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wichitarick Oct 2020

Oh friend take a stroll with me we can explore new places for free

Any time is great never too early or too late, inspiring moments constantly await

Savor sensations on first round, a second chance does not come with a guarantee

We missed those birds cackling when driving by, sauntering slower our ears feel their vivacious voices oscillate

New sights bring delights form fresh memories, pictorial passion welcoming another pastoral devotee

Wander a block or ponder a canyon unforeseen images come to light as we pass through that gate

Each ramble another gamble on our senses, grand or ghastly leaves another imprint on life's marquee

Awake we wonder but forget to wander, can't find paradise with our mind as a blank slate

Fresh air leaves us with less care, seasonal nuances invigorating like a musical jamboree

Stepping out to play no price to pay, saunter or go swiftly each step another welcome into mother nature's grand estate

Spring, summer winter or fall even through a mall, our walking along can make us more friendly

Best prescription is to be a pedestrian . doctors' orders save that pill, skip the bill, simple solution to change our mood, enlighten, elevate and feel great. R.C.
Have spent my life time walking and now with certain disabilities try to not take it for granted, find new way to absorb what is presented to me.Our memories in life are truly just in passing. what we do with this information is our only legacy. "PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. R.C.
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful Rick
wichitarick Sep 2020

Born to need slowly acquire greed, curiosity brings opportunity and opens new doors

Playing along starts at baseline bringing about reasons for a rhyme, mellow tunes are easier to follow

Ways in life good or with strife taken in or seen as broken, simply living doesn't have to leave scars

Sound becomes the same in stereo or a broken radio, songs seem similar when the heart is hollow

Reaching for the sky becomes harder when always starting from the floors

A witness to our own life should not be a crime, rewrite laws don't focus on our flaws, find happiness not sorrow

Make our wrongs alright fogginess can be bright, losing can be winning if not keeping scores

Doorman have no faces their lives don't have basis, when we say hello today, we know who they are tomorrow

Enclosed doesn't mean closeted, walls never closing in when your mind is expanding,
rainbows often following storms

Solitary confinement needn't be selfless,  alone not necessarily lonesome, never an illness when Peace is our motto

Freaky to be friendless when you're friendly, face the world like an endless mirror
help heal another by spreading your warmth

Death as our final destiny doesn't mean we have to travel dark roads or cross black bridges, enjoy your time on the plaza not hidden in a grotto R.C.
Was thought have being secluded and my own forced seclusion from being home bound,but then recent isolation with a lot of the world should help many understand better. Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful. "PEACE TAKES PRACTICE" Rick
wichitarick Sep 2020

Life's roadmaps blocked by bottles,  we learn to throw them behind when we hit full throttle

How we began the day becomes a direct reflection on how it ends, Liquid courage for a Saturday night fight

With a devils tongue we speak loosely of others when our own soul is what we should coddle

Dig that early grave,  flesh dissolves in alcohol,  from a park bench or jetliner low living kills outright

Living is heavy but we add more weight as it is lightened with liquid, even the strongest fortresses fall with a weak foundation

Muddled is a bartender's term not a lifestyle, with foggy vision life can never be seen as bright

Uncaring not conforming easier to follow when our eyes are hollow, blitzed behavior accepted as a savior,  predators' prey without invitation

Forever we roam as if all alone,  body and  mind now nothing more than an empty shirt

Illusion often an allusion harder to find answers when lost in delusion, what happens when we are unaware of the question

Sometimes jukeboxes ring with that black sound, empty rooms holds the smell of death, it enters our souls as we become less alert

Born with thirst it is appealing at first, slowly for a few evolving into a curse, quenched in gallons or by the drop a glass becomes a weapon R.C.
This was written for my own sobriety birthday,Helped along by hearing my own SOBRIETY SONG list :) I have come to see and live this as process more as evolution of myself,rather than just holding back some unknown demon. and is how I came to say "PEACE TAKES PRACTICE" I appreciate your reading ,comments are helpful . Rick
wichitarick Sep 2020

What will be my reason today to make the frown obey

Never letting it appear even if it is near has always been a good plan

Wicked or wacky bring it out or come down crashing, send out my grin never pay homage to a stormy Monday

Simper expression keeps them guessing, was that a clown or a hidden bogeyman

Grinning is winning from the very beginning, taking one on the chin can become our strongest mainstay

Many a way to make it stay, don't cut back on the laughs, positive must remain stronger than negative or you will be overran

Smiley face image is now an icon better known than Washington, just a glimpse feeds us hope when we're about to go astray

Humans are meant to giggle we each have a place to tickle, sadly with growth some become fickle, wouldn't it be wondrous to take it back to where it began

Sad face out of place while a smiley is wily but more inviting when we want the others to play

Good vibes above all strife, life is about lessons, Grandma said they weren't wrinkles but laugh lines, retaining my smile makes me a better man

Dazzling eyes nice surprise, soft glare stronger than a cold glare, magic twinkle on our face should always be on full display R.C.
Little fun, was actually done on a prompt about smiling,but is fitting for me
I collect smiley stuff and GOOD VIBE music and through certain trauma have had to deeply re think my own humor,was it  just hiding something or as coping tool and now truly do just let a lot of bad stuff roll past as I smile and wave at it:) "PEACE TAKES PRACTICE" thanks for reading ,your comments are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2020

