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wichitarick Feb 2021
Filling The Glass ,Tipping the Glass

We all drink from the same cup, sent daily items of old or new to partake

By the drop or a great flood how we receive always open to how we perceive

Some deviation fills it to over flow with frustration, leaving the faucet open is often our mistake

Whether a P-ism or O-ism overthinking leaves less time for drinking, when always full which side do we believe

View often distorted if not open to what was reported, will this elixir be clear or opaque

Often coursing with ice cold fluid mixed with hot untempered solvent, when we mix this to warm the flow won't burn or freeze

Pint pitcher tub, puddle pond lake, brooks streams rivers flow into seas or oceans all will wash us, optional to drown or apply a brake

Paths lead many places, fumbling stumbling will sunlight brighten, enlighten or will it always be midnight with moonlight blocked by the trees

How we each view a concept is nothing new, always a task coming to fast, taking life in leaves a head in a spin, internally we sift real from fake

Awash in a wasteland that has become our over flowing mind, as it fills avoid those chills positive negates negative, face hurricanes as though it were a summer breeze

Finding my glass half full an easier task ,less burden or questions to ask, given a choice reason to rejoice, absorbing that other half shows a reason for that empty space

Playing mind games often reveals our pains, Liquid turns living steel into rust how fast is up to us, new mission requires clear vision, will we stand stall or be left on our hands and knees R.C.
Explains itself,but not always  knowing good or bad,more often if the what color the liquid of life is,or "seeing it through rose colored glasses"
"Peace Takes Practice"  Appreciate you thoughts thanks for reading. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2021
Smiling For Freedom

Always discussion, contemplation of yin or yang good or bad happy or sad

Backache not great from real or imagined weight, can become light as a feather finding something to tickle our fancy

Troubled by these days and times, brief laugh can slow the grief, little cheer to help fill that gap

Over contemplation of your current situation can become a curse, STOP thinking to see new color or take in what was wacky

Take a walk on down the road lighten the load, watch some goofy geese squawk, offbeat memory to halt a future hemorrhage, new mark on our merry map

Have a place to save the happiness hidden treasure to retrieve at our leisure, like finding rare art in a personal grin gallery

Can we rehearse? will the sadness reverse, participate in rolling on, go with the flow, by golly be jolly not another emotional sap

Hidden tension helps hide apprehension, moment of gladness to release some sadness, whatever it takes to recharge our battery

Shall we continue to ride aboard a ship of fools, or find pleasure in  hidden treasure, renewal from a shiny jewel, sorrow should never become a handicap

Will a grin help us win, take a gamble skip a pre-amble let it go, turn a frown upside down, helps to hold hope in scope for eternity

Try a new angle another way to finagle,  turn off the blues and hear a rumba, cheerful groove for us to behoove, make your toes tap or the hands clap

Do we dare go the extra mile to realize finding freedom of a smile, expression halts regression, mutual benefits from waving at a passerby R.C.
A thought or two on the power of a smile :) Even  a forced smile can become a habit.  Pass them on they are contagious :) "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick :)
wichitarick Feb 2021
Winters Widow

Looking out at all the silence holds me back ceasing the advance

Warm air safeguards my mind, forgetting previous times when she was so unkind

Roll away the dew replaced by frozen freckles, drips form icicles hanging like a clear lance

New view through the frost framed glass, window now shows more white as it grows leaving reasons in inches to keep us confined

Too cold for even the bold time stands still, many already encamped for fear of becoming ill stuck again by February's trance

Landscape looking as if it might shatter breaking the doldrum with a loud clatter, mother nature's way of showing who is charge to mankind

Daily mission must still proceed despite our wisdom, fetching forgotten sweaters to add to the layers, hat scarf gloves on a checklist made in advance

Colossal cold seizes, freezes placing life on hold, polar express lays wastes leaving many in distress, even the hardiest workers are undermined

Iced tea or ice cream could now be free but hot chocolate fetches a higher fee, Chilly air means the smell of chili in the air, kitchens provide warmth as we break out the pans

Behold her beauty sunlight's minor warming lets ice sing a song, constantly changing crystals form like a glass menagerie getting redesigned

For fun hear a beach boys' song or Caribbean calypso tune, memories of warmth bounce off the hearth, provides the beat to begin winters dance

So, whether summer's heat springs rain or winters frostbite each season has its reason and method when she is so inclined R.C.
Easier to realize with a week of zero temperatures.meant to play more on and the original thought came from the natural beauty of the ice as it covered everything. Beauty comes in many forms when we pay attention. "Peace Takes Practice"  thanks for reading ,your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2021
Incoming Traffic

Are we hearing the loud calamity of the others imploding all around us?

Have we held the door closed to long, blind to the good adjusting to easily with the wrong?

Be it mine or was it yours will it matter who really scores, don't slip into to the hustle, too much trouble with the daily fuss

Have the number of bumps or bruises increased over time? Has age just showed me I am not as strong?

Setting up safety nets avoiding the obvious obstacle self-survival mistaken as a miracle, more a symbol of what some polish can do for what was rough

Trying hard to fit in a niche but facing another glitch, just wanting to feel the groove shouldn't leave us lost with nowhere to belong

Unexplored outside grows larger while the walls closing in make a room smaller, do we give up or call the queen of hearts on her bluff?

