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wichitarick Oct 2017

How long before it can all be forgotten ,how do we determine when it has finally come to rest

Will tomorrow rest upon the shoulders of my youth,needing or wanting a reason for a connection

Buried or layed to rest ,left in idle or running wild,memories in our mind often left with something to remove from our chest

Journey of a lifetime taken in simple steps,often the weight from the footprint will sit and grow like an soul infection

Days rolling along ,then suddenly stopped, marking time in moments,heat rising ,time again to stave off the stirring hornets nest

Taking a TIGHT grip or will we let it slip ,so much of life now carried  on that moments fate ,lingering on  with memories and reflection

Swarthy it is swimming in like a succubus upon my bed  ,remaining unaware, still to take care before I become the one possessed  

Fading Phantoms forming, arising from flamboyant flames,is leaning towards the heat helping me to always keep the connection

Tested frequently ,staying above then slipping subliminally ,often measured in grains the weight we can digest

Living life with hidden strife will not be right  until we learn to divide past & future giving proper time for redirection

Life not meant to be a sojourn journey,fleeting mind can be unkind ,bring the past to task, continue forward, each day of happiness now the true test. R.C.
Never comes easy ,but we are truly a part of our past,the memories are unique to us, it is how we find ways to make them part of life instead of burying them that can make us different or at least stay sane. "Peace takes Practice" Thanks for reading your input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Take your place this is not  a race ,soon to ask if what brought you here was worth the price

I just want to pay to not stand idle and reminisce ,that full cart & those 5 kids ahead should have been a sign of a long day

Never considered stealing but this has me reeling, rethinking my vow to always play nice

Opened the aspirin first ,now considering buying beer, my morning smile has turned to to a leer  

Mom forgot something, sent head child back into the wild,biding time who am to criticize

Enquirer SCREAMS u.f.o's here,looking around that is clear,now noticing for the first time all the kinds of mints & gum sold here

Dripping ice cream has me about to scream,the quality of my dinner determined by whatever else she buys

Muzak & me are about to have an epiphany,one more note could be all she wrote ,the elevator sounds of the seventies are becoming surreal

Patrons starting to pay heed they also want speed,pacing like bulls before the race ,just waiting to terrorize

Checker changing color, her eyes growing colder while bagger acting bolder,getting a few munchies is spinning into quite the ordeal

Her order finally tallied ,cheers break out from those who rallied ,she forgot her money so quickly I pay her fare ,just to escape, not caring if it is my own bills that are compromised . R..C
Little fun from the grocery store!  Our patience really is a virtue:) thank you for reading . Your input is helpful. thanks Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Beginning to grow then kicked back a few notches into slow, Want is eager while the rate is meager

Like walking in mud single steps require twice the energy , requiring release so life will work in synergy

Often never knowing the need was there ,hindsight can used as a learning tool
Enlightened we can be a stronger creature

Lost in opaque thought,striving to stand on our own,polishing the glass for a new view
but will still leave a piece of missing history

Imagine your vision in a mirror always wearing a mask, then always working to eliminate this feature

Former strength now a strain walking slower to avoid new pain,each day the blitzkrieg on my body is a true mystery  

Strive for a simpler life ,day by day some say ,taking it all in stride, for time is the great healer

After the fall who  will we call,another won't want the bother ,relying  on our self has been our surest mainstay

Greatest walls can be taken down ,they are also built with layers from foundations
rebuilding  ourselves keeps us from growing weaker

Physique slowly breaking leads to a new awakening ,body & mind separated but ready to align ,remaining thankful in our own way. R.C.
Knowing understanding we really do not total control over certain physical things can be overwhelming for some, it can make us weary having to constantly adjust the physical part ,because we simply relax our mind. taking even a few minutes just for ourselves can be a truly life saving experience. thanks for reading ,your thoughts are helpful Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Approaching middle ground looking back,does a certain palate bring a smile

Perhaps pink or blue given to make us coo,rosy red cheeks telling a simple tale

Yellow sun taught as fun,sky not gray but brilliant blue,looking down for glowing  green grasses not the dead earth perceived as vile

Red & white candy stripers a helping hand or holiday candy canes, uplifting, something to regale

A tank sits idle,clear water just mild ,but adding some life ,a few fins they shimmer
electric blue,neon green and a few gold fish brings new style

Pale empty pots take no position until repositioned with plenty of posy's ,without new shades all would be stale

Smiley face has no grace when seen in black & white ,more fun in sunny hues their fun faces will always inspire

Rainbow forming from gray is an instant show, making short work for a frown to grow helping to reshape our own profile