Make our way from day to day but with the moonlight they always come prowling

Black cats in the shadows, seeing them in pictures or in zoos is false news, we know they are still roaming

Distant shadows on a horizon, constant reminder we can be kinder, with dusk we might be scowling

Blinded from the fog mired inside a bog much lost at great cost, now with abstinence we still hear that cold wind blowing

How often do we get lost while simply looking for ourselves, left in idle while sunny skies are clouding

Memories of matters though long resolved,  deeper issues never totally solved, playing on level fields while life is still mysteriously sloping

Background sound or boogie beat of a band can be more than some can stand, needs not always physical, true triggers can be in the carousing

If we choose to resign to those flashback blues, dormant or docile emotions often hidden to those who use, Coyotes constantly calling

So, we keep waiting while nothing changes, maybe in reality nothing needs changing, simply searching for something that isn't there, mindless madness altering

All that I am drinking is the nectar from the skies, on a real rainbow my mind now flies,Life on life's terms still has berms, demons at many doors pounding

Standing at the edge with that solemn vow I pledge, my temperance has paid in spades
left the fight to find how LIFE is about constant learning

Keeping them at bay, even when we're ready to go astray, distant moaning in time with our groaning, our new game is to hear those Wolves constantly HOWLING R.C
Was done in line with my own sobriety birthday and recent talking with others and some close to me having abuse issues is a reminder of how it has never left me  and know the rules of life are constantly changing."PEACE TAKES PRACTICE"Thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2020

Living life in a storm always waiting for a new forecast to find the direction we may be blown

Fancy radar to show us brilliant highlights that might include our day, swirling in it then quickly fades away

Eye of a hurricane like the center of a mind, revolving winds stir revolution in men's soul's infrequent atmosphere of peace is shown

Tempers rising taking on colors like a horizon,  fluctuating  from at ease like a breeze to a tempest going astray

Tornadoes cannot be held in cages, Rages, swells and gales from seas do not appease, lives evolve on which way the winds are blown

Building up waves of turmoil starts with a rolling splash until it is tidal possibly suicidal, our inner radar often blind resembles keeping a blizzard at bay

Holding onto to lightening gave me quite a charge, were those volts the jolt that caused my revolt, surges fed my urges, life and strife often mimicking cyclones

Pain played in scales like a barometer, pressures rising lead us to fail, floods of emotion bring further disarray

Deep defeat freezes time like sleet, flurries of failure fog our vision, mental magic often blocked by squalls

Sociopathic behavior Below average low like wind chill factor, heated hostility vaporizes minds similar to dog days, sanity relinquished to Death Valley

PTSD flashbacks or nightmares profoundly present but hidden like distant rolling thunder, moods fluctuate like floods rising or falling, changing winds, storms take on many forms,

World revolves as our lives evolve, outburst or down-burst, flash floods or emotion bring a lifetime of erosion, washing it all away to face another day happily. R.C.
Might have been watching the weather and reading about mental health at the same time:) It seems more relevant now in this instant imfo. time has also evolved into an instant diagnoses for often unproven things,sure the problems are true BUT that does not mean your we mentally ill in some real way. thought the link with harsher weather terms was an obvious and maybe fun one:) Have learned A LOT from my  own trauma and others too, when life throws us curve ***** we still have to be up to bat and can even hit a home run:) PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. Rick
Appreciate your reading your thoughts are very helpful.:)
wichitarick Aug 2020
Mysterious forces play out, soft and subtle like a house cat or swift and BOLD as a legion of Roman army horses

She does not ask your permission or even follow a familiar path, subtle or bold once present all will submit to her wrath

Marking moments in time, full recall seen as some devilish crime, life's clock often taking unknown courses

Silent life shares no strife holding it in taking things on the chin, playing a part in a play but awaiting the next ****

Final road to pave before they mark the grave,  cautions wearing a veil, agony measured in scales

Take the strife as a tease or tyranny, object or deflect but observe with respect knowing this can be my terminal crash

Across sand and gravel life leaves footprints to lay down a gavel, an unknown judge on what next agony prevails

Torrential torment leaning on torture,   adventure into agony, marking moments in time drawing strength and fortune from some secret stash

Compared to a crown of thorns some find solace,  ultimate commitment, close to the edge many take a new count or find personal pledges

Many memories ooze up through our slime, full recall FELT as some devilish crime, face the heat, tuck roll then retreat,   resolution is a mental impasse

Begin apprehensive, fluctuating feelings flow into submission, master over minions or kings, capable of turning all into her wenches

Minor ache or life shattering break, a simple ail or turning Hercules frail, Dead man walking with the world gawking, Devil called pain laughs and exhales. R.C.
The idea was obvious or at least to some it would be.
First thought was more how incredibly lucky and truly blessed I have been
Life can either laugh with us or AT US lest we forget to be humble:) "PEACE TAKES PRACTICE" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
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