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wichitarick Apr 2020

Beginning a break would not seem brash,  nothing new a little cold or maybe a rash

Morning movements now less determined,  no definite line in the sand or paying you to lend a hand

Slower in our progress bordering sloven towards the process but almost obsessive to hoard that stash

Are we slipping backwards while surviving or meditating and reviving while daily unknowns slip across our land

Many mediate to decide for us to meditate, even faster bankers prevail to cut checks before landlady's  want their cash

Rank and file suddenly slowed down, nine to fivers now await to return based on supply and demand

Hustle or bustle now a desert, vacation time is a last resort not at a resort, reporters updating new things we lose in a dash

Ordering instant idleness begins repercussions,  opens many questions with unclear answers as we try to understand

Many sharing souls with similar goals,  like a leaf from a tree separated but not alone, lost in the pile, linked by our wish for this to pass

Homes harken many follow, a path to heaven or to Hades, abruptly forced to check our souls, will we maintain a foundation or be lost in the avalanche. R.C.
Already had the title and the idea before any shut in order,so may have changed some of my more personal thoughts on being shut in.
Almost funny Have been about half way shut in for a few yrs now for other reasons,so feel like I have to share it now:)  my best,your thoughts are helpful,"PEACE TAKES PRACTICE" Rick
wichitarick Mar 2020

Rowing against the flow of  tears as they wash across your heart

Hard to start,  holding back mimics fine art, concealment canceling any positive position

Life is what we crave but circles of circumstance roll like a wave, finding  balance requires new thought

Including karma in our dharma, energy drawn through synergy, preparing for that final decision

Old wisdom warns to release our finest forces to counteract negative karma we have bought

Wait to find truth like a life preserver, rescued from a typhoon to find solitude in a sandy lagoon

Push & pull propositions weight pressing for oppositions, finding truth, our new power to be untangled from a knot

My aura finds color with the aurora,transitioning on a beam of light, becoming clearer & clearer under the full moon

Corrosive forces playing out against my mind, ,gravity guides our downward destiny, while we rely on what we have been taught

Wheel of our chakra  guiding our body"s flow, seven paths aligning  in case destiny comes to soon

So stay diverse to not reverse, include Feng shui in the day, balance circadian rhythms to keep a spirit in our soul, body & heart R.C.
Original idea was carried further as I was reading definitions."
the flow of good or bad such as karma or energy positive for negative was the thought. tried to cover several areas of thought or balance. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful PEACE Rick
wichitarick Feb 2020

Counting sheep is for the meek, wrangling for sleep an all too familiar game

Lifetime wasted investing in insomnia, daily feature often entails what was the twilight pollution

Wracking the mind for rest just to be left writhing among wrinkled sheets, high speed neurons are hard to tame

Hands of a clock separate minutes like flower petals unfolding with the sun, moments turn to hours creating a grand illusion

Visions of sawing logs left us mired in  bogs, held down by a mental weight that may surely drive us insane

Remedies run rampant, rules to hit the rack,another pill to help us chill, managing melatonin is merely a delusion

Remain serene with sleep hygiene, naps renew but make it harder for patterns to maintain

Dream sequence should be more frequent, rotating r.e.m. cycles shifting sideways  needing to find a new  revolution

Exhaustion sets in a battle of whether the body or mind will win, that magic balance harder and harder to attain

Days run together as we lay in wait,  each mind a labyrinth lost to a busy haze, slumber should be soft not uncertain, will it always be an illusion. R.C.
Unfortunately to many can understand where this came from.
still kept in on the lighter side considering my own mind.
Thanks for reading your input is welcomed. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2020

Hearing a little song breathes beginnings into bringing us up to prance

Tapping toes to and fro while hearing sound is just the start of unlocking hidden magic in your feet

Masculine or feminine both have their ways who takes the lead often left to chance

Music matters less for the listener & more for the needed beat,get in step to make your day complete

Ring of fire to guide a buck dancers step,wisping in willows often better than pomp and circumstance

Folk unfancy while foxtrot is footloose,cutting the rug  fulfilling feelings from oh so deep

