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wichitarick Sep 2021
Keeping The Creation

Some hear the loud locomotives whistle SCREAM stop, many expected to fail when riding a fast rail

We know but refuse to grow, overt actions easier to follow, Fear to integrate part of why it is hard to step up to the plate, I did not hear while others watched me steer into oncoming traffic

First steps with impossible odds visualizing a path from wrath where do we go onto a dark and dangerous trail

Abstinence not simply doing without but dancing the dance, new tolls to pay for a way I learned to play a losing game with time, glimmer of hope easier to keep in scope when finding freedom through internal honesty it offers a new dynamic

Never saw that dead man walking retrospect shows familiar ghosts, my body was not the temple but the host, missing pieces lost in the fragmented mind those scenes lost without a reverse search we will never find, living while learning now closer to magic

Knowing I was here to win not forgiving a past sin , hearsay not simply here say this, not getting lost in psychobabble, knowing I could keep a free spirit became a major lift, roaming and roving continues while I have become more elastic

Separate feelings still are unknown factors, mixing pain and passion is a beginning of winning seeing some glint of light holds off the fright, facing fear does not have to be drastic

Lust with libation keeps us in action, factual factors around us while we are simple actors, Follow the stereotype taken as hype, we are fine with being flunky or ****** but not to be seen as Mr. clean, choosing sure death to not be seen as plastic

Staying clean did not mean it could be scrubbed, rubbed or washed away, hidden dirt in my soul comes off in layers, removing slime takes time, Forgiving myself was wasted emotion, I had learned the game and ways to show devotion, learning to leave it and be erratic

Knowledge is power in knowing no matter how much we rehearse it still works in reverse, In your heart not your head, over thinking is how many return to drinking, keeping it simple is the best example, proof is in actions not just symbolic

Life in a cage, invisible prison but an ever-present poison, never consider escape until too late, shown the door unable to cross the threshold, breaking out unnecessary when we hold the key,
finding then keeping this creation also brings new emotion, new lessons don't have to be seen as tragic

Music can be magic but hard to keep a beat when always paying the piper, clearer mind helped me to find new meaning with tones and lyrics, How will I learn to dance to a different beat? get my groove back someday, Flashbacks in a.m. and black and white slow progression to f.m. and color, my own song now sang as historic

Freedom never free, passion within passageways some count day by day others let life roll its own way, shown the door unable to break the threshold ,What is feared never quite clear, mostly unknown afraid to grow, hard to heal until we reveal, Imagine a surprise realizing we have two souls inside of one body, destiny's mirror shows me, but I also know the alcoholic. R.C.
Was for my recent Sobriety drug free birthday ! I did an earlier on but have been this more thought this time ,not to show a how to guide but more what I have gained by choosing this as a way of life rather than under the influence.This lifestyle effects many people not just the abusers and is still hidden in many cases,all told I hold no grudge about life and feel this helped prepare meas much as anything "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2021
Collections Of A Scattered Mind

Awoke in daylight barely on the edge of twilight, before feet hit the floor suddenly forced to count the score

Days without sleep the price now obvious but steep, began routine while slowly realizing a change has been made

Too often has been played off bright blush part of the bluff, I know now was simply hiding what was truly in store

First signs slowly coming out, so used to vertigo the floor was tilted and I did not know, morning mingling familiar cranium tingling, hints come in pieces slowly showing how the body or mind has decayed

Morning motions coming around unaware if something was lost so often surprised when it is found,  done many times before at least the countdown not starting from a floor

Flowing moments floating on an edge felt deeply as if a member of a secret club, many others search for hidden clues and wonder if their dues have been paid

Begin a checklist while lost in the foggy mist, reflections come as voids or in triplicate listless and lost, images mixed liked work socks in the top drawer

Views narrow but as my mind widens come in bursts that truly hurt, not a major concern as I have learned, still checking the list for new issues to be displayed

Realize as I analyze simple motions become a hard notion, thickness of time part of the illness mind and body wading through waters waiting to come ashore

My mind like a broken chain, scattered links come together slowly form bringing strength, as it grows longer my brain is stronger, only time ends this mindless charade

Making better connection with what is now a concoction or collection of my scattered mind, my brain is empty waiting for the river of knowledge to refill the reservoir