Every person takes a favorite ,each cause chooses another hue, brighter showing more view ,lesser tones blinding desire

Drink it in like a pretty party punch it's sweetness softens our affairs,will it help or change what we cast ,brighten a dull day make it worthwhile

So when do we refrain from hiding in shadows to basking in limelight ,taking in a moment of what is bright,Break through the whitewash to something we admire
A few thoughts or feelings on how we take in what is around us,have long wondered how color effects personality or how certain types of people can not be comfortable unless everything is flat? or beige. This is a lower tone but similar thoughts when I painted the house PINK & PURPLE :) thanks for reading. your input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Voluntarily merging with rapidly cooling air,does it draw more energy from our depths as we stare

Pulling me as if partially full, wanting to fulfill a hidden inner need,drinking it in helping to establish our new creed

Our moods possibly intertwined like the push & pull of the tides,increases our need to be immersed in its glare

Bright night keeps us from fright, showing hidden apparitions with it's glow,exposing to all the power it can yield

Simple journey merely a need to feel closer ,body,  soul seeking a new role,will it bring new energy as I stare

Drawing from radiance hoping for the guidance ,external glow guiding my flow as I venture farther out into the field

Taking a simple path leaving behind any wrath,taking comfort in twilight hoping it's strength will help my mind repair

Growing restless but letting the glimmer  make it's mark,through the light will my inner heart be revealed

Lunar light with all the might  may appease us on our flight brightly helping us prepare

Seeking to saunter left in limbo until finding that lantern ,waiting for the new beauty to be unsealed

Missing certain daytime beauty,but taking in wonders from the shadows,reflections from an owl's eyes as it stares

Grand orb lending itself so I won't stumble as I stroll around a bend & up the knoll ,Maybe this time or the next, more of mother nature's wonders will be perceived.  R.C.
A few thoughts on a late night full moon walk.  
Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Note for note calling out, from a mere whisper to that great SHOUT  

Faithful follower through the static I never decline ,wait for the new buzz or keeping time in rhyme

Sometimes something to abrupt met with a block,yet still flourish for the new Rock,selecting noises that carry more clout

Days of ecstatic d.j. now lost ,wider broadcast but at what cost , is it worth it just to hear the same old line

When we awake begins slight toe tappin,easy rhythms help carry worldly weight

Orchestral drums from the clouds as rain marks the beats,,lightning bolts sounding like a new chime

Ragtime or romance,does not take much to get our rock to roll,jazzy mood or brooding blues ,even the background hum of elevator  101 can be great

Back to a time of tuning that dial ,hits or misses just for a smile,anything to keep that inner sound divine

Adjust we must,change through experience and age,maybe not accepting of the new rage ,does our love of the tone speak of the future or mark our fate

Waiting for that new disk was it worth the risk A or B first? melody's await will their harmonies catch us in our prime

So keeping our ears open, our eyes await to see what symphony is at the gate
what serenade is new to our soul,waiting for it to wash over us,seeing which trigger it will activate .R.C.
Just a few thoughts on the love of the song, could have stayed with the first thought of when we really needed the radio,but also many people s need for even a whistle or tapping:) But Liked the title so stayed with it. thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Started the race naked and wanting, reaching out accepting whatever they give

Blanket and warm ***** meet our needs,drop of milk from our only true friend

At first we adjust because we must ,unknowing there was a choice,simple acceptance to help us live

Bringing more into the cradle,baubles then glee with that first rattle,everyone helpful all so kind

Finding how to function brings more gumption ,then wanting more goods is another way to help us jive

Well placed placards,voices always ringing then another singing,constant selling ,has over consumption left us all blind

Basics  being lost ,frivolous thought have a cost ,  matching bedspreads with a bathroom and maybe even my car now a vice

So much all around hard to focus on one sound,from simple notes to a full orchestra we have been redesigned

Does lacking leave us grieving will our need bring us up to speed,that new want be satisfied by the next

Will more blankets bring added warmth ,stacks of staples leave us satisfied,needing only one at a time leaves the others nullified

With age brings wisdom,but have we gained from when Mom was our guiding light pretty packages leaving us in a trance are the real issues being addressed. R.C.
Maybe could have went another direction or stayed in childhood? But liked the title so went with it. it seems we spend a lifetime of constantly padding our surroundings making something "nice" is seen as advancement? maybe goes a little deeper when thought of how some are never satisfied,also thoughts of our new need for INSTANT answers is always in my mind ,so maybe those feelings as well. Thank you for reading your thoughts are a big help , have a great day. Rick
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