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wichitarick Apr 2017
First breath awaking in darkness, silence then given quickly to a rush, whisked into heat and noise
steady, holding back clinks,pings ,rings warming into soft flashes almost melancholic if it were bottled as beauty
Flush with the freshness of a moment so instant, smells broke into color segments seen as slides, a long lifetime voice
Harboring back before seeking outward motion ,yet relaxing with angst, not realizing to soon become one again acutely

Broke out of that beginning ,steadily come out of unrest can now become the hardest test
Wanting to lay back in that happy although confusing matrimony of several souls ,placidity quickly becoming memory
Tension tucked under a softer note until it vibrates into the moment ,helping the noise grow it is yours to divest
Having to come up and face the pain is now not your decision to restrain ,it WILL be now ,unregulated even scary

Processed at a baseline level, the neutral of what is next is almost impossible to place into text
Begging to stay back but intentionally standing up ,dusting ,cleansing,rinsing, allows much more freedom to our soul
Broke out to scale a new life ladder ,will it hold the weight of our future fate as we gain new ground anxiously without proper rest
Standing now are we ready for the approaching head wave ,inner trust is a positive must when seeking new ground is our role

MADE IT! only a moment we gained a bit ,realizing the true life drama of flesh and bones is not some elusive parallel
Stretching out, making movements as a process of testing ,finding levels and degrees of burn or recall
Fast forgotten ,moved along rode out up and over more obstacles ,a course without remorse a blinding spinning carousel
Fast but with resolution ,more as another marker to gauge all oncoming events ,rising to the next level with new wisdom to enthrall.R.C.
Dusted this off, Probably with the idea of the conscious & then almost blind world recovery then collapse of mind & body,I remain grateful but is a true battle for some,a true balance. Thanks for reading I appreciate you in put. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

Letting our mind wander can lead to a real plunder ,stray from the line will not be fine

Gradually trained to tactfully tally, blindly waiting our turn veering left or right not seen as to bright

Perfect perseverance to a parallel is taught off a white line is not fought,this kind will lead to something Devine

How to stay grounded while absorbing others energy  ,when only looking into black how will we ever see the light

Palpable persuasions force us to respond in the way that is recommended,when only following how do we refine

When being lead, how will we know when only going with the flow,what is to be the trigger to make us fight

Claiming true identity & finding our own serenity not to be factory stamped but matured like fine wine

Even the groovy seem to follow inside, never seeing outside the group or noticing the beacon to give them flight

When forced do we ever truly feel how to fit  ,are we now outside looking in shown a way out, will we take the easy way & resign

A new day awakening or just another soul led astray ,what might be the outcome of a free mind finding it's way ,maybe new wonders not old history to rewrite.R.C.
It seems in this "new" age we hear more and more of people who are original or simply not following rules etc. is funny how many live in beigeland and claim non conformist ideals:) nothing wrong with the hope that a white picket fence offers:) It is a game of give and take ,running water is rather addicting. Thanks for reading ,thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017
Rising from reductions ,weightless whisp then a possibility of fright in flight
Startled, raked back into normalcy, ignorance to the fathoms of the breath the inner depths
Blissfully blind to the peers, but internally largely unknown fears, passive knowing only right
Fractions of forces gathered to form a mass ,drips driven down gradually gaining while you slept

As a minion not forming an opinion is never a crime ,shame or blame a yet to be played game
That blink or wink still unknown verbs ,waiting for the possibility to become part of your personality
Remaining suppressed, not ready for our minds or souls to fully digest,awaiting in embers until forming a flame
Naivete begins as a valuable trait ,holding back fears or tears ,behind curtains ,future fumblings maybe forthcoming

Applications in stages,still blind but curiosity for the future is strength,from blind to building blocks
Distressing verbiage now seen as fancy neuro terms ,tics ,twitches ,no longer from unknown trenches
when younger we plunder ,no time to sit or wonder,maybe symptoms mild,grains waiting to be rocks
Mediocrity can become costly in blunders ,recall that knowledge or sit wondering on the benches

Mild medium as kind stages then BOLD,BRASH even DEADLY,DISASTROUS no longer just phases
Presence of mind now seen as a "present to OUR kind" no fiction or labels, now a need to be stable
Discovery is not an end but maybe a new beginning ,future pain now known to be winning
alien ramblings into recognized ,certified,specialty, terminology ,up to par not living a fable.R.C.
Dusted this off. Think this works well in showing how to not let something or things from our past truly possess our current living.
Indifference is not resolution,blind still is a blurry memory,allow to live for a future.
Appreciate your reading all input is a big help. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017
So many tunes of love ,have been there & been in doubt, follow the obvious path or take another route

