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wichitarick Mar 2022
Timeless Turnstile

Beginning as one united coming or going using a single door

Plans playing out always solved with little doubt

Plenty of passion divided equally, the other familiar face means most issues a minor chore

Another figure adds more rigor as households grow, extra weight not too great, remaining attached to the commitment still devout

Singles slowly separating, unknowing we stop growing, once common ground becoming a hidden topic to explore

Day to day we still play but with an ever-increasing price to pay, going from a one-way slow lane into a faster double roundabout

Finding a meeting place on middle ground harder and harder to be found, passion lost viewing another with a blink or nod makes them easier to ignore

Knowing this ceaseless hurry is ending our relationship in a flurry, finding times balance will repair romance no longer lost under times shroud R.C.
Done on a prompt, from the thought of  "We’re in such a hurry most of the time we never get much chance to talk. The result is a kind of endless day-to-day shallowness, a monotony that leaves a person wondering years later where all the time went and sorry that it’s all gone"
I reflected on a time in life when we thought this was happening to us when married and took time each day to reflect as a family! Thank you for reading. your thoughts are helpful,Peace Takes practice. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2022
Frozen Willows

Stroll beyond the knoll takes me on a familiar stage,  releasing my mind to higher places

Pacing a trail leading me along an edge, mind divided between forward or reverse

Wandering do I wonder the Cost of color, contemplate reasons for seasons, she reveals her beauty in phases

Frost has a cost, distance lost in an instant, exposed by a sunrise, illusions not easy to coerce

The ice while nice also a vise holding back fodder for the birds to eat, Warmth and color embrace emotions internally set the pace while winning new races

Basking in the beauty of distortion seasons keeping visions in proportion, Bare without an armor of green leaves, grass now ghostly, unknown images appear sensations something we can't rehearse

Imagination provides an amalgamation of contrasting perception, sensations so strong felt even if blind, emotions a fusion often in confusion laid out on many stages

Hear wind whistle through thistle, Mellow memory a memorial to the sound of willows on the water, spring green gives new noises, wispy willows having a rebirth

Unknown images appear, notes from birds we can hear, using natures messenger service showing her gladness, bathing us in beauty with unknown shamans

New night wandering left my mind pondering , blocked by blackness, left to roam alone hearing a moonbeam, feel the color of the sleeping flower, truth beyond a Sirens song , spring in the air,  Mystery has no history waiting to show her mirth

Emotions champions of all seasons, time passages hitching a free ride inside my mind, nature offering endless innovations on our sensations R.C.
Thoughts of spring green when suddenly frozen in an ice storm then buried in snow took a walk anyway and still heard the birds calling!  
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2022
Memories Toy Chest

Something most hold in common is  the joy from a child's first toy

Marking time with bounces of a ball or combing a dolls hair, simple samples when life was still fair

Teddy bear on a tricycle towing a red wagon became a daily highlight for freckled faced boy

Sand box unifies the block, Tonka trucks take over, shovel & pail never fail, forming fundamental liaisons, fresh friends unknown to despair

Christmas tree bearing notions, free fodder for the toddler, tiny top fascinating for a tot older sibling needs a little more to not be a bore, each gift reveals internal joy

Crayons and coloring books fill a nook, many images and glimpses of our past, memories now memoirs, all of life's offerings nothing can compare

Focused on fledgling fiascos too more amorous teen things, flash before a crash, skateboard or Schwinn California cruiser either a bruiser when seeking search and destroy

Army men cheap to begin before g.i. Joe or barbies, cap gun for fun, noise for playing on the run, never standing still long enough to stare

Grandmas egg money the best for a stash of cash, bought candy or unknown present I would never resent, she was a kid at heart acting old merely her decoy

Glimpse through a child eyes, thought or flashback of childhood and early life, fishing pole or frisbee a cheap fee for a lifetime memory, simple sample of how  we care

Lifes diary often leaves out those trifles that came for free, when we never feared a future unknown, nothing lost when not seen, a minds toy chest held close to the vest the items enclosed permanent parts of our history R.C.
Thought was first on our or my first toy or a favorite toy and how much they can mean to us!
Suppose I said it in first person and third person?  I did ask a few people what their first or favorite was. Also humbling those 99 cent army men seemed more important that the junk I have now:) be well PEACE thanks.  
Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2022
Gregorian Birthday

Stop for a day to reflect on minutes passed away, plan for a future to grow and mature

Wisdom comes with days caressed, will we know what was lost when distressed

Ten to twelve cycles marked by Caesar. leap year leaves out thirteen, seasons cycles part of mother nature

Hold fast wave bye  to the past, making it happen is not dependent on happenstance

Pleasant periods bordered by moments of raw emotion,unknown future will be shown good or bad we are our own moderator

Dates do not wait, progression never caring about personal recession, happiness dependent on whether we take a chance

Counting with clocks or calender's or handily with our fingers, stars make their mark from far away, while the sun is always the common denominator

Many claim to know what it takes to help us grow, be great or atone our sins away, might as well tell your troubles to the moon, real truth is upward in that great expanse

Facing ourselves not always viewing the same reflection, mirrors also show bad with glad, only internally do we know if we are a giver or taker

Resolutions dependent upon revolutions, marking moments, making memories, how we hold up relies on keeping time when life is a dance

