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wichitarick Oct 2017

Leaving the searing sins of summer behind to take a milder approach

Longer brighter days left begging as the sun sets  closer and closer to the evening news

Early is still warm but with a cool night, removing an hour will help lighten the load

Home is divided between heating or cooling ,but cuts bills that gives us the blues

Early autumn whispering, green leaves still glistening ,watching the beautiful blossoms erode

Whistling winds no longer as warm, chilly nights more the norm , changing clothing a game of pick & choose

Frequent freezes still blocked by late summer breezes,longer nights mean the day has slowed

Soon dreams of cider and rich apple pies will ring true,switching from salads to hearty stews

Casual shorts & t shirts changed out for long pants & flannel ,not quite ready for those heavy sweaters to be sewed

Final warning to prepare ,wild winters do not care ,first frost means higher cost ,seal all holes ,block all winters air unless you live in an igloo.

Last winters memory lost ,spring also faded ,settling out of summer for the upcoming beauty of Fall and all she will bestow. R.C.
A few thoughts for the shorter days. lost track a little,was first thought of with clocks falling back and shorter days not just an ode to fall but still came along nicely without just rambling of colors or frost and pumpkins:)
I appreciate your reading ,your thoughts are helpful. OH and happy Fall:) Rick
wichitarick Sep 2017

Wanting our own way is something many only wish for or blindly crave

Making a grand display is more often a great rarity than something known as the norm

Modify complex lives,alter that big flood before it is paid in blood ,redirecting that wave

Taking a lower rung on the ladder isn't always a simple matter ,balance takes a new form

At times the rush may seem too much ,needing a way for balance must be our new craze

Astray is a rough way ,good things don't always last ,occasionally needing to be reborn

Never at ease on the sea ,Earth and her many ways to play,river run dry ,deserts overflow,but from a fog we must emerge from the haze

Family's divided ,their split over wills is  a new ill,members together are now  alone and left forlorn

From the bottom we climb, each level coming in time ,keeping from going astray as we make our way through the ongoing maze

So as we arrange the way we play ,sometime pleasures take second base, so we learn to harmonize constantly finding new ways to make us strong R.C.
Making it all sometimes can clash,learning in hindsight isn't always bad IF we learn from it:) we might all say we were good good with it ,but how whining did we do getting there? Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2017

It seems such a waste to look & look through all of the letters that help form all the words

Would we so quickly condemn a vagrant on the road with a sign stating "Will work for verbs"

With so many how would one know which sound or function is missing,simple flock or huge like the herds

One language severely limiting in what is perceived, at a loss to what is received ,something new like a gem or clutch of pearls

Fainting memory hiding even more, a simple caption brings out a new score, bringing something from the reserves

Finding is easy ,aligning much harder,start with one barter for another,leading sentences into new curves

The lender should not hinder,maybe the new text will bring the world abreast and giving the writer what he deserves

Unscramble with a new game of scrabble anything to break up the ramble,the more we're left looking the more it gets on our nerves

Exploration and hidden expectation,some become obsessed in for the duration,like a tornado of talk lost in the swirls

So much energy into inquiry of analysis for a simple product  ,but importance is placed
on explanation so maybe each comment will have it's own chauffeur.R.C.
Maybe another word search rhyme? :)   Also a game in short term memory loss ,how do really know when we have lost some parts of speech? or have the explanation but not the word or have it recalled in a deja vus experience:) I smile because I have that as a natural way of life. not simply let it drive us truly batty is a good testimony :) My Mom was a crossword addict I wished I could share this with her:) Thanks for reading,your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2017

Home is where the heart is ,hearth is what hold the home fires

***** path or shiny blacktop laid out like veins when there was no one or anything to take up the reins

Many a maze left us in a daze, seeking venture or that new craze ,hearing the latest from the next town criers

Coast to coast often to much for most ,for some needing another hamlet to boast anything to just follow those new lanes

Never sitting solid like a rock ,even it can be washed into sand ,giving in to the call to see what new transpires

Reeling out the years left with memories of burning gears ,now maybe lost in new life constraints

Lines on a blueprint muddled in road signs,maybe cruising again from imaginations or however it conspires

Center of a nation peering out in every direction,what now? maybe just a thumb or a howling greyhound  ,make a new move with no complaints

Now video for everything not the old travel agent brochure,sparkling oceans or misty mountains ,a longing that still brings smiles

For some a need for speed, others just backroads glee,unknowing,unsure for me but could quickly change with new mates

Longing to find a new view over that next horizon is an addiction,for some just a burning need to post more miles

But as we settle in a predictable life  is met with less chagrin,maybe we've made our mark  more passive but waiting on new email updates. R.C.
Few thoughts on home or not having one,actually started harmonizing a song with words like miles & roads or trails ,but didn't come out quite the same when writing it:) Maybe finally get away this winter? Thanks for reading your input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2017

Flighty mind slowly taking it's toll,quest for simple rest having eluded even the best

Finding flowing rhythms a constant quest ,searching constantly for a moment's contentment

Minds energy backwashed onto a mellowing brain,we want but are left oppressed

Finding seclusion is the ultimate solution ,bodies needing this simple investment

Splashing memories make bad bedfellows ,mellowed mind traded for distressed

Daily drama deliberately dealt with ,caressing ourselves to crash,not wanting to be menaced

Fantasy fiddling on the edge with reality ,playing roundabout as our emotions are caressed

Create a phantom with pharmaceuticals with no guidelines to follow, searching for a method

Broad imaginations bridled must be put on idle to receive repose ,holding back becomes harder to accept

Wash away the wisdom of the day ,try to find that neutral space ,blacking out to much reality ,just needing the noises to be deafened . R.C.
A few thoughts on insomnia ,our mind and our body's aren't always on the same plane . Thanks for reading,your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2017

Often what we need is all around ,falling light,simple sound,lost until we actually look

Splash of rain momentarily a pain is the life's blood for most all living

Strolling into the wind are we  flustered  as it makes us bend or thankful for the coolness as we walk

Life is dealt in spades ,take pleasure with each treasure,tokens accepted then gladly given

Practice makes perfect is our daily plan,what will work,made in haste or taken from a book

When will we see to set our own stage ,break free from a cage,watch our narrow path widen

Accepting but still hesitant ,await what could be bright or will it bring us down,something hidden, wanting to revoke

Strength from within harnessed,finding new drive,  watching it build ,maybe something new on the horizon

Reflections in hindsight build inner muscle,Lessons earned when willing to uncloak

Who pays the penance, where will we retrieve the vigor when left lacking  will we see the vision

Finding more room in our soul becomes an unforeseen role ,adjusting each day
like an artist from a simple sketch to that final masterstroke. R.C.
We often need something extra to rely on,it often isn't the others we can reach out too, finding that hidden inner strength can be a real growing experience
I appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
  Sep 2017 wichitarick
Emily B
when I began to write
all those years ago

I was amazed to find
that I even
had a voice.

It was a gift
that I never
hoped for.

I only shared light.

There is too much

And then
little by little
I had to write
about the monsters
in the deep.

And my writing
got to be

Those couldn't be
my words.

Don't bury me
in a grave
in a big old box
I've known too much

And so here I am
trying to balance
with hope for a new future

That may be called
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