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  Jan 2018 wichitarick
His voice was deep and low
Very low
I can't paint a voice
But if I could
It would be dark
Midnight blue
With a hint of light
And an edge of red
The paint would blend like golden honey
Thick, sweet and sticky
With intoxicated headiness I could only imagine what his moans would taste like
wichitarick Dec 2017

Once again we wait with bated breath ,the next cycles will be up for review

Guilty grief from an unsaid breach,will paying the piper bring some relief

Past seasons gave no reasons, penance left scattered, righting the wrong was taboo

Seasons marked with sunlight cycles ,broken into months and days, each one brings another motif

Ringing in another some say why bother, leading to another broken and crooked avenue

Start a year full speed in high gear,then shifting down,weight is great if turning over a new leaf

Dancing and drinking in the twilight even brings amateurs delight,party long overdue

Revolutions of resolutions stirring the air ,has the past been fair,will begging atonement clean our grief

So do we follow previous scripts or show original tricks ,make the way to an even better rendezvous

Last lessons from our past now the next test, as another years memory's are laid to rest  , just let us be grateful for what we are about to achieve. R.C.
A few words for the NEW year or NEXT year. Not as sure of the resolutions as I might be simply for the gratitude , we just gather it in and then spread it out again. hardly makes a ripple. My best to folks for the next one. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2017

We let our minds play fancy, not reaching in to deep just gently dancing

Strolling along ,riding astride in a cautious glide,mimicking many nights before

Locked in a sterile rhythm  avoiding a mental collision,softly we stay prancing

Destiny never asked for, now never answered,nothing lost, nothing to restore

Drift into the night no interest in former plight,simply never know what the future is planning

Remember those VIVID visions,not lost still interned,left inside for us to deplore

Relaxing  pleasantly  lacking contention ,easily laying down without becoming draining

Blind to what is outside the walls ,shielded from the abyss not seeking to explore

Meek mild not thinking to wild ,pillows our new protection marking twilight without explaining

Will it be cheating if not recreating, unexplained actions as if being forced to recall such gore

Playing along is not wrong ,we have not seceded or been defeated, but managing to live and learn as we are changing. R.C.
Thought of more in reverse of "normal" thoughts of having a nightmare but how we might have come to live with them , Yrs of nightmares left me never knowing anything?just hid from them,confronting it all and learning then knowing myself was the hard and now the best part. But never a fool "it" is all still there.  Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2017
With a new day may come yet another way of lifting our hands in praise

Usually formed fondly,friendly even fictitious, a goal to show people internal passions

Pick or choose from a season ,another's passing will bestow a ration ,many way's that your heart plays

Break out with festival or feast ,way above not with our least ,leaping as one to form stronger liaisons

An anniversary of a day others overcame adversity ,they did not know it would become a day of cabarets

Take a break visit a lake often unknowing why it was originally laid on our plate ,the thoughts lost like so many cliches

Fantastic fantasy enjoyed by young & old,winters yield to May day bouquets

Santa & Jesus co-mingle & enjoy a smore, a Big Bunny lays pastel eggs while the other hall is for those that sing praise

Cheers with beer for the rockets red glare don't tread on me no don't you dare ,strength takes time this isn't just some phase

Our for-bearers strife left us talking Turkey, conversations with in-laws a bit murky
what would they think knowing football was the overriding craze

Surviving another year affords you a cake, simple gesture considering what is at stake ,some of the former days now left in a haze

So send a card ,light a tree,carve a squash,blow a candle ,fill a stocking or basket say your prayers ,but remember we're keeping memory's you can't replace.R.C
Maybe a bump,but is my Holiday verse . I hope people had a good Christmas
Thank you for reading , your comments are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2017

Laughing from above ,sitting on the sidelines ,protected in the shade as if in a private cove

Simple sights and fresh smells , paint that wouldn't wait,spring grasses first cutting

Then that initial burst of color of the tantalizing tulips ,helping daily design of our grove

Robins using their sonar to fish out the worms,noticing the tussle through the roses first budding

Early enough to still have winters dirt ring the trees like a skirt, now time to be un froze

Mid season clash,snow shovels grovel on paths with mowers,new green is encouraging

Fluttering wings bring  life ,seeing their dance hearing them call ,awaiting their next shows

People busy as the bees each chore needed to break winters bore ,taking on tasks is nourishing

Liking softness of sounds against pastel lilacs ,each day now brings bounty as she grows

Fresh chair on the porch overseeing a brightening  lair ,latest ,greatest, sights add more heights to keep our heart pulsing.R.C.
Timing might be a bit off but is what was on my mind. maybe encouragement BEFORE the winter chill. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
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