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wichitarick Jul 2020

Single symphony's sent as latest greatest samples of earths finest noises

Drops of dew to begin anew, clouds breaking as seagulls come into view

Rhythms  of rounders on rivers trickle,  arousing even the fickle, flowing emotion felt from the voices

Rain songs rein high while rain across a plain tunes take on a different hue

Screaming or singing of streams gleaming leave the ears steaming, while our mind and soul rejoices

Mysterious moisture or rivers rolling often leaves us over flowing, Rhymes of their sadness  also carry gladness to help us feel new

Whispers of wandering waves leaves our souls enslaved, distant serenades giving the voiceless choices

Babbling brooks come from song books seeping  deeply into all our nooks, Their depth carried in the minds of all but a few

Boisterous ballads refresh our palates, leaving blood pumping through hearts and veins

Dittie and Dally about the dew drop Inn is a win, choirous voices allowing us to see into the sea

Moisterous boisterous ballads refresh our palates,  waterfalls falling become the calling while always awaiting refreshing rhymes of rain across the plains. R.C
Little fun about all the songs about water,think I could have included more but didn't want to ramble on to much. I appreciate your thoughts,thanks for reading. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2020

Awake my friend your connections await,  growing sensations before it is to late

Fetching memories or finding new flowing fountains of fauna and flowers

Feelings are real although with vastly different appeal,  deliberately downplayed or painfully obvious all play a part in our fate

Walking past the fences plays against the senses, forward into a forest brings us more powers

Changes started as an infant reforming in an instant,  memories building allowing each sensation to open a new gate

Morning doves sing like lost loves providing explanations on ear drums,  uplifting before the mood sours

With dawn comes light shining out fears of the night,  images traced but never fully erased

Steady drops of rain often hide unknown pain,  their movement mild to profound,ever changing impressions with their sounds

Bittersweet memories often favored,  flavored like salt from my sweat, life anew from drops of dew,  moments of moisture welcome new rhythms to be engraved

Smell of green taste of blue hearing life brings something new,  tasting in browns as we now allow or feet to explore unfamiliar grounds

Life is short, live it no time abort, walking through my senses wide open without  fences whirlwind came in sensibly shaking us,  now it can begin our unused future to be embraced.
Think I kept with the original idea of how we can be guided through our basic senses not just by emotions and if we leave the past at home we can find or "feel" a brand new world if just for a small part of our day or life.
Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. "Peace Takes Practice"
wichitarick Jul 2020

Another day in life riding on a fair wind not out of touch but can't really feel any sin

Once frozen but suddenly free,  thawed enough to finally make movement forward

Maybe began this one on a different note something clicked and got my vote, plenty of points for a win

Will we face her complacent or as a new race with a bright face, mental freedom as a grand reward

Set a stride bracing for an unknown ride, start in neutral slip softly into gear awaiting another way for it to begin

Lessons past seem so vast, reset time dismiss our pride, always another way for our sense of self to be restored

Yesterday draws a blank tomorrow does not hold rank,  present time is about where we can go not where we have been

Time to share some laughter find another way to cheer,  seeing unclouded sunshine will be our reward

Solving can be salvation to often to many numbers in the equation, having fun should not become a sin

So a new journey needs to start honestly coming from our heart, beginning without a map life is now an open path waiting to be explored. R.C.
Often is that big nudge we have to give ourselves to see things differently
I appreciate your reading ,your comments are helpful PEACE TAKE PRACTICE. Rick
wichitarick May 2020

Echoes from the halls or inside the mind, bouncing sounds don't have to be unkind

Open minds meander with  thoughts left to wander,  pebbles begin in quarries

Born with a babble so we continue to ramble,  answering back if so inclined

Laughing or crying is for us to hear not for us to fear,  revealing ourselves we  take new inventories  

Endless questions lead to rebounding answers,  out loud responses not always refined

Many align it with madness others lean towards genius while we are fine with our own categories  

Ceiling and four walls have no feeling,  songs flat or unappealing,  but reading or singing out loud breathes new life to mankind

Mindless morning,  dreams are secrets inside a dream until given a voice,  speaking is releasing those memories

Boring day not the way when we can tell ourselves to play,  sound out a solution from the same old grind  R.C.
Might be easier for some to understand if they have been shut in recently:)
Had the original thought when thinking of starting to record some poems
also from singing so many times BUT then always just reading the lyrics.
Appreciate you reading and your thoughts are helpful. PEACE Rick
wichitarick Apr 2020

