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wichitarick Jun 2021
WILted FLOWer CHild

Each generation looks forward condemning those from their past

Generational passion played out in rations, brewed in the bellies of momma who don't always plan for future drama

Dreams start as a child minor or mild, gentle inside inane shows itself from pleasant too insane

Dismiss the silly human race yet them rebelling is simply keeping up with others pace, invent the intent never truly marking time for karma

Burned bridges serve no purpose when the raging river remains, living legends are for learning more often leaves followers just yearning, lost within others' views your freedom is truly cast by what they proclaim

Grandma and grandpa now in tie dyed rockers showing grand-kids peace signs with arthritic hands, dementia-tinged memories of groovy songs that weren't all wrong, hard to show them the way if minds won't play, more of a clash in the current genre

New beginning not about right, wrong or sinning, visions of paradise few willing to compromise, Vision of pro-life lost because focus is only their own and at any cost, hard to see fate if lost in hate, an easy life lost in strife meanings harder to explain

Summer of love changing to winter of hate, players forecasting their fate, Life is what we make it, feeding a passion internally to rise up against unknown enemies, many new ways to view what is proclaimed as  righteous dogma

Many in strife fail to see the miracle of Life, enhanced by her luster, fail to realize beyond personal pleasure, to quick to insert they can,t make it here anymore,many now seem to complain just to entertain

Violence is nothing new always a tale of old and another view, folkies seen as yokels ,many more feeling Stuck in the shiny side of hell, Dance of death becoming their new aura

Lost at sea on their own ego ship, face into a wind of change, simple sailors see the sea taste the salt, new life looks to the skies, still similar neither content seeing life through a stagnate windowpane

Love and Peace replaced by blood in the street, Race is short and over before knowing if pain was worth gain, quickly played out in pluses or minuses, left in solitude with just the story, love ins lost to bad tastes of twitter and strangers on facebooks hidden melodrama

West meets east in Peace, returns in violence, lovely day gone astray as  another hatemonger starts a foray, wilted flower child needs a new drink from that characteristic bottle of champagne R.C
Think it explains itself, but is also worthy of more than a passing thought
has ways a generation views the world changed so suddenly or now more prone to mass media and ways they and we process information? "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2021

Busy bird fluttering on my soul, hidden meaning what will be it's role

Caged for contempt unwilling to repent ,inept inside desiring early release

Facing a failed future ,forced into a silent interior,should we seek a new goal

Flexible figures can face the wind ,standing upright, will the doubt decrease

Taking daily tests trying to remove the torture,join the pieces to make whole

Face to face before & after has become a lifelong race,pain will only increase

Left looking out leaves more room for doubt,daily ritual takes it's toll

Left lingering ,restless then mindless meandering, but also time for a new belief

Seeing them soaring leaves my mind exploring ,will new visions need an overhaul

Bees countless trips produce plentiful pollen,requiring endless work but bringing great relief

Taking a new view mind partially askew ,past lessons played out ,but ready to remain open and face each new squall.R.C.
I bumped this, is from 3 1/2 yrs ago, normally would not repeat,but "feel" the words mean more in hindsight  .Because of just life, time ,growing older but also with an always changing seizure disorder or neuro issues,I search for ways to remain positive,I spoke of making myself STAND UP ,but now have days I can barely walk,so re-reading this makes me understand I did see it coming,I will do what I said then. truly PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. thanks for reading,your thoughts are helpful . Rick
wichitarick Jun 2021
Peaceful Resolution

Passions of plenty bring great Love or deeper hate

World of people from a black back alley to white church steeple

Locked in conflict personal values the only edict, unwilling to find time or reason of understanding how it affects others fate

Mixed emotions either side declaring others have no notion, many claim to have no shame presenting themselves as unbiased, while actions are always lethal

Many sides to a view while most just see two, few of us realize we need to look deeply into a mirror, internally we rarely educate

Always awash in never ending evolution of resolution, personal struggle or world war usually is nothing new, same story another sequel

