ,their split over wills is  a new ill,members together are now  alone and left forlorn

From the bottom we climb, each level coming in time ,keeping from going astray as we make our way through the ongoing maze

So as we arrange the way we play ,sometime pleasures take second base, so we learn to harmonize constantly finding new ways to make us strong R.C.
Making it all sometimes can clash,learning in hindsight isn't always bad IF we learn from it:) we might all say we were good good with it ,but how whining did we do getting there? Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2018

Each person ponders for that moment then wonders if we just had one request

Everything sailing along perfectly then a sudden snag,didn't see that coming wasn't in the plans

Trying again means you've done, it twice if we miss there may not be a second guess

Are all those stars holding someones request, were they granted or was it still left to chance

Why wait to find out our fate ,just ask a favor before it's to late,a quick thought could insure success

Will it be an urge to splurge or an unaccomplished dream maybe left wide open for that impossible single romance

Flip of a coin,draw of a card what will decide that hidden craving,pick a preference that will best fit oneself

May the nickle not be fickle when thrown into the well,will the first thoughts will come to pass

Dreamy thoughts leave us to aspire a fast flash for that one desire,will the tale ring true or rest on a shelf

Left in limbo will the hopes happen or we will be left lingering ,a whole wide world full of wishes just waiting ,if we want it bad enough maybe one will play out on our behalf.
It seems we all have this habit of wishing,I wish ,you wish, in your dreams,etc.
wonder what a new age flo chart looks like for all the wishes that just never come true? or probably some law firm ready to sue someone for not letting ALL of them come true:) thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. and Happy Holidays. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

People always barking about another path to change our ways ,how we will be for ever grateful in our future days

Forcing from silence previous happenings or innocent back slappings,slipping back to something never viewed as bad

Self recollections once seen as fine now only felt with disdain, or a new view of how we may have strayed

Smiling once held in the highest regard now slipping into half a frown ,possibly by a simple sentence from some cad

Wealth with wisdom ,daily dealings acknowledged with glee ,simple patterns, way of life not requiring much of a barricade

Never noticed until another decided we must pry open life's ledger,slowly taking away a smile ,falling into a blind trap

Born into contentment,unknowing,we have to learn resentment ,why have we waited all this time to be afraid?

Another's point of view often drawing on speculation can become our new prelude
our previous Peace now becoming flat

So should our inner resolution be tended to & mended on with only ourselves as the judge,the balance of the soul laid upon our own scale to be weighed.R.C.
Solving problems within ourselves that may not exist? Differences between realizing & creating .if nothing was wrong to begin with did we really need to fix it?
  A fine line guidance but still remain ourselves.
Thanks for reading, all input is appreciated . "peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Jun 2021
WILted FLOWer CHild

Each generation looks forward condemning those from their past

Generational passion played out in rations, brewed in the bellies of momma who don't always plan for future drama

Dreams start as a child minor or mild, gentle inside inane shows itself from pleasant too insane

Dismiss the silly human race yet them rebelling is simply keeping up with others pace, invent the intent never truly marking time for karma

Burned bridges serve no purpose when the raging river remains, living legends are for learning more often leaves followers just yearning, lost within others' views your freedom is truly cast by what they proclaim

Grandma and grandpa now in tie dyed rockers showing grand-kids peace signs with arthritic hands, dementia-tinged memories of groovy songs that weren't all wrong, hard to show them the way if minds won't play, more of a clash in the current genre

New beginning not about right, wrong or sinning, visions of paradise few willing to compromise, Vision of pro-life lost because focus is only their own and at any cost, hard to see fate if lost in hate, an easy life lost in strife meanings harder to explain

Summer of love changing to winter of hate, players forecasting their fate, Life is what we make it, feeding a passion internally to rise up against unknown enemies, many new ways to view what is proclaimed as  righteous dogma

Many in strife fail to see the miracle of Life, enhanced by her luster, fail to realize beyond personal pleasure, to quick to insert they can,t make it here anymore,many now seem to complain just to entertain

Violence is nothing new always a tale of old and another view, folkies seen as yokels ,many more feeling Stuck in the shiny side of hell, Dance of death becoming their new aura

Lost at sea on their own ego ship, face into a wind of change, simple sailors see the sea taste the salt, new life looks to the skies, still similar neither content seeing life through a stagnate windowpane

Love and Peace replaced by blood in the street, Race is short and over before knowing if pain was worth gain, quickly played out in pluses or minuses, left in solitude with just the story, love ins lost to bad tastes of twitter and strangers on facebooks hidden melodrama

West meets east in Peace, returns in violence, lovely day gone astray as  another hatemonger starts a foray, wilted flower child needs a new drink from that characteristic bottle of champagne R.C
Think it explains itself, but is also worthy of more than a passing thought
has ways a generation views the world changed so suddenly or now more prone to mass media and ways they and we process information? "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2021
What becomes of those flagrant fancy thoughts we wrought?