Many explanations for what are  personal exclamations,  sights unseen by the the ones that are keen

Tastes and smells sights or sounds, simple hints that lead to something so profound

Electric waves washing over me, mixing mental physical energy to create negative synergy

We lie in wait at a familiar gate opening to an unknown fate, minor glimpse for what is inbound

Forcing me down, swift or slow still leaving it's frown,frozen in time  yet another check in my  diary

Sampling a storm,hellacious hurricane to circling cyclone, electric waves fluctuate on a battle ground

Mystical  madness robs our gladness, strong voo doo, frothing foaming wild animal halting my stamina, taking moments of our legal sanity

Sudden stagnation of time like stopping sands through the hourglass,seeking escape while the spasms further impound

Another frightened night falling into the fold, moments ago we were so bold,  now I prepare for random phantoms to make their inquiry

Un rehearsed Dark drama silently awaiting, constricting contrast, marked moments, embedding memories that may soon pass or will I be drowned

The mystery in the middle of my mind leaves me wondering, it's appeal has a hidden zeal like a mysterious friend who may play nice or leave an injury

A witness saw my soul, blindsided into oblivion, came again  without showing it's role,  survival came again today, maybe tomorrow my resting place be found. R.C.
"Peace Takes Practice"
This may not be understood at first by most,but is the actual time line or while it is happening of a seizure at least from my side. I now have 3 poems one before or Aura and this during and one after or "postictal" and am curious how to group them together? I appreciate your reading,any input is helpful. Peace. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2020

Was it wrong to write it in verse, how often does feeling good become a curse

Positive annotations bring out good vibrations switching emotions from deep inside

Marking time still stuck in slime, simple rhythms  or tones to make my mood reverse

Internal grudges needing nudges, memorable melodies forcing fonder sensations outside

Morning madness  our Peace on lease, forget the violence wishing the silence will resound

Many saying what is this all about, singing smiles carry clout teaching us to take it in stride

Seeking comfort for my soul as a role not as a sound, even with my mind and body in rebound

Silence is deafening new notes bring reckoning, broken hearts repaired, anxieties pacified

Await unknown musicians to soothe sensations, lives weight not as great when we hear it unwind

Twirling turntables send tones soft as sable ready to bring us from a quagmire of quotients ready to release us until we are ratified. R.C.
Not hard to find a story or supposed study telling us how we can be helped or guided or even hurt by sound. although I left the hurt part out of this one
I know my own connection to music and sound is deep and has evolved through my life,now even as trigger truly shows how deep seated it can be in out brains.,I know seeking and finding  GOOD VIBES is more often my goal now, it can be those moments of true freedom  we find that will alter out entire day.PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. your input in helpful .Rick
wichitarick Apr 2020
Beginnings are so blessed they are given your own special day, little light from  candles and a tasty treat before  your thrown back in the fray

Rarely marking or counting the time in between,  a race where we just finish first and last

Drum rolls started with pots or pans and a kazoo to snare and fife with 21 gun salute, we don't decide when they will play

Elementary times have narrower views but less crimes, protection seems natural, the atlas just spins on a desk with a universe still seeming vast

Sudden surge most follow a hidden urge,  busy bees find the prettiest trees, smiling at survival day by day

Time still making marks,  meeting closer to the middle, thinking more of a future and taking lessons from our past

Caught in a landslide of lists of disease or despair,  see the light to maintain right keeping things clear to avoid the grey

Passions slow grinding gears but on we we go, terminal thoughts may grow, simple solutions meaning more, goodness measured in laughs

God and the devil passing your soul up and down,  falling to a flaming canyon or a golden zenith,  leave your notes cast the votes,  pay off the lay away no chance to replay

Each day on full display find the goodness feeling more not less, inevitable an open gate, have I shared enough smiles to flatten my karma curve, is our epitaph now consisting of those photographs and these paragraphs. R.C.
Easier thoughts to come by with the current state of world news.
Before this I have have been forced to play this out in all manner of way and for various reasons ,but various forms of a "last will and testament" seem to become factors for various levels of trauma in my life,interesting to see how it has changed as I age. "PEACE TAKES PRACTICE" Rick
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