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wichitarick Apr 2021
Ways To Shine

Sunlight shines showing all that can be fine, even reflections from darkness can strengthen

Learning there are levels of sanity removes some of the vanity, give that smudge a little nudge to add a glint

Beautiful morning for one also leaves another moaning, my own soft reflection shows the others rejection

See more through a fully open door will it matter if the light is brighter, questions always answered with a question are just blank, left hanging in the night

Even when facing the sun both sides never see the same way it was spun, asking ourselves random questions becomes that polish exposing a hidden dimension

All the energy used in rubbing for a fine finish might reveal we are silver plated not genuine sterling,  hidden fear exposed like a moth drawn to  candlelight

Will we know what to find if not looking, truth does not grow from seeds never sown, lifetime search for a perfect rhyme, mild brushing often brings valuable introspection

Hidden emotion reveals another notion when applying a little lotion, senseless sensation now a new side, once floundered feelings now a  sense of pride

Will we glow more in the sun at noon or in changing colors of the moon, feel warmth upon your face becomes a saving grace, little scrub might expose another dimension

Dull or too bright to notice?  internal voices muffled like a mirror losing its luster, with a little buff and rub inconsistencies become verified

Never know the role of a soul when always dark as coal, can that circle of light bring out what is bright, mild cleaning expose our best complexion

New voices with a low tone of no choices,  reflections from others increase the glow, some varnish and glaze reduce that haze exposing new ways to be mentally satisfied. R.C.
Original thought was from the term "Soul shine" tried to stay with the thought of how we often never know if we are flat or indifferent to many thing and mostly ourselves,to easy remain neutral when we are talking to ourselves. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2021
Outrageous intense rustle of muscle, eyes wide open with the shock and awe

Moments of dreams safe as subtle memory's reveal their schemes, inner self falling from the shelf

Rapidly changing fate unbridled madness is an open gate, time will show each individual flaw

Will my body and mind stay in confusion or eventually begin to tell me the truth, did I wish for the strength of, but also get the confusion of youth

Early rise not always precise, feels so single keeping the vigil, more of an aberration scattered imperfect shapes rather than perfect squares

Fragmented time moves slowly like slime, like reaching through syrup on a cold day each memory allows me slowly back into the groove

Patiently waiting for the inside to come out, no doubt it has played this game before passion waiting on hold, rising from tears to fears

Set aside jokes of an open mind waiting for a few neurons too close  seeing what I will find, sifting through segments of a brain seeing which side will lose

Personal interactions quickly spiral away so much more added to the fray, vision lost rapidly reappears

Greatest harm coming from assuming too much, Mind endlessly cycling lost in a course of recycling, waiting for the good side to infuse

Left here to pine, do I truly want to know what has blocked my flow, not in pain but like the pressure building waiting on a rain, an unseen movie waiting on reviews

Slowly finding a pace waiting on the green light at the race, broken stride but not ready to take an angel's ride, another day of watching final jeopardy but waiting on the clues R.C.
Hard to explain to some people,but is readily understood by a few others with similar neurological issues ,but is how waking up after having multiple seizures in my sleep is first perceived,this was just that small window,it advances as a brain readjusts, can also become a learning experience in how a human brain quickly adapts "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2021
Immaculate Reception

Oh No! that rare call family saying they will drop by after the mall

Sudden rush begins to brush away that dust appearance of neatness is a must

No time for detail stick to retail don't go wholesale, reduce the clutter so they won't whisper or mutter, just throw loose linens in the closet in the hall

Give that mop a quick romp dance the broom around the room ,toilet bowl needs a bit of bleach to at least whiten the rust

Always keep a clean kitchen helps with quickness and reduces sickness, open a door a window for the air so new freshness isn't just aerosol

Begin to brighten instead of frighten lift the gloom with a twirl of a vacuum, straighten a mess just for the guest not the naval white gloved

Little messy not to dressy merely a side effect of bachelor life, now in a hurry to arrange in a flurry make the tornado appear as a minor squall