Reasons for seasons shadows really have a tale to tell,images cast depend on earths revolution

time passages playing on personal calender's, make today count for tomorrow, from lost minutes we can never borrow, smiling for the future we will never be a failure. R.C.
Meant for the NEW yr. a little late so hopefully not telling of my future:)
Could have used a few more examples of our current calendar or way we mark time! also listening to a few philosophize on meaning of life,time etc.left me wondering if they really get "it" time,evolution is a little more simple than all that ,those leaves are green from the sun not a gov. conspiracy :) Hope have a "brighter" future happy NEW year. "Peace takes Practice" thanks for reading your comment are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2021
New age blindly falling from grace, fighting a hidden enemy

Teen and anxious once the norm now a psych diagnosis, distress taken as some bad label

Faceless facts hard to retract, flashing light world in blight, Harum-scarum analysis isn't reality

Inner truth now given to a mental sleuth, hidden truth never seen, cause and effect does it mentally disable or inadvertently enable

Swallowing knowledge left us choking,  repetition offers no variation, life has no on or off switch, harder to remain stable when emotions are constantly displayed openly on the table so irrationally

Paranoid covered in a blanket of fear, selected target our mind now a part of the market, pointing at humans being inhumane part of the game, being playful becoming a lost fable

Why always recall when you're about to fall, simple shuffle of memory cards can show greener yards, following pre-plotted maps leads to another casualty

Not as bad as it appears, forget learning to simply survive, permanent pessimist, Impossible to relax when buried in facts, wasteful worry replacing meaningful ways to remain grateful

Instant diagnoses blown into multi tethered prognosis, finding middle ground when being told you're not normal or crazy leaves many lacking, losing leverage when searching for adequacy

Mass medias senseless sayings gather no moss to keep the blues ball rolling, taking fun from function,  new dog and pony show, subconsciously afraid, living life now seen as something fateful

Digging our own graves, personal pall bearers for basic thought, selling freedom for an unfulfilled diagnosis, words a magic elixir, removing ways to face fear rationally

Social wisdom masking the freedom of a child to walk through a puddle instead of a lifetime of insight finding knowledge to walk around them, remembering to smile gives strength to go the extra mile, life on life's terms need not be painful. R.C.
First thoughts were follow up on something I did before on  basic thoughts being changed by negative feedback,or "feeling" something mentally wrong when it is just LIFE! goes deeper and wider than simple prose allows and is now several generations deep,do we try and reverse this?  or become scared of our shadows? :) thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful,PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. Rick
wichitarick Nov 2021

Many memories come or go fleeting thought of once moving fast

Living in the present not always a gift, beige or bland nowhere to make a stand

Take another piece of me, got locked in lost soul never again to be free, once saw everything with open eyes unfolded maps world so vast

Prefer to roam without a home, unsaddled no bit or bridle always on idle, time was a scam never wore a watch upon my hand

Completing hitch hikers guide a source of pride, thumb out or cheap greyhound ride, memories fade left to rely on what was photographed

Always wondering where a river went or raindrops are sent, wayward youth a highway sleuth Unlimited vision with no mission, wandering soul enclosed white pickets complete that demand

Inner strife from hiding vagabond feelings wanting to get lost again in past misdealing's Length of Layovers timed by hangovers, now life outside bottles or baggies a more realistic blast

Born in the parking lot so always been on the out, Set to roam with a spin of the globe, coast to coast beach to beach now stuck behind a hidden line in the sand

Vagabond looking out across new land, unsettled not ready to make a stand,Leaning on an edge split inside with a wedge, held back by new wisdom of my past

Designated drifter part time grifter forgetting to nurture a future, realizing wisdom can come slower, much to gain with pain, internal freedom not always planned

Dreams from a past trickle out carrying much clout, what weight so great it was to slow the hobo, settled in with a new grin becoming my own life's greatest enthusiast R.C.
Maybe sitting to long brought out a few memories? started as from third person but drifted into first person.accepting change is often the real obstacle in our own growth :)  Thank you for reading Your input is helpful Peace takes Practice. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2021
Fill In The Blanks

Hard to sell a tale with no title, words form first thought on how a memory is wrought

Spaces in select places allow ad-lib thinking, would a prescription be useless without the diction

Even or odd numbers owe their life to letters, alphabet soup takes more ingredients to add to the ***

More we learn more we yearn , added phrases written or heard knowledge is power whether from fact or fiction

Treasure the pleasure of the story growing, as we read, we feed getting fuller as we are taught

Languages linger until formed into sentences, phases of phrases come and go with different meaning given or taken, reader or writer hold a unique vision

With no verb Ned is neutral while Nancy in bright neon is fancy, exclamations with explanations add detail, twisting of details in tales thicken a plot

Puzzles can be playful, missing pieces part of its function while also raising a player's stress become part of the addiction

Endless sound to be found come together as notes are formed, while adding lyrics show it as more human from plain or pain or something mystic held happily or healing someone distraught

No rank if pages are blank, only score when they hold more, letters lack meaning until formed into words, sentences grow adding information like more homes in a subdivision

Left in a ledger or record marks time in history, names separating families so their heritage is not a mystery, marks on maps just a spot over which people have always fought

So, take heed as we read marks or letters making us better, sensitive subjects shared sensibly, tablets show early scripture, news now in digital, memories made mental form our personal retention R.C.
Started as importance of how we are addicted to words, or even sounds in music to set a certain vibe, not started in that context but time with a once close friend who was also deaf mute taught me a lot.he was also close to illiterate so he learned to read & write and texting gave him a freedom never known and maybe something some of us take for granted, Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful Peace. Rick
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