Now aware this day will be played but on ever changing stage, not to regress like taking a familiar test, best to take things light without fright as my mind brings down another barricade
Feelings or raw emotion that have come out in prose before but is an ever changing mind game  , is the "Postictal" or how my mind and body react to coming out seizures in my sleep feels.The brain can be a Mysterious playground .I appreciate your reading your thoughts are appreciated. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2021

In the beginning we never see a future or how our beginning is an unknown journey

Messes made of bodies minds and souls even with best intent we lose ownership undecisive we pay daily rent

Mind's eye open with blinders mass infusion removes 20/20 vision, Perception impossible to visualize when retention is blurry

Hard to nurture an unknown future, fail to feel gain when part of our conception of the addiction is the pain, withdrawal easier that trying to comprehend

Living in an ocean always floundering, current washes us out in a foamy flow living a ride against the tide, perpetual sinking easier on water that is murky

New friendship to replace hardship examples work if listening, best result is strength gained from sharing pain, first truths hardest to transcend

Making our way day by day, open mind policy is here to stay, flexible function permanent not stuck at the junction, moving on easiest when not frozen in worry

First step hard and largest, short paths still open large maps, reading them becomes part of our internal assent

Hard to heal a wound until it is found, injuries remain open when always removing the stitches, discovery best part of recovery

Hard to listen when always apprehensive, shell hard to break when feeling everyone is on the take, true freedom found when knowing we can become our own best friend

Sense of self hardest to find is felt rather from words or from books on a shelf,learn as we go finding something we did not know, basic lessons now part of self-preservation, life can no longer be taken as humbly R.C.
Although a little early, is from having thought of my own sobriety,drug free Birthday ! The lessons taken from this are freedom and honesty with myself.
I admit this started as more of what I still want to show in prose, not to read like a  "how to" guide but what has long term sobriety shown me?I often take life as lesson and this has  been the the biggest one. so will still works towards showing what I may have gained. appreciate your reading, your thoughts are helpful."Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Aug 2021
Have We Grown

Bundles of babes welcomed into the world a playbook not immediately up to you

In the beginning we're always winning, Lessons learned as liaisons are formed, demand exceeds supply

Are compassion sympathy or empathy taught or learned by example felt as they form a soul, grace becomes life's glue

Maternal nurturing no guarantee of internal maturing, Imagery imagination play a part from the start, is it retained even if life is awry

Looking back do we recall a burning ember what was given or taken has something left us forsaken, do we leave it as a lesson or retain it as some cosmic stew

Many times, I have flown, freely, briefly lost in the wind it always managed to send me to another day, Lifes court we just have ourselves to testify

First class or outcast, was it all a waste of time if our soul is free, Are we ever what we appear to be, what they see is it really me ?

Journeys an odyssey that become our legacy, Many dabble into altered states of reality, what is the gauge to know if merely seeking serenity

Old and grey as young as a new day when in a forest of redwoods are what we learn and pass on markers like rings of a tree

Beginnings have endings some lives lived like a score on a graph will percentages be words for an epitaph ,are the highs or lows now our posterity

As we learn to put on our walking shoes, first thought on going forward, not knowing if we might need to know how to crawl again, proof even with wisdom life has no guarantee

Love, laughter and life play out in different sequences according to age, gravity of a day doesn't need to keep me from play, I guess a measure if we have grown is our own integrity R.C
First thought was literally what is a measurement of growth, but it can be seen many ways depending on the person,is it personal or monetary some even spiritual,I didn't use the word but "feel" comfort can be a true measure
With many life changes and now memory loss and injury I have found it is easier to just be ME :) "Peace Take Practice" Thanks for reading your input is helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2021
Weekends Memories

Mother nature marks time in revolutions part light other side dark

Begins with birth tracing moments in a memory becoming part of our history

Making more marks on a time clock or calendar, some go with the flow, others always fighting the tide, day's most play or toil while night offers a break

Tools take a toll also have a role make marks in minutes one mans basics are another's jewels, scars of lives form a personal diary

Light and dark can be quite stark, push or pull of the atmosphere, changing moods for many never quite clear, while other feel life as opaque

When a day is over, we still anticipate the roll in the clover, blessed in the passing while idly waiting, thoughts of a weekend retreat like mental bribery