Swiftly swiffer  wiping the upper along with lower,  lift loose lint sets my mind at ease, giving it all a fast pass to not appear over scrubbed

Fast and furious dust a thon to not appear to be living life to soft and luxurious, wash not wax is not lax ,minor buffing not the complete overhaul

Shake the rugs loosen the linens rearrange the many pillows, make haste no time to waste room already appeared chaste, pillows from the dryer will pass for fluffed

Last minute set the music for a fresh vibe coffee and cookies to welcome the tribe,stage is set they won't judge for that stray hairball

Glad that didn't drive me mad, not much fuss over a little dust or hub bub for a fast scrub, it won't truly matter if it was clutter or spatter, I just realized I am still in my pajamas and my hair is not brushed. R.C.
Little fun :) Am sure about everyone has done it on some level though.
Probably less this yr with fewer visitors,maybe could have included handing out masks and hand wipes at the door :) Appreciate your reading and yur thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2021
Playing in the Graveyard

Aren't we always playing in the graveyard or just biding time?

Often green like a pasture, always waiting places to rest in the here after

Oldest game in town trying to stay on the upside of down, many thoughts on final days to varied to count the ways, from basic or sublime

We stay as time ticks away, daily drifting on the edge many bound by some religious pledge will our final words be ours or pleasantly passed on by some unknown pastor?

Not always a plan or death in the first degree no odds on a final decree, set thoughts aside and be free, no test for the final cut be it sudden or divine

Many memories and thoughts hover over all those plots, simple and silent, flecks of color from flowers add life, so silent if we listen do we hear our pain or their laughter

Fountain of sorrow won't wait until tomorrow, will we take in its beauty or be drowned in it, golden faucet doesn't flow with poison water, no time to redesign

Many Worry about falling at the time of their calling, r.i.p. rest in peace, or r.i.p.  repelled into purgatory, read a page or a big book never know that final chapter

Will we take in its beauty or be drowned in it, no need to close your eyes set aside what you despise, why hide under the clouds when you can grow in the sunshine

Mark time as a saint, still pass with a faint, we make the mark not the mausoleum or in a potter's field, use the meadow and flowers to become a dancer

Life as a gift, count it as a win if we understand, feeling it as a joyous occasion, we are left as simply human, learn to balance the pain often our biggest gain

Destiny not always in our hands, to many ways left unexplained be it day or night, today or tomorrow,  can't run away, fate always finds us no matter how much we discuss or live silently or have an enhancer

Are we ever ready for a giant wave to take it all away or prefer to drift back into a safe eddy? The sky is filled with redemption while the ground takes all with little exception R.C.
Original thought was how peaceful & clean a cemetery can be not unlike a golf course, so do we spend our time simply reading the markers or dancing in between them ,When LIFE presses us to hard sometimes we have to know to press back :) "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2021
What becomes of those flagrant fancy thoughts we wrought?

Mental magic something good, recycled into Wisps carried into the air

Catch it today will be half a world away tomorrow, send out my sympathy empathy into the wind, hoping for those in need it will be caught

Mood gone stale sent into the gale, mixed mind needs to be open to find good, facing into the wind will they be aware

Will my good will expel another's flurries of worries, gust of goodness washing their madness, each of us learning a new way to be taught

Their foreboding causing internal eroding, erasing integrity, can my motions fulfill another's notions, will it blow by or be caught in midair

Negative and positive plans mingle in minds released into the atmosphere, become redeemed through the jet stream forming downdrafts, winds of change are being sought

Soft like velveteen hints of healing from my soul not dark or black as coal, released into a breeze to be felt by another to ease their despair

Lost souls feeling they have a penance to pay, blown down held in place by a frown, my gift is a voice with others forming a hurricane healing for those that are distraught

Do not want to shout our lonely cries, promise and passion become a beautiful surprise to soften a cyclone of dark hearts begins as they feel wisdom blowing in their hair