Daily drain builds for many creating unseen pain, failing to find the energy from obvious symbols we fall farther back becoming more withdrawn

Many gambles as we ramble move forward into wicked wind, are we failing to foresee a fine future or blinded by hate without feeling love

Find a sunny day design,  new way to play drop the negative attitude, stop being down and gain some altitude, time to become a part instead of just a pawn

Going with the flow often an easier way to go, wicked wind spins people around to face oncoming traffic never leaving much left to discuss

Caught up in the race failing to stay in pace, doesn't have to drag us down or create a frown, crossing the street shouldn't become a marathon R.C.
Maybe got off track from the title exactly,but stayed on line with how much easier it is to just hear and then feel the negative around us ,makes it much harder to realize we have to face what life brings on our own. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2021
Home Sweet Home

  With so many dreams and visions going round in a head what is their purpose if we have nowhere to lay the bed

Inner strength or struggle often left open like a door on a house in the winter

Walls to hold out wind, roofs abate rain our minds distract invisible pain, peace formed from within our self playing in passion not dread

Where are we most loyal to us internal or what is made of timber

Seeing my heart as a hearth helps personal warmth, envisioning my body as four walls instead

Bricks or sticks homes or hearts need strong foundations, wherever we dwell takes upkeep or life's weather will make it wither

Personal voices talk like structures hidden noises, enclosed by a hat or the roof over our head

Mental morality forms as strong as stone with it we are never alone, our mental images hang like a dusty picture

Home is where ever we make it,  can make it, not just four walls more a feeling, struggles helping to form that beautiful silhouette

Windows that let free breeze's blow through, leave many options for decay like a life without structure

Lifes threshold painted like a decorator's hallway, how we prepare something to behold, needs a light touch for what is ahead

Forming strong boundaries like erecting a castle, started as a base, feelings emotions part of the blueprint we are the architect to build our personal sculpture R.C.
Maybe got off track a little,but how know ourselves and use that knowledge is how happy we are in life, that or being comfortable in our skin is truly where our home is. maybe for the few that truly learn this is like paying off the mortgage on our soul. :) "Peace Takes Practice" thanks for reading,your comments are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2021
Earth Songs

Country roads away from asphalt or sailors on far away seas sing about the taste of salt

World wanderers rhyme of time spent on jetliners, scenes from a window creating a constantly changing view

Playing on a planet, soft sands or solid granite, basking on beaches, loons on lakes have a charm, sunsets across the desert, each play their own part

She eats and breathes constantly flexible she heaves, words of vast valleys or her endless winds that blew

Sailor songs always been strong keeping that connection with those waves, lost at sea or guided home by reading that chart

Rumble about a jungle or how they yearn for a fern in that forest, stifled by the heat dusty deserts take on a magic hue

Snowscapes make a holiday jingle , rain creates an often used and varied scheme,
sonnets of mountains majesty ready to touch our heart

Farmers living in the dirt are real charmers, rows to *** horses to ride, visions of expansive fields or a back yard barbeque

So many songs of oceans green or skies of blue, each corner of the globe takes on a different hue, brought out through strings or simple softness of a harp

Singing about surfer boys or girls tell of happiness as it unfurls, joy to the world always right on cue

Muddy waters sings of muddy rivers ,dusty roads roll on in country ballads, lyrics or sounds form a mental image showing us earths art

World coming together or growing apart, be it ballads or hymns each brings a special connection giving our planet a sound for me and you R.C.
A few thoughts on the beauty of earth and how it is never lost  to music.
Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful and appreciated. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
wichitarick Jan 2021
Surround Sound

Soft silence often broken by another's words spoken, houses speak with each creak

First alarm brings us back from the dead reckoning, buzz for a nudge or sonic boom to awake the room

Liquid flowing with daylight growing, splash really fast in a sink or shower for power, boiling brew before we think

Kids and squirrels chatter, spoons rattle, keys jingle, doors slam, buckles click,  engines roar, daily destiny ready to consume

Asphalt awakens as commuters' race towards rumble of a concrete jungle ,repetitions begin when the time clocks click

Town square makes us aware marking time with each chime, we hustle bustle moan or groan each a signal of bust or boom

Clickity clack from a railroad track then sudden LOUD whistle is not for dismissal, many types of horns to warn, not lost in a fog or struck by a car or truck

For a number a mighty rumble of machines enhances their working scenes, noises more familiar than a spouse's voice, time clocks a map from womb to tomb

Many more softness of an office is boring beige not white noise, hums or moans set the tone; daily gossip keeps them in check

Anytime fine for a rhyme, hearing notes brings major upvotes, many use a voice to rejoice singing brings new meaning, mental vibe is often that internal tune

Each voice helps us rejoice, acoustic energy helps set our internal synergy, each rattle does matter, another new pitch not lost like a lonely speck

Break from doldrum not always ** hum, whistle or chirp of a favorite bird, whispering winds settle softly as sunset simmers  awaiting the new moon. R.C.
A thought or two on sounds of the day, tried to follow a time line of simple sounds of our day.  Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
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