Fixated on values when fine with war if they achieve the winning score, a few make their own reason and send message to masses they need to persuade

Many tasking while others always asking how their principles apply to the masses, views askew following religion, money or ideological

Invisible lines drawn by surveyors and cartographers, divisions for unrealized visions, lost in history now a mystery, that freedom was a masquerade

Bless the babies always blind to the elders whose only task was supposed to be love teach and protect, harming them see as demonic by most, one known as prodigal many more as magical

Old as man or language are words wanting us to come together, can we have peaceful resolution without the revolution ? divided it is harder to navigate learning to tolerate never too late to educate

Take a moment from your personal gain to pass on relieving another's unseen pain,Lend a hand when you can, can't rehearse when it works in reverse

Lend a hand when you can, can't rehearse when it works in reverse, living life on life's terms, keeping things simple makes it more logical. R.C.
Thoughts from always hearing what is wrong or how to fix something,often I see or hear or someones deepest problems when from the outside everything is not that bad, Also from hearing another version "IMAGINE" :) The world is all ours,we vary widely because one is thinking world wars and another  is just a single meal. "Peace Take Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2021
Pick And Choose

All set up at a table to play games ever changing faces with different names

Trails and trials all have an end, we each see the path through an open gate

Sad for some when they cry is the proof they are alive, like a desert blooming when it rains

Constantly hearing words of wisdom, defining them determines what becomes of our fate

We all are given both a dry or a cloudy day, each motion plus our emotions control how we see things through our own window panes

Remain in balance a skillful challenge, fighting to live requires we keep something in sight

Building chains of life one link at a time, with bits of wire selected then forged in fire, each bond binds as it grows its length represents our gains

Individually left to play ,constantly pick and choose, many speculate while others regulate, alone often wondering when thoughts will reunite

Wisdom heightens, enlightens, what we select is our choice to detect, freedom forms easier with open minds

Like a bird on a perch they must fly or will die, wings represent freedom of a vast kingdom,  inner peace is found knowing wrong from right

Unforeseen future is ours alone to nurture, something new pending like books with no ending, like an artist we create our own designs

Wasted years lost in tears blinded from our fears, we will not be lost in the dark if you bring plenty of light . R.C.
First thoughts were How we ultimately end up making our way, sometimes even knowing the consequences,we to often focus on went WRONG or what the cause is ,when we truly have most of the control of our own action, that determines our fate, life is the game we can cheat at cards or deal our own hand. deal ourselves a winning hand :) "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick May 2021
Deja Vu Repeat

Locked in time renew a familiar view hitting replay of the same old rhyme

Not a dream as many might say it seems, or illusion and delusion or sinister scheme

Stopped in motion, fraction from a vision, not locked out similar to stuck in, lost in a ruse easy to confuse often crosses a fine mental center line

Full range from stored images, reflections of recollections left spinning in a round room made of mirrors, each a different theme

Grand or simple thoughts trapped abruptly unwrapped, even seen as sinister by a minister that wants us to repent, demons or angels, neither is divine

Old time feeling came again just to leave me reeling, Comes and goes how or when nobody knows, future thoughts cannot be foreseen

With a wink in a blink images stepping forward never a warning, moment of mayhem to fast to be a coward, another journey stuck in time

Mental pictures like flashcards with similar frames, same game on repeat with a new theme

Not a clue of when it might end, like an email stuck on send, never planned or something grand, thoughts brought forward from the back of our mind

Fast or painfully slow, icy cold or warm glow, similar paths along a straight row, high fall from a white wall, patterns and colors flash over then repeat, another view from a familiar scene

This incident another increment, fraction segmented placed on hold, splice of a memory, stuck on forward then reverse, just time that we did not rehearse

Explanations seem futile unless they have truly done this before, splice of a memory, stuck on forward then reverse, just time that we did not rehearse, Similar segment or unknown fragment, another glimpse we survive