Building dollars with a time clock click just to make ends meet, did we gain from strain or daily pain? some feel the need while others habitually bellyache

Change is constant for some, frustrating but breathing can feel like something new, not lost in the quagmire but something to seek becomes our remedy

Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils, mental hygiene, wash the neurotic fog until it's clean, the buildup like a plague but relativity still so vague

Changing dials for digital still marking time at face value, Rolex or Timex either gaining power moving towards that magic hour, Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils each holds its own entity

Some feel it creeping leaves them weeping others moments flying into an endless void, Friday feels far away, pressure a major stressor wanting and waiting for a few days' relief R.C.
Thoughts of how one day feeds the next, how different people perceive each day as good or bad , did they see ,feel the sunrise!  Maybe not exactly as first thought but to much done in prose,lyrics on time or working for the weekend,but still came together,also talking or listening to people online on their thought of what time is left me with a few thoughts ,time is not an illusion as long as the earth is still spinning :) ask a plant about its need for sunshine:) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Jul 2021
Consequence Of Color

Pink or blue does it heighten or enlighten, subtle hue adds significance for you

As we look out to take it all in, perception can mean lose or win, Is our impression singular or merely another's misconception?

Simple samples shown easily through kids and crayons, examples hidden whether subtle or brilliant each contrast another view

Tinctures telling tales, basic rainbows bring unique reflections of our mind, internal ambiance shown through an aura, each making its own impression

Emotions evolve light added as earth revolves, absorb a portion realize a new layer feeling wind as it blew one day red another blue

Mother earth offers endless choices, awash in bountiful brilliance, birds butterfly's flowers show passion and power, each shade offers their unique expression

Mixing more than just an amalgamation open to a mind's imagination, Perceptions made quickly; would we see fear if it were clear, giving the color a voice is changing and new

Is there a goal what is its role? bold never grows old, brilliance of a crown brings smile not a frown, greys reflect depression while a red cross shows protection

Suburban rainbow in beige doesn't express happiness, color giving it depth and soul, white picket looks alone green feels with drawn, hard to tell me from you new shades easy to misconstrue

All that glitters is not Gold, metal readily reveals its identity, shiny means money, black iron shows strength, grey steel bars scream detention

Kaleidoscopes offer boundless mixtures, white as pure but prisms open minds, Life hope weakness hate each shade holds a symbol, pigments add dimension dark memories not easy to undo
Original thought was how color is a major factor in most things in our lives
I did include parts of it but truly the thought became to hard to follow,so my notes  are better than the end poem , ,or the topic is deeper than I ended up with,but is still and interesting and often misunderstand way in how we perceive a lot of things. Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Peace. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2021
Grasping Power

Stop or go start with it activated or stalled with a simple motion

To think plays a part for notions to be set in motion and get a start

Thought is for not until passed into a hand, brought up then passed on, sand with cement, brick by brick built from a mind

Begins with babes and bottles to grasping a spoon, lessons many come in a hurry,  sensations across the creases, melded into memory what is held now permanently felt

One to ten all begins, worldwide always universal, no language or rehearsal, first a wave then ties a shoe begin with something new, many lessons always inspired

Multitudes of ways to show an action, getting a grip, a lot to grasp, action reflects seeking reaction, often simple interpretation for what is meant

Literal and figurative, stop to start, thumbs up hip, flipping off quite contrary, soldiers or Sailor's salute symbolic, showing hate or giving what is desired

Fingers not single, help to hold rings meaning a heart sings, artist brush shares a journey with imagery, writer's pens help many more to transcend

Making melodies musicians rarely let fingers linger, finessing ivory's strumming strings, like magicians blindly catching hearts as they fall, their caress interpreted individually deep inside

Blisters tell a unique tale often centered around life giving water or food in a pail, farmers factories ships all have hands what they clutch is all they represent

Representation all-in presentation, What holds more memory's ******* of Peace or Stalin's fist, powerful or placid thumbs up for wonderful often open to how they are signified

Power of a Hand, hitchhikers roam, idly we skip a stone, deaf make a world audible brothers can lend a hand, truth with a handshake will still be shared with a friend
The first thought was simple but also naive not realizing it is the most represented thing in a world of expression or art, so this was actually quite hard because of over thinking what was a simple idea :)
Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace. Rick
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