Mental magic something good, recycled into Wisps carried into the air

Catch it today will be half a world away tomorrow, send out my sympathy empathy into the wind, hoping for those in need it will be caught

Mood gone stale sent into the gale, mixed mind needs to be open to find good, facing into the wind will they be aware

Will my good will expel another's flurries of worries, gust of goodness washing their madness, each of us learning a new way to be taught

Their foreboding causing internal eroding, erasing integrity, can my motions fulfill another's notions, will it blow by or be caught in midair

Negative and positive plans mingle in minds released into the atmosphere, become redeemed through the jet stream forming downdrafts, winds of change are being sought

Soft like velveteen hints of healing from my soul not dark or black as coal, released into a breeze to be felt by another to ease their despair

Lost souls feeling they have a penance to pay, blown down held in place by a frown, my gift is a voice with others forming a hurricane healing for those that are distraught

Do not want to shout our lonely cries, promise and passion become a beautiful surprise to soften a cyclone of dark hearts begins as they feel wisdom blowing in their hair

Cool breeze can appease, hot desert air not always containing hate that shortens our fate, So' are we listening as air makes its motions changing our plans and plot

Many pleasant memories must pass through those blades on windmills, sending gusts that pass by picks up my thoughts or feelings to a friend as others feel it they will know we care
Thought was many people think of good things for others and wished they could do something, what if those thoughts are simply carried aloft waiting until needed . Karma in the wind so to speak :) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace Rick
wichitarick May 2018

Hearing the wind in half tones constant vibrato rolls across my bones

Fearless, lifted by the breeze, flowing as new sounds increase ,feeling as it's growing

Make a way no longer standing aside ,guts or gumption finding a new pride,being lifted as the next  insight blows

Meteorologists predict a storm rapid warning the new norm,with people it takes practice to keep the personality from choking

Hidden wisps flowing as it grows, gripping brings a new sight,grabbing at flesh brings new frights

Clouds rolling over marking the speed ,heart rate slowed as the sky is  seen swirling

Suddenly internal rushes increase ,a growing gust  sweeps just as fast bringing my minds mystery's to new heights

Calmness slowly feeding the Peace, as gails lifting find a way to leave us laughing

When we find a new way will it want to stay or the next  squall leave our life flying like so many kites

Rambling or gambling with days of my life left me lost as if caught in the rotations

Eternal now internal, left with no doubts,limited space left to pout ,will we be ready when the new gales roll over our lives blowing them to new elevations. R.C.
Maybe thoughts of life being blown into our space,soft  with a breeze or wasting like hurricanes? But also whether we let something blow the good things away is a part of it too. Thanks For reading. Your comments are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2021
Winters Widow

Looking out at all the silence holds me back ceasing the advance

Warm air safeguards my mind, forgetting previous times when she was so unkind

Roll away the dew replaced by frozen freckles, drips form icicles hanging like a clear lance

New view through the frost framed glass, window now shows more white as it grows leaving reasons in inches to keep us confined

Too cold for even the bold time stands still, many already encamped for fear of becoming ill stuck again by February's trance

Landscape looking as if it might shatter breaking the doldrum with a loud clatter, mother nature's way of showing who is charge to mankind

Daily mission must still proceed despite our wisdom, fetching forgotten sweaters to add to the layers, hat scarf gloves on a checklist made in advance

Colossal cold seizes, freezes placing life on hold, polar express lays wastes leaving many in distress, even the hardiest workers are undermined

Iced tea or ice cream could now be free but hot chocolate fetches a higher fee, Chilly air means the smell of chili in the air, kitchens provide warmth as we break out the pans

Behold her beauty sunlight's minor warming lets ice sing a song, constantly changing crystals form like a glass menagerie getting redesigned

For fun hear a beach boys' song or Caribbean calypso tune, memories of warmth bounce off the hearth, provides the beat to begin winters dance

So, whether summer's heat springs rain or winters frostbite each season has its reason and method when she is so inclined R.C.
Easier to realize with a week of zero temperatures.meant to play more on and the original thought came from the natural beauty of the ice as it covered everything. Beauty comes in many forms when we pay attention. "Peace Takes Practice"  thanks for reading ,your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2017

If I were to write a lullaby ,really take the time to find that line, would  others be inclined to feel inspired

Take the fledgling feelings & let them grow in verse,simply maiden feelings letting them go showing others how they might flow

Many write of love,finding,wanting,saving even the deepest craving,then broken, leaving their hearts rewired

Other thoughts may come forward ,learning of ourselves as we write of others, laying it all out is allowing us to grow

Humming along yet another song, using the same old words sometimes feels so wrong
at times it seems a new poet needs to be hired

Words in a stack can truly have our back ,digging deep ,really letting it show

Many flinch but we will sing along showing both sides ,right or wrong,not yet knowing from whom we should hide or which is to be admired

More of life caught in verse, letting it out unrehearsed ,harmonizing it all to let it glow

Be it a ballad telling a life's tale, possibly a hearts blues rising into a wail,telling from the soul as it transpired

Other folk find a bit of the country to croon, same as a city feeling just with a better view

So setting it up for a sing along can't be wrong,some more words to hum to help break a doldrum ,making us feel better or helping another to be inspired . R.C.
Was simple,but had the title and listening to music just tried to let keep it on track  or flow. thank you for reading & I do appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Thanks I awoke suddenly 2.a.m.? pain? confusion? broken? Medication ***** I'd rather be an addict again.breathing color,feeling in reds and yellows,taste in silver like metal hearing ,blue gray,fading, I would like to SCREAM but then others will know,burning? cold?afraid to lay down ,haunting dreams,can only smile with eyes closed,pushing,pulling, from the inside,I am ******* "IT" off,clear but numb,a fishbowl,sleep while standing? HURT? NO, LIFE Rick
One of the first "ramblings" I saved or at least had a direction, written in between black outs after emerging from seizures,relying on smells and hearing to arouse memory,using music to find triggers.
  Any input is appreciated.thank you. Rick

— The End —