Cool breeze can appease, hot desert air not always containing hate that shortens our fate, So' are we listening as air makes its motions changing our plans and plot

Many pleasant memories must pass through those blades on windmills, sending gusts that pass by picks up my thoughts or feelings to a friend as others feel it they will know we care
Thought was many people think of good things for others and wished they could do something, what if those thoughts are simply carried aloft waiting until needed . Karma in the wind so to speak :) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace Rick
wichitarick Mar 2021
Spinning But Winning

Minds and bodies reach a standstill, individuals feel they have no freewill, daily duties once done just to spite now hold an edge of fright

Always moving along often blind to what is right or wrong, trails never straight always in the distance an unknown fate

Each journey helped by learning often not seeing the writing on the wall, future pain will mean less time to gain, burdens decreasing while we feel like we are pushing more weight

Grandiose scheme should not be the theme for going out and about, keeping it simple means less to mentally manipulate

Gravity works making a constant flow,  rivers to cross on bridges in need of repair we must mend them regardless of despair, remain unblinded by hate

Reaching out provides clout unless there is no one there when your falling, feeling locked out when truly we're locked IN, easy pace for some should not be so hard to negotiate

Singing a song to ourselves saying "wish you were here" minds in constant conflict never show fear, lifetimes of blockades and barricades hard for outsiders to permeate

Many beg for forgiveness without ever doing anything wrong, everybody wants some but don't know what "it" is, hidden secrets behind some mystical gate

Inside my mind gets too small, journey outward into our universe's grand hall grasping moonbeams absorbing energy, stars enlighten helping to motivate

Gravity keeps us grounded up to us to be well rounded, projecting futures may provide structure but also creates many shadows of doubt

Big ball spinning regardless of losing or winning, we complete so many journeys just to begin again, lost soul has no role, open mind allows souls to liberate

On an axis we spin, left to roam seeking a home, regardless of madness or layers of sadness, making a mark means listening for our prompt

Winning doesn't have to mean sinning, mother earth continues to spin no time to begin again, fortitude built from foundations based on gratitude, it is up to us to cooperate R.C
Some days harder than others doesn't mark the end,just more to come,knowing we have to make adjustments should mean we are ready when to much truly comes our way. :) Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2021

Suddenly bright blue to gray quite stark, flash of light LOUD thunder no time to wonder

Neither asks, Smile's unseen hidden by mandatory masks, kindness shows in each other's eyes

Birds fold wings seek cover under eaves, flown alone quickly form a flock with great power

Neither was lost now they're found, temporarily dry but flooded with emotion, future friends or something to romanticize

When it rains it pours old sayings for bores, they block all sound as new raw emotions are found, revealed to a few who are open and not grown sour

Showers have mystic powers, hidden serenity inaccessible for eternity,  Short distance brought together in an instant, suddenly swooned or left to fantasize

Unknown feelings, future forecast for what can grow, best buddies or fledgling romance builds from a single amicable encounter

Friendly faces leave beautiful traces with unforgotten flashbacks of a bond quickly found seeking dry ground, discovering each other comes to them as a nice surprise

Selfless acts of virtue flow naturally from one absorbed by another ,his blindness accepted as kindness, sweet futures unfolding guided by the light from her new found tower

Finding friendship instant kinship beneath a handheld canopy, the portable protection allows a little time for polarization, will their bonding be natures prize

Strangers in the rain became friends under the umbrella, chivalry becomes Silvery reflections on a window pane, were in a hurry now can't wait for their next encounter

Common need excludes greed, sudden break in their day now wanting it to stay, Strength of two could be me and you, will it be wrong if the sound from rain drops becomes their verse

No time for poses or wine and roses, was this wrong or another life mystery hiding her new Prince in disguise. R.C.
Saw it first as more romantic,but still came together showing even with no  words and a kind gesture a moment or a life or even two lives can change
We learn together some times even when we're not listening, "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading ,your thoughts are appreciated and helpful. Rick
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