Some seem to start simply building on hope ,foregone conclusions already trying to build a future built on delusions

Same basic story of starting with a solid foundation,brick by brick building, but even a lock & key often take a little jiggle or have some doubt

Did you ever have a shadow of suspicion deep within your mind ,now there is resolution because you've found your own kind & another to whisper the solutions

To many masters & even more fools living is easier but there are still rules
simply needing each other carries the most clout

Seeking early harmony forgetting it is still work ,plenty of time to mark the other a ****, still learning to make individual contributions

Bonded,blended, intertwined like deepening roots of a tree,continually paying a fee
remembering to hold together as it was vowed

Poker made easy when starting with a pair,no bluffing but you can read each others mind,Your call but still seeking solutions

People not able to live without, but then leave many burning bridges ,were bonds ever sealed if always in revolutions?

Others  wandering, while still wondering,suddenly blissful ,blindsided by unseen bonds ,found a singer for the band,affinity & rapport is finally allowed.R.C.
More "Lovey" than my usual thoughts,but an easy recall how true love just simply came about
Which I guess now would bring the thought of do ever completely fall out of it? :) more wore out in my case:)
Thanks for reading appreciate any thoughts. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

Feels so good to feel so fine the depth of the internal cavern can not be seen

Nothing can please me more than to know the true score of the path I have laid & where it leads

Unfettered emotion flowing, even the blinks bring a smirk ,the blackest night serene & clean

Glowing so great ,running about why must we wait, beauty among the flowers without noticing the weeds

Oh all the ways we have played, think about it, would we have rather stayed now that we know the view was so pristine

Held back so many times I now have the utmost urge to splurge,Jumping to the forefront  not just our immediate needs

Past performance be ****** ,shut that gate take my eyes off my lingering fate
merely a moment's notice to let'em roll on number thirteen

Those frisky feelings might corrupt the dealings ,but a simple price to pay
if wanting collect to on life's receipts

Break out a favorite band maybe a party at hand! colored lights & carousels
Jumping UP holds a lot of clout when it is with the energy of a teen

Juke joints or sock hops ,keggers or peace party's or Monster Mosh takes some grit
simply a faster way to absorb life's treats

So Sunshine or rain won't let my smile wain to pass it on,shake their hands so they get a grip whispering to let it rip as we're heading off to sights unseen
Bit of fun literally ,had a mood set by some favorite music,so it came easy:)   I appreciate your reading & input thank you. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

People always barking about another path to change our ways ,how we will be for ever grateful in our future days

Forcing from silence previous happenings or innocent back slappings,slipping back to something never viewed as bad

Self recollections once seen as fine now only felt with disdain, or a new view of how we may have strayed

Smiling once held in the highest regard now slipping into half a frown ,possibly by a simple sentence from some cad

Wealth with wisdom ,daily dealings acknowledged with glee ,simple patterns, way of life not requiring much of a barricade

Never noticed until another decided we must pry open life's ledger,slowly taking away a smile ,falling into a blind trap

Born into contentment,unknowing,we have to learn resentment ,why have we waited all this time to be afraid?

Another's point of view often drawing on speculation can become our new prelude
our previous Peace now becoming flat

So should our inner resolution be tended to & mended on with only ourselves as the judge,the balance of the soul laid upon our own scale to be weighed.R.C.
Solving problems within ourselves that may not exist? Differences between realizing & creating .if nothing was wrong to begin with did we really need to fix it?
  A fine line guidance but still remain ourselves.
Thanks for reading, all input is appreciated . "peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

  Naturally in need we gather together never losing a desire for a shoulder as we grow older

Babbling babes needing moms but also giving as much as they acquire

Separate but coming together as one ,even early games requiring more than one card holder

"Lean on me" or me on thee,singles to doubles makes it easier to pick up the rubble or put out the fire

Alone or lonely the singular verbiage can be cured with some care a simple share ,a little warmth when it's colder

Merely a prop to help if we drop ,how deep seated the need how much of the others soul does another require

Becoming one, a necessary achievement, is it possible to gain this without a buoy as life adds another folder

Working alone sensible for some ,better when another will listen to our groan or give us someone to admire

Two to tango or more to Fandango ,better than dancing alone ,together more fun  than being a loner

Non typical hired help they would do the job for free ,so enjoy a helping hand a striking conversation ,is easier to make each other smile:) R.C.
.Do we need another? is truly content possible when alone ?things do work better in pairs:) thanks for reading all in put is appreciated. Rick
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