Swaying with the Samba the rest doing the rumba,satcheting the salsa takes on a hot romance

Cajun rhythms or wily waltzes ,wanting to boogie woogie will have them waiting in line like sheep

Twist and shout leave no doubt, it is not square to let the legs levitate, so pick a partner take a chance

Religious or rebellious ,cha cha in Charleston, country in Colorado beginning from a bar room or ballroom let the music lift you from your seat and into the street.R.C.
Little fun :) think it explains itself.
I appreciate you reading your input is helpful .PEACE Rick
wichitarick Feb 2020

Liquid thoughts often laying in wait like a lion,wanting to spring forward at a moments notice

Some may say it is a block,  constantly shifting sands can move a rock

Emotion holds keys to many doors ,feelings hidden like notes in scores to often causing us to refocus

Segmented and simplified single issues save time,many memories merely hidden by a fog

Bringing up mental mementos may also begin with pain ,finding new light can be precocious

Staying in neutral also results in a mind reversal,past passions played out   begins new dialogue

Reading chapters of an unknown novel in reverse leaves much open so any new thoughts are a bonus

Catching cliches blandly blended together,trite truisms  float freely true meanings await to embark

Synonyms as symbols now identified for my mind's eye,discoveries merge while scattered meanings take on a oneness

Poetic justice prevails ,sweet emotions unveiled ,winning my word game now leaves me as me as my mental patriarch. R.C. ​
Paying on what is known as "writers block"
But is a little harder or confusing for me because my start to writing prose,poetry was to save feelings or emotions before I forgot them
Although I have evolved some and used other topics those emotions are still the base for much of it,so to tell myself I HAVE TO write something is almost like cheating or not honest. I appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. PEACE. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2019

Simple sensations slipping across my mind gathering momentum as they come out to play

Restless reminders raking memories from hidden voids, timeless  twitching tales idly wait

Feeling the flow  coming over as it grows warmer,passion increases adding moments to the day

Unknown pathways forming trails to explore,marching on sounds towards some mystical gate

Fantastic freedoms forming  from futuristic notes,each sensation leaves more to  survey

Terrific  tones breaking into creative colors,ceiling moaning with feeling exposing itself into a new state

Bland to GRAND, monotone to mayhem, bubbles to blimps watching and listening as tomorrow blends back into today

Shape shifting, corners to curves, edges bending, squares rotating talking to the triangles  as they all begin to dance and gyrate

Notes softly lifting, voices raising through windows towards the moon,simple dances transforming into a brilliant ballet

Fluctuations feeling fine while melodies in sync approach divine,rock or blues take on new hues ,leaving lullaby's to levitate

Wonderful ways to let the mind play,harps to hallucinations,simple strings growing wings ,vocals now visual, soul taking on a new role as bellowing blooms into a bright new bouquet
Not exactly a holiday poem:) Although I have long term sobriety I guess the hard psych rock music I was hearing had the desired effect:) It definatly induced the right vibe to begin..I appreciate your reading all thoughts are helpful would even share the records I was hearing:) PEACE. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2019

Looking out to find an invisible object ,no knowledge if it is solid liquid or gas

Sequences of life thrown up like  odd cards in a deck landing on an unlucky  number

Reaching out turned to grasping at straws, while gripping for good seems to get a pass

Blank hearing while others cry, they can not  see the screams,hidden inside boiling like thunder

Beginning to realize life is played by the numbers ,await experience while life shows her wrath

Points of view often plain, enhanced with new attitudes  ,watching as a vagrant mind goes asunder

Sweeping fields of view now narrow,open vistas viewed through a  keyhole,highways turned into winding narrow paths

Easy for the world to give assumptions for what we did not feel happen,just left scratching our heads in awe and wonder

Visions blinded so much lost to be absent minded ,abstract  thoughts quickly shuffling like so many photographs

Searching to  find what they can not see ,futures now downsized to what can be planned in a hour. R.C.
Can be so hard to find a direction to go,often we never know unless it is in hindsight,even more difficult trying to offer even life saving or changing advice to someone searching . Life just does not have be that hard
Thanks for reading your advice is welcome and helpful.
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