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wichitarick Apr 2018

Seeking safety  while others are sleeping,the rest in a dispute with a  familiar game of whether the mind or body will win

When losing traction will another soul comprehend even a fraction ,meaningless to many but a few keep hope in scope

Planning and practicality save souls in print but real people  have understanding and offer their own spin

Wondering from the middle travels outward, east or west north to south even an Aussie or from across the pond can give hope

Giving is receiving simple samples offer light, taken in can block blight,going out producing an unknown grin

Faceless names a soul behind each keystroke, varying opinions offer a new vote

Hidden bond often easy to find ,meshed together once lonely issues have  now found a twin

Conversing in space some silent while other seems lost in a race,never really knowing when they will find that meaningful antidote

Suddenly interaction can become a tempting attraction ,exposing hidden emotions a new devotion,silent song into a joyous hymn

Far apart minds now riding  a mutual rift, easier to make light if others have the same plight

Randomness can rule when minds are often short, Once a great thought soon will abort
hopefully not lost forever if we tug to ******* that string

Absent minds left meandering once locked down now offering possibilities ,growing with knowledge now developing with each insight. R.C.
Thoughts brought together from finding people with similar but unique problems,then finding  it is not always a problem but a solution when many minds come together.we truly learn from each other even if both parties have what one were debilitating things ,somehow walk away feeling better without ever actually shaking hands:) I thanks you for reading. I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2018

Suddenly a sight but this time not such a fright, sanctuary soon to be seen

Redeemed but hoping to help my new soul find strength that just yesterday was not possible

Sordid link seems always on the brink, will we be left drawing from the  dark or breaking out to once again shine

Practical is turning into placid left in limbo we have become lucid leaving us to design something more practical

Making do quickly runs out of room needing the enlightenment not always gloom facing front to win or resign

Making new markers from faded visions,  random wisdom now aligned ,once irrational made satiable

Practical resolution of our plight is not in play ,we now pick puzzle pieces to help redesign

Forced wisdom is now turned into a symptom finding new light to aid our rhythm daily goals transitioning into something more passable

Win lose or draw Happiness and freedom is our new law ,simple ideal don't let it repeal to not try the best for simple happiness would surely be a crime R.C.
Sometimes we have a light or something to remind us to be positive for the moment or day  is how to build foundations. Thanks for reading Your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Silence seems  the perfect way to simply say goodbye, when now I feel that maybe we shouldn't have said hello

Finding newly sown feelings did not appear far fetched,but maybe never noticed early distortions

Life is easier when played in doubles decreasing troubles,sound is usually better in stereo

Many thoughts brought into a single profile  often lead to easier conclusions

Previous problems once a constant burden weigh less while carried on several shoulders

Sincerity becomes closer to reality,  new limits for once unknown solutions

Not forced or prodded falling was easy felt more than seen,helplessly showing more internal exposures

Blissful but simultaneously blind what was missed behind a kiss,stalled at a standstill while everything else makes revolutions

Suddenly seeing a shadow instead of a human being ,slowly uncovering multiple imposters

Deescalating gradually  rather than hate seems to be my fate, bonding wasn't as binding if half of a whole is dealing with delusions

Love of life is a greater goal following lasting serenity in our own soul ,satisfaction can be found without living life as loners R.C.
Tend to not write on the lovey side but sometimes certain things bring a flashback of true love and in this case how it can also go away. I appreciate you reading and your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Playing a part in public domain can others see what the others contain

We stay or play, manage to be together, will the others anguish remain hidden forever

Gravity keeps us grounded lessons make us well rounded,what is in place to keep us sane

Softness and safety found in sanity,gradually removed with too much pressure

Being kind to the mentally blind may not come naturally, our own inner truths maybe not as easy to maintain

Many feel madness often hidden in the gladness,not noticing cracks in the glass ,will it shatter with the next stressor

Dare we simply say to another deal with it when the deal has already been done,to late to just refrain

Which level do we fail the test aren't we normal if doing our best ,not always our own best judge however

Games people play by letting the mind go astray,something missing or just gaining weight from the strain

Reaching out, often too late but what is left brewing when we wait,time makes its own judgments  but out in the open will we be our best assessor .R.C.
Watching some happenings with others brought the thoughts,a rise or fall of what looks like a simple mindset to others might be panic to them?
Left the title because at what point does the "rescue" also become a true habit? . Thanks for reading . Your thoughts are appreciated"Peace Takes Practice"  Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Beautiful bird came to me this morning ,sat staring down it's beak giving me the eye so to speak

Startled I just stayed still ,amused for the moment at my new feathery friends free will

We both looked bored finally it blinked ,winking back was my answer to show I was not weak

Duller colors told me it was a her ,she stepped back, still staring showing no fear

Chirped like I knew her language ,she cackled like she was laughing ,feeling this  bird has some odd mystique ?

Prancing she fluttered and began dancing, keeping step to my tweet,kind of classy like she was at an opening premiere

I smiled and chuckled she stopped and seemed ruffled ,who was I too break up her swagger, some sort of freak

Slightly aghast I leaned back, she was sure making herself known fast, kind of brassy not too austere

Not wanting to be outdone I started to boogie and have some fun,wouldn't want some old bird to think I was a geek

Conversing with a bird may seem absurd but always a lesson to be learned another new rule to appear

We had said our hellos time to clack our goodbyes maybe to meet again if she wants too show me some new technique . R.C.
Had a little fun  !  Needed more than simply sounds of spring birds .  Thank you for reading I appreciate your thoughts,  a spring smile :)  Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Waiting in the same lines each on their own to be picked liked fruit from a vine

Many variables hang over  head, moving along  multitudes never noticing the future dread

Keep our acquired strengths or spread them out, not retaining  too much makes it easier too define

Left facing a wall no one to hear an echoing call,our own voices will be what nurtures

Dreadful day has now come into play,   forging into a positive future we will not let it malign

Misery easily finds company, while refusing the added weight makes us lighter as we mature

Lifes lessons learned  from the trenches ,either keep us in them or guide us to shine

Rainbows formed from darkest clouds emerged so proud,color and brightness to help us reassure

Perfect haven still looked upon by a raven,waiting for the moment we miss the beauty of life and resign

So from travesty we can often find majesty,finding the building blocks that become our teacher.R.C.
Making the best of whatever is left in our path can be hard ,but knowing we always have ourselves to rely on can be a great thing. Thanks For reading Your input in appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Wishing for a subtle change, fine with something simple well within radars range

Layers of rays enlighten us,sometimes  becoming too overheated,cool down with blankets of snow

Storms blowing through the mind often unkind ,taking sanctuary until the climate has changed

Icey hearts frozen in place start to surrender if warm winds can enter the soul

Thunderheads in the distance, soon seem to roll down my body, again left assailed

Unforeseen forecast can be worse than the storm, left exposed when seeking shelter should have been the goal

Survival has no rival spend it all and still face an end,great whirlpools still seem to fade

Experience provides umbrellas ,exercises against an upwelling  providing protection from a gall

Starting was easy, rolling along constantly renewed by the rain,caught in a drift ,waters becoming colder harder to escape

Once so bright accepting all light,now often foggy,groggy  taking longer to restore

Life is a whirlwind cascading around us,feelings on the forefront  with unknown forecasts, at Peace through our constant updates. R.C.
Bit of fun. Wished I was better at editing stuff, I liked  the original thought to connect feelings,life etc. to weather terms,there are a lot of them so could be more profound I suppose,   Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated.Have a "Balmy" day :)  Rick
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