Deja Vu is coming through will see it all again, when I have seen it all before why begin a familiar spin with an unknown end, take it all in as temporary rental on mental hygiene R.C.
Might help finding a definition of deja vu,not as common as the term, is a constant part of my own mind but took most of my life to know not everyone did this, it varies widely so even harder to explain or understand,also the term "jamais vu" which I didn't include because I see both as one feeling, I don't try to over analyze this but can leave some people feeling like they have some mental condition, Thanks for reading ,appreciate your comments. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick May 2021
Ray Of  Life
Become aware if you dare, ways to relax hard to grasp, our focus dependent on refraction

Hopes and dreams varied schemes with endless themes, subtle glint shows a hint, without blinders we can see, hear and feel more of what is around

Does time expand our wisdom? Will an illuminated clock help time flow smoother? futures blocked not by blackness but not seeing our own passion

All the games we are forced to play winners or losers need reasons to stay, often is not chess but another round of lost and found

Happenings of today remain, time does not erase pain, what is frightening becomes enlightening, soft glow increases internal flow open minds eye makes a good day easier to imagine

Asking for hope to an unknown entity is seen by some as a level of sanity, reaching out never simple, goes against a basic principle, finding comfort easier if wrapped in a shroud

Keeping perspective in scope begins from a slippery *****, individually we have tunnel vision, easier for others to review their brothers when they don't have to live with the outcome

Do we know where to go if always traveling in the dark, bits of light need not be bright to show which way to go, clear path easier when we know what to do without

Changing Objective, perspective, molding our views from biased world news, want realism when shown phantasm seeking the most viewing a ghost, hard to decipher a zephyr without a touchstone

Magnifying glass with one sun ray can bring enough heat to burn down the earth, surrounded in constant beams ever changing themes, harder views if always under a cloud

Walking blindly often regressive finding power from failure is progressive, internal guidance eases our blindness, will we recognize each streak after it has shone

Picture of pleasantries easier to view if a few more lumens are used,  each wave length gives mental or physical strength, just takes a little sunlight to help new ideas sprout and remove some doubt R.C.
Thoughts on understanding an opportunity, not dwelling on past mistakes,
But we are shown so much or forget ourselves if looking at others we are still in the dark. it should not take a spotlight to show the right way . "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2021
Lost thoughts

First image no time to grasp, a simple flash before I blink gone in a dash

Staying locked in r.e.m. fantasy finding safety in keeping imagery on hold

Simple samples of present or past come to view then gone before gaining a true grasp

Scattered mind not easy to find, brain functions continually meet at junctions only to meet again on down the road

Lost mindset,  instead of no reply, like knocking on the door with too many answers, lost the key, forgot the deadbolt left with a wide-open hasp

Solitary man while his mind cohabitates in endless places some with no traces others always vivid faces, many more left with a story untold

A storm blown about often difficult to bend the wind to fit our need, mindless muttering adrift builds to a hurricane quickly rolled back into a rift, often lost at sea without raft

Reflections of my mind tossed about in a storm, laid out like a puzzle missing pieces leaving a solution harder to find, future symphonies waiting to be composed

Lost mindset, mixed mind seen from the inside often similar to blind leading the blind, hit replay on Deja-Vus is nothing new, hard to tell time flowing through an hourglass

Brain cells bouncing off walls like Loose feathers blown by the wind, unknown triggers dictate which direction they will be sent, open maps for things unexplored

Lack of focus certainly not hocus pocus, neither mundane, also not insane, complex mental state often getting a little too late, learn to let go of an uneven flow letting it pass with just a laugh

Use a darkest hour to find new power blocking negative to separate positive, playing an everlasting game with no shame learning to use ourselves for internal support R.C.
While many might understand a certain lack of focus are many levels to it,and surprisingly many have no concept how a person can do this,is also too easily labeled as some "mental disorder" like A.D.H.D.a.d.d brain etc.,that is a problem but another topic. always had this but with Neuro problems it changed so now find new ways to deal with this. as a side note I "